Re: [Q] How to query session.isNew() with struts:logic tags

2000-11-20 Thread Joe Peer

   mayby i am wrong but
   PageContext.SESSION is a string, so how could it expose a property
"new" ?

i was _really_ wrong !
sorry about that

Re: [Q] How to query session.isNew() with struts:logic tags

2000-11-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Matthias Kerkhoff wrote:

 Hi all,

 I need a hint, how I could query properties of implicit JSP variables
 like session, request or page. I tried the following, but it didn't work:

 %@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="if" %
 if:equal name="%= PageContext.SESSION %" property="new" value="true"Session is 

 Is this my fault, or have I (once again) found a container bug ?

It would be helpful to know what kind of compile or runtime error you are getting.

 Thanks for your help.

 Matthias  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
