Re: Other Frameworks?

2001-06-14 Thread Ted Husted

Have you seen this:

 Steven Leija wrote:
 Hey All,
 I was asked to evaluate java frameworks that are available such as
 Struts, Turbine, Barracuda, Smartmode, Velocity, Expresso, Niggle,
 Tapestry, and Swinglets.  Does anyone have any sort of opinion over
 which frameworks are the best?  Which frameworks are not the best or
 ideal to use?  Do any of the frameworks compliment others?  Does
 Struts work well with other frameworks such as Cocoon?
 I'm in favor of Struts, but I must evaluate other frameworks to come
 up with a the pro's and con's with each framework and why Struts is
 more dominate over it's competitor frameworks.

RE: Other Frameworks?

2001-06-14 Thread Flying Cloud


Since you asked about what frameworks compliment others

Expresso Framework for example is being integrated with Struts so as to
complement Struts. We're a lot closer with this integration with the release
last week of Expresso 3.1. There is a development roadmap onsite under
Documentation, and as I understand it the full integration is to be out
sometime around the end of July. We have forums on both our User and
Developers Forums discussing this integration. You can find the forums at: and
selecting the Forums link in the left column (you need to be registered for

I tried to catch up with Craig McClanahan during the show to talk to him
about this integration and the night of the Struts BOF I had a prior meeting
to receive an award - so dang missed out on the BOF.  BTW the Jcorporate
Open Source Team for Expresso Framework, received the prestigious 2001 Java
Community Award for Outstanding Group Technical Contribution to the Java
Community, at the Third Annual Java Technology Achievement Awards event,
held during JavaOne in San Francisco. This event was sponsored by Java Pro
magazine and Sun Microsystems. This award was one of 5 Java Community Awards
for 2001.

Sandra Cann