> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Hodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:36 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Display tag library/font size in tables?
> I'm using the display tag library (cool thing) and would like to
> change the font size of the output. As far as I can tell, the
> taglib doesn't support anything like the <font> tag and wrapping
> <font> around the <display:column> tag does nothing (it is ignored).
> Example
> --------
> <display:table width="85%" name="logsList" scope="session"
> pagesize="15" requestURI="http://localhost:8080/something.jsp";>
>   <display:column property="createDate" title="Date/Time" width="15%"/>
> </display:table>
> What are my options? I'd like to produce output like the snippet below:
> <td width=15%><font face=Verdana, helvetica color=#003366
> size=1><strong>Date/Time</strong></font></td>

Maybe I'm missing the point, but isn't this something that should be handled
by your CSS?

> Dave
> ---
> Dave Hodson
> MessageCast, inc.
> www.messagecast.net


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