RE: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

2001-07-26 Thread Burleson, Thomas

Would you care to elaborate on your solution?

-Original Message-
From: Aapo Laakkonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

 I know this too... but it's not the problem what I'm having.

 Here is the work flow:

 1. select user from list
 - executes SelectUserAction that places UserBean in request scope.
 - forwards to edituser.jsp.
 2. Populate form that is in edituser.jsp from UserBean
 - that form has action mapping to UpdateUserAction.
 3. Submit form (Update)
 - UserForm gets populated and then it's validated by struts by calling
validate method.
 - If validation fails then  go back to edituser.jsp and the problem
   there is not anymore UserBean in request scope, because
   SelectUserAction is responsible of that and it does not get
   so I get error: No xxx bean in scope null.

 So how do I write that form so I can populate it automatically? I mean
 that what code I should put in SelectUserAction so I can use tag like

I got it to work. Thanks for everyone who replied to this issue!

Re: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

2001-07-26 Thread Aapo Laakkonen

 Here is the work flow:

 1. select user from list
 - executes SelectUserAction that places UserBean in request scope.
 - forwards to edituser.jsp.
 2. Populate form that is in edituser.jsp from UserBean
 - that form has action mapping to UpdateUserAction.
 3. Submit form (Update)
 - UserForm gets populated and then it's validated by struts by
validate method.
 - If validation fails then  go back to edituser.jsp and the problem
   arises: there is not anymore UserBean in request scope, because
   SelectUserAction is responsible of that and it does not get
   executed, so I get error: No xxx bean in scope null.

 So how do I write that form so I can populate it automatically? I mean
 that what code I should put in SelectUserAction so I can use tag like

 I got it to work. Thanks for everyone who replied to this issue!

 Would you care to elaborate on your solution?

Ok here it goes. Instead of populating custom UserBean I populate
UserForm Bean in EditUserAction. The form is the same that is also
used in UpdateUserAction and InsertUserAction. I know that struts
guidelines say that reuse you action classes, but I like separating these
different actions in different action classes because I'm quite new to
this Java World and I'm not using EJBs. This works for me. If you
are planning bigger application then it is recommended to use EJBs,
but the timeframe in this project is so tight so I have no time to learn
all those fancy Java APIs and Patterns.

My Mappings looks like this:

form-bean name=UserForm

action path=/userlist
forward name=success
!-- this is redundant as it forwards to same place
as success, but it is here so I can change it if
I want and Action class remains unchanged   --
forward name=failure
action path=/edituser
forward name=success
action path=/updateuser
forward name=success
forward name=cancel
action path=/insertuser
forward name=success
action path=/deleteuser
forward name=success

Pretty weird, huh!

Re: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

2001-07-25 Thread suhas

if u have overridden validate method in the actionForm then ActionServlet
automatically take u to the mapping.getInput() ( i.e  ur input jsp file )
where u can show the errors using html:errors tag . Basicallly
ActionErrors are kept in the request scope which are retrieved in the
html:errors tag

Else if u want to do validation even in ur action class , then create a
instance of ActionErrors in the action class and add errors to it . save the
errors using saveErrors(request , actionErrros) method available in the
Struts- Action class . So errors will be kept in the request scope and again
use same html:errors tag to display them

For both editUser and save saveUser use same actionForm

- Original Message -
From: Aapo Laakkonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

 I know that this have been asked several times, but I did
 not find answer for this little problem.

 I have list of lets say users. Each user has a link that maps
 to edituser action. That action then gets executed and it
 places userbean to request scope. Then struts forwards
 action to edituser.jsp. Edituser.jsp has form that has
 action mapping set to updateuser. When user submits
 that form which binds to userform action form the
 validate method of that actionform gets executed. If
 validation errors occurred then we get back to input
 form (which is edituser.jsp or -- which
 to use?). And this is the point when I do not really
 understand what I should do, because when user gets
 back to edituser.jsp or then there is not
 anymore that userbean is request scope. And because does not have any forms associated with
 it then I should instead use edituser.jsp as input for
 updateuser action. But how I then write that form

 I have several options:

 1. put userbean in session scope (might be problem in
 multiserver environment also the modifications that user
 entered are not visible).

 2. Have another jsp-page that does not populate the form
 from userbean. Not good option because almost the same
 form needs to be written second time.

 3. Use logic tags to check the existence of userbean and if
 it does not exist then do not populate and let the form
 populate itself from posted form. Same problems as in 2.

 4. Somehow prepopulate the form with no manual
 population, but automatically. So do I pre-populate the
 form. What code I need to put in edituser action that
 previously placed userbean in request scope. I want to
 place the form object in that same scope, but don't
 know how. This is the best option and has no problems
 or at least I have not found a one.

 Thanks again!

 Aapo Laakkonen

 -- Aapo Laakkonen, +358 (50) 33 99 682, ProjectCast Ltd, Helsinki,

Re: Pre-Populating ActionForm (again)

2001-07-25 Thread Aapo Laakkonen

 if u have overridden validate method in the actionForm then ActionServlet
 automatically take u to the mapping.getInput() ( i.e  ur input jsp file )
 where u can show the errors using html:errors tag . Basicallly
 ActionErrors are kept in the request scope which are retrieved in the
 html:errors tag

I know that.

 Else if u want to do validation even in ur action class , then create a
 instance of ActionErrors in the action class and add errors to it . save
 errors using saveErrors(request , actionErrros) method available in the
 Struts- Action class . So errors will be kept in the request scope and
 use same html:errors tag to display them

I know this too... but it's not the problem what I'm having.

Here is the work flow:

1. select user from list
- executes SelectUserAction that places UserBean in request scope.
- forwards to edituser.jsp.
2. Populate form that is in edituser.jsp from UserBean
- that form has action mapping to UpdateUserAction.
3. Submit form (Update)
- UserForm gets populated and then it's validated by struts by calling
   validate method.
- If validation fails then  go back to edituser.jsp and the problem
  there is not anymore UserBean in request scope, because
  SelectUserAction is responsible of that and it does not get executed,
  so I get error: No xxx bean in scope null.

So how do I write that form so I can populate it automatically? I mean
that what code I should put in SelectUserAction so I can use tag like this:

html:text property=userName size=14 maxlength=14/

to automatically pre-populate that form, instead of writing code like this:

html:text name=userBean property=userName size=14 maxlength=14/.

Is there some way to put pre-populated form in some scope so that struts
automatically finds it and populates the form (I bet there is, but don't
how to do it).

I also included my first mail in this so you can get more specific detail on
this problem.

  I know that this have been asked several times, but I did
  not find answer for this little problem.
  I have list of lets say users. Each user has a link that maps
  to edituser action. That action then gets executed and it
  places userbean to request scope. Then struts forwards
  action to edituser.jsp. Edituser.jsp has form that has
  action mapping set to updateuser. When user submits
  that form which binds to userform action form the
  validate method of that actionform gets executed. If
  validation errors occurred then we get back to input
  form (which is edituser.jsp or -- which
  to use?). And this is the point when I do not really
  understand what I should do, because when user gets
  back to edituser.jsp or then there is not
  anymore that userbean is request scope. And because does not have any forms associated with
  it then I should instead use edituser.jsp as input for
  updateuser action. But how I then write that form
  I have several options:
  1. put userbean in session scope (might be problem in
  multiserver environment also the modifications that user
  entered are not visible).
  2. Have another jsp-page that does not populate the form
  from userbean. Not good option because almost the same
  form needs to be written second time.
  3. Use logic tags to check the existence of userbean and if
  it does not exist then do not populate and let the form
  populate itself from posted form. Same problems as in 2.
  4. Somehow prepopulate the form with no manual
  population, but automatically. So do I pre-populate the
  form. What code I need to put in edituser action that
  previously placed userbean in request scope. I want to
  place the form object in that same scope, but don't
  know how. This is the best option and has no problems
  or at least I have not found a one.
  Thanks again!
  Aapo Laakkonen