
yes you can apply equal tag to current element in ur collection inside a
logic:iterate as follows.

<logic:iterate id="caja" name="cajas" type="com.xxxx.yyyy.cajas.Caja"
scope="session" >

<logic:equal name="caja" property="linkLess" value="false">
<a href="<bean:write name="caja" property="url"/>"  target="preview">

<span class="titular_cajas_sup">
<bean:write name="caja" property="title" filter="false"/></a></span><br>
<span class="conte_cajas">
<bean:write name="caja" property="summary" filter="false"/>


id="caja" gives u handle to current item inside a logic iterate (name=caja)
and just like you do your bean:writes you can use logic:equal/match based on
the data types you are trying to apply your logic on.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Bartlett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 4:00 PM
To: StrutsUser Maillist
Subject: equal tag within iterate have access to current item

Greetings -

I have a page where I wish to place a logic:equal tag
within an iterate tag.  I would like the method (in
the FormBean) associated with the logic:equal tag to
have the context of the current item to use as part of
its logic.

Is there any way to do this ?  For example, can the
iterate tag call a setter in the FormBean to set the
current item in the list ?


Gary Bartlett

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