Johan>> I use the default Tomcat 5.0.9 - which defines nothing allowing 
all the defaults to be used.  Then in the Tomcat server.xml you need to enable jk2.

    <!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector port="8009" 
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" debug="0"
               protocol="AJP/1.3" /> 

The in Apache 2.0.45 is where any real changes are made.  Here is 
the top part.  I use a /do/ strategy instead of .do.


# Example socket channel, override port and host.
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# define the worker

# Uri mapping
info=Map the actions to webapp

info=Map the security request to tomcat

Here is the httpd.conf entry for the same domain.  I use the war as the container for 
all source but Tomcat only serves up the /do/ requests and Apache handles the rest.

<VirtualHost *>


    DocumentRoot web/holmansite/
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ErrorLog logs/error_logs/holmansite-error.log
    CustomLog logs/access_logs/holmansite-access.log combined
    # Create an Alias for Holmansite
    Alias /holmansite/ "C:/Apache/Tomcat/webapps/holmansite/"


Cal            Last update 08/01/03

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Wasserman - CPX Mngd Services [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 01:51
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: HTTP 404 Not Found on Actions - SOLVED

Nope, nothing to do with struts!  It's something to do with how Tomcat /
Apache is set up.  When I try via Tomcat only it works.  I'll have to
relook the Tomcat/Apache thing (mod_jk), if ANYBODY has a tried and
trusted way of setting this up, please let me know.

Tomcat v.  5.0.3
Apache v. 2.0.46

Sory for this "out of context".


-----Original Message-----
From: Koni Roth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 12:41 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: HTTP 404 Not Found on Actions

Try struts 1.1 final version. Here it works ;-)

Johan Wasserman - CPX Mngd Services wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm running struts 1.1-rc2 and get a 404 when entering an unrecognized

> username & password on the logon page for struts-example (Mailreader
> demo).  It goes to localhost/sruts-example/ but with a 404
> Page not found.  I've checked and double checked my web &
> struts-config files, I mean they've not been changed from the
> download.
> Thanks,
> Johan Wasserman.

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