I use nested template tag as the following:

<template:insert template="template.jsp">

  <template:put name="header" content="header.jsp"/>

  <template:put name="content" direct="true">
     <template:insert template="contentTemplate.jsp">
         <template:put name="contentTitleImage"
content="images/content_01.gif" direct="true"/>
         <template:put name="contentTable" content="myContent.jsp"/>

  <template:put name="footer" content="footer.jsp"/>


template.jsp is a template that contains header, content and footer.
contentTemplate.jsp is a template that contains a title image and a detail
content jsp to which I pass myContent.jsp. It works fine except that the
browser (both IE and Netscape) keeps busy for a while after the page header,
content and footer are loaded. It seems that the browser tries to load
something else.
JavaScript won't work until the browser finish loading. I have no idea what
it is loading.
It only happens when I use template:put tag to pass a content
(myContent.jsp) to the nested
template (contentTemplate.jsp) without using 'direct="true"'. If I use
the browser returns immediately but that is not what I want. I want the
content to be
included instead of printed directly.
Does anyone know what the problem is? Is there any solution or workaround?


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