On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Eddie Bush wrote:

> Go check out Chuck's book to see what Struts can do and how easily it
> can be configured.  If you have specific questions about "Well, would my
> end usrs have to program to do <X>?" just swing by and drop us a note.
>  There are a bunch (understatement!) of talented folks on the list that
> aren't scared to give their opinion.  Oh, and you might also search
> "oreilly.com" articles for "rolling blogger" to give you some ideas of
> how you can automate Struts configuration type things.  I haven't looked
> at his system in depth, but, as I recall, he builds his design on Struts
> (and Velocity, and ...).

This is the site for Roller: http://www.rollerweblogger.org/
It has a link to the O'Reilly article. I can't say too much about it
because I haven't poured through the code much either, but it deployed
quite easily.

--> stu: www.stuology.net
It just no longer is plain simple safe fun
when it's the psycho chimp that has the ray gun
Stuology -- A million monkeys can't be wrong

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