Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-10 Thread Volker Krebs

Ted Husted wrote:

 Volker Krebs wrote:
I'm intrested, can you please post a patched JAR.
We are doing some Action chaning in our application.

 OK, see

Sorry, but with your patched struts.jar my Application
won't deploy.
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionMessages
I'm using Tomcat 3.2.3 on Win2000.
Also I had to make the invokeAction Method public.

But the solution Paul Devine suggested:
return action2.perform(  );
is almost what I wanted to do. (Pass a diffrent formBean with my


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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-10 Thread Volker Krebs

Hello Ted,

 If anyone is interested, I can post a patched JAR. But then they really,
 really need to tell me that it works, or else this will never be

I've finally managed to test it. I had to integrated
in the newest nightly build, because we are using
some new tags. But after that it worked fine in our Application.

It still has to be integrated in the ActionServlet for
tiles (ActionComponentServlet), and the invokeAction method
has to become public.

I would appreciate if this would be committed.



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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-09 Thread Paul Devine

Hi Mohammed

sorry for my late reply.  If you want to use use action chaining to
accomplish this, you will need to define both Action1 and Action2 mappings
in your struts-config.xml file.   In the Action2 mapping, define a
forward... for let's call it login_failed which points to /
I can send on the exact syntax if you need that (i just don't have it with
me right now.)In Action1 mapping you will define a forward... to
something like process_login which points to your Action2 / .

Alternatively you could just hard code the dependency in your Action1 class,
i.e. in the perform() method of Action1, you could do a
return action2.perform(  );
depends what makes sense in the context of your application

Please let me know if this does not help

- Paul

- Original Message -
From: Mohammed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

 Hi Paul,

 I have a similar Problem. From a link I invoke Action1 whichn sendes a
 to the Browser. With a submit on this form I am invoking Action2.
 In the Action2Form I am validating the user input. In the Action2 itself I
 invoke a registeruser() methode of a database Object.
 When the username in the userfield already exist in the database I want to
 tell the user he should try another username. To do this I forward to
 Action1 again. what should I do so that the

 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:33 AM
 Subject: Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

  I chain actions the way you describe. When you say the action form is
  reset before the next action gets to process, do you mean (a)
  that your ActionForm object's reset() method is invoked and you have
  overridden that method to clear out the form?  Or do you mean (b) the
  goes out of scope and a new one gets constructed by the time the second
  action gets to process ?  (or something else you are observing?)   If
  (a) then I don't know of any in-built mechanisms to solve this, you may
  to write some code to manage that yourself.
  - Paul
  - Original Message -
  From: Joe Faith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:54 AM
  Subject: action chaining without resetting action forms
   I want to 'chain' actions, by setting the forward of one to be
   The problem is that this resets the action form before calling the
   Is there anyway to prevent this, or am I chaining actions in the wrong
   Joe Faith
   T: (+44) 01273 234294
   M: (+44) 07968 292064
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-07 Thread Peter Pilgrim

This is the same as my ActionMultiplexer thing that I wrote.
Basically I have created a DefaultActionForm class with a `action' property.
Ditto created `AppBaseAction' and `AppActionServlet' and these two
know about each other.

The way Struts 1.0 is that the ActionForm bean is populated from 
Of course if you multiplex [ call an action from another action ] you can have problems
because the Java Servlet 2.2 specs does not have mutable reguest.,getParameters().
So I had to cheat in my AppActionServlet to make it look in the
`request.getAttributes( button_name )'
first if there is no value set then `request.getParameter( button_name )'.

This is how I got around the action form properly. It is the only way because Struts
is simply using the standard Java Servlet API for request.getRequestDispatcher()
when you call `return mapping.findForward( ... );'

I think you have two choices Ted:

1)  Go through the request.getRequestDispatcher() API
(This is more consistent with Suns API, so I choose this option)

2) Fake it, dont go throught the request dispatcher, call the action directly.
Therefore find the Action in the ActionMappings and then create the Bean
as a normal newInstance() and call processAction() directly. May be I am
not making a lot sense here.

In either case you may to do I have done prioritise bean population
request.getAttribute and request.getParameter().

Say if you want to override the action command before you forward to the sub action
you do as you would with the request dispatcher API.

request.setAttribute( action,  promptForm );
mapping.findForward( dispatch-dvd-order );

Whatever action and action form dispatch-dvd-order invoke would cause
the action form bean, for sake of argument DvdOrderForm, property action to be
set with promptForm (provided of course it has accessor/mutator

DVDActionForm extends DefaultActionForm {
String action=;
String getAction() {  }
void setAction(String) { ... }

Peter Pilgrim ++44 (0)207-545-9923
Mathematics is essentially the study of islands of  ===
disparate subjects in a sea of ignorance.   || ! ||
Andrew Wiles _

 Message History 

From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/12/2001 19:51 EST

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

When you forward to a JSP, the original ActionForm and ActionMapping are
left alone.

As it stands, when you forward to another Action, the ActionServlet uses
the same processing cycle it used for the first Action. If an ActionForm
is specified by the mapping, the ActionServlet will try to populate it.
It will also put the mapping for the second Action into the request,
obliterating any trace of the original Action. As far as your
ViewAction knows, it is the one and only Action that has been called.

If your response-Action is using its own data structures, and is not
looking for the Struts ActionForm or ActionMapping in the request, or is
hiding them in delegates, then you are all set.

Of course, if it is not using the ActionForm or ActionMapping, why not
make it a standalone servlet? At which point it would be exactly the
same as forwarding to a JSP.

A current DEV idea is to provide for invoking the Action directly. This
would work better for you, and is an easy change to the ActionServlet.
This would also allow you to share ActionForms and ActionMappings
between Action objects.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Cakalic, James P. wrote:
 Upshot is, if there are any problems forwarding between Actions that are
 essentially different than the semantics of forwarding from an Action to a
 JSP, I really need to know what they are and how they can be addressed.

 Best regards,
 Jim Cakalic

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RE: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-07 Thread Cakalic, James P.

Thanks for your response, Ted. I (or another developer on my team) will be
driving a spike on this in the next few days but I wanted to parrot back
what I understood for confirmation.

Assume that I cleanly separate the intent of my actions into RequestAction
and ViewAction. The mappings for RequestActions may specify ActionForms
because they are the targets of HTTP posts and I want a form to be created,
auto-populated, and validated. The ActionForm instance is automatically
stored in either the request or session scope by the ActionServlet. The
RequestAction's perform method is called and it goes about doing whatever it
needs to do to satisfy the request. 

When finished, the RequestAction uses ActionMapping to find an ActionForward
by name and returns that to the ActionServlet. This ActionForward actually
specifies a ViewAction which ActionServlet forwards to. Since the
ActionServlet is also the target for the ViewAction URI, it intercepts the
request and processes it just like any other Action. 

Now my intent would be that ViewActions are not typically the direct targets
of posts. They are only ever forward targets from other Actions. As a
consequence, I would not specify an ActionForm in the mapping for a
ViewAction. If I understand your comments correctly, that means that the
ActionForm instance constructed by the RequestAction is still in the
specified servlet collection from where it can be directly retrieved by the
ViewAction and used to generate the response. If there is no ActionForm, the
ViewAction could choose to balk or go ahead and generate the HTML with
form elements blank. That way it _could_ be the target of a post to generate
an initial blank form.

If I may, I'd like to take a moment to explain my reasoning here. I know
that a large part of Struts is the taglibs that can be used to get the Java
code out of JSPs. I think that is an admirable step. However, in the
organization that I consult with, there is a very clear delineation between
site designers (the graphical types that also write the HTML) and Java
developers (who write the business logic and hook the HTML pages into it).
The delivery timeframes are short and these two groups work in parallel.
Site designers don't understand and don't like seeing JSP tags littered
throughout their HTML. Nor do many of the tools they use as inclusion of JSP
tags in the HTML results in invalid markup. Finally, JSP (and similar
technologies) force different groups to collaborate on a common document.
Since the contents of the document, at least here, are in continuous
revision until just before delivery there is a significant collision between
the groups. Casting about for an alternative that would solve these problems
and still offer decent performance is what finally led me to XMLC.

I think this ability to incorporate alternate presentation generation
strategies into the Struts framework will be an increasing concern. I've
seen mention on the mail lists about the ability to incorporate Velocity as
a JSP alternative. And, while not yet ready for prime time as far as I can
tell, the XML/XSL strategy will be maturing. Regardless of which
presentation generation strategy is used, a mature, robust, tested, and
open-source MVC framework (ie, Struts) will be needed to solve all the
_other_ problems relevant to best practice construction of web applications.
An effective solution, clearly elucidated, will go a long way to attracting
the JSP-opponents and the JSP-wary to Struts.

Thanks again, Ted, for your attention and guidance.

Best regards,
Jim Cakalic

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 6:52 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: action chaining without resetting action forms
 When you forward to a JSP, the original ActionForm and 
 ActionMapping are
 left alone.
 As it stands, when you forward to another Action, the 
 ActionServlet uses
 the same processing cycle it used for the first Action. If an 
 is specified by the mapping, the ActionServlet will try to 
 populate it.
 It will also put the mapping for the second Action into the request,
 obliterating any trace of the original Action. As far as your
 ViewAction knows, it is the one and only Action that has 
 been called.
 If your response-Action is using its own data structures, and is not
 looking for the Struts ActionForm or ActionMapping in the 
 request, or is
 hiding them in delegates, then you are all set. 
 Of course, if it is not using the ActionForm or ActionMapping, why not
 make it a standalone servlet? At which point it would be exactly the
 same as forwarding to a JSP.
 A current DEV idea is to provide for invoking the Action 
 directly. This
 would work better for you, and is an easy change to the ActionServlet.
 This would also allow you to share ActionForms and ActionMappings
 between Action objects.
 -- Ted Husted

Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-07 Thread Ted Husted

Cakalic, James P. wrote:
 Now my intent would be that ViewActions are not typically the direct targets
 of posts. They are only ever forward targets from other Actions. As a
 consequence, I would not specify an ActionForm in the mapping for a
 ViewAction. If I understand your comments correctly, that means that the
 ActionForm instance constructed by the RequestAction is still in the
 specified servlet collection from where it can be directly retrieved by the
 ViewAction and used to generate the response. If there is no ActionForm, the
 ViewAction could choose to balk or go ahead and generate the HTML with
 form elements blank. That way it _could_ be the target of a post to generate
 an initial blank form.

Yes, if it knew what the ActionForm was called. This information would
be in the mapping for the original request, which would not be available
in the normal course. 

If conventional forwarding it to be used, it would be my suggestion that
the ActionForm, or equivalent, be forwarded under a predetermined name.
One way to go would be to use the attribute property of ActionMapping
to give all the ActionForms the same name in the request. 

 If I may, I'd like to take a moment to explain my reasoning here. I know
 that a large part of Struts is the taglibs that can be used to get the Java
 code out of JSPs. I think that is an admirable step. However, in the
 organization that I consult with, there is a very clear delineation between
 site designers (the graphical types that also write the HTML) and Java
 developers (who write the business logic and hook the HTML pages into it).
 The delivery timeframes are short and these two groups work in parallel.
 Site designers don't understand and don't like seeing JSP tags littered
 throughout their HTML. Nor do many of the tools they use as inclusion of JSP
 tags in the HTML results in invalid markup. Finally, JSP (and similar
 technologies) force different groups to collaborate on a common document.
 Since the contents of the document, at least here, are in continuous
 revision until just before delivery there is a significant collision between
 the groups. Casting about for an alternative that would solve these problems
 and still offer decent performance is what finally led me to XMLC.

Enhydra and Barracuda seem like solid endeavors. Also a good choice. 

 I think this ability to incorporate alternate presentation generation
 strategies into the Struts framework will be an increasing concern. I've
 seen mention on the mail lists about the ability to incorporate Velocity as
 a JSP alternative. And, while not yet ready for prime time as far as I can
 tell, the XML/XSL strategy will be maturing. Regardless of which
 presentation generation strategy is used, a mature, robust, tested, and
 open-source MVC framework (ie, Struts) will be needed to solve all the
 _other_ problems relevant to best practice construction of web applications.
 An effective solution, clearly elucidated, will go a long way to attracting
 the JSP-opponents and the JSP-wary to Struts.

Personally, I'd think in terms of putting whatever you have in mind for
an Action into a servlet, so that it is not coupled directly with

I have been working with the Velocity team on finishing the work Geir
started last spring. We should have an improved VelServlet available for
testing next week. 

The approach here is to forward to a Velocity servlet to render the
page, so that they are drop-in replacement for JSPs. Again, you should
really think about doing the same approach for your project.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

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RE: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-07 Thread Cakalic, James P.

Ted Husted wrote:
 Personally, I'd think in terms of putting whatever you have 
 in mind for an Action into a servlet, so that it is not coupled 
 directly with Struts. 
 I have been working with the Velocity team on finishing the work
 Geir started last spring. We should have an improved VelServlet 
 available for testing next week. 
 The approach here is to forward to a Velocity servlet to render
 the page, so that they are drop-in replacement for JSPs. Again,
 you should really think about doing the same approach for your

Okay. Sounds like an interesting possibility. I guess I should
monitor the Velocity site/mail list for this announcement?
Thanks again.

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-07 Thread Ted Husted

Cakalic, James P. wrote:
 Okay. Sounds like an interesting possibility. I guess I should
 monitor the Velocity site/mail list for this announcement?
 Thanks again.

I'm sure I would bring it up here. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-06 Thread Ted Husted

The best solution here is to use add a switch to your bean to make its
properties immutable. 

private boolean immutable = false;
public void setImmutable(boolean immutable) { 
this.immutable = immutable;

// ...

public setProperty(String property) {
if (immutable) exit; = property;

If you set this before forwarding the bean, then reset and autopopulate
will have no affect. 

(Unless, of course, reset sets the fields directly. In which case, reset
needs to observe immutable, or use the setters instead.)

For the nightly build, I've suggested that we add two new methods so
that one Action can invoke another, but need some people to test the
idea for me. (Since I don't do this sort of thing myself.)

This would let you do things like 

// ...
ActionForward forward = 
return forward;

To create a new ActionForm to use with invokeAction, you could call 

ActionForm secondForm = 
and then populate it as you would any ActionForm:
ActionForward forward = null;
if (secondForm==null) {
// .. cope with error 
else {
    EditForm editForm = (EditForm) secondForm;
editForm.setTitle(Change Me);
forward = invokeAction(
// ...
return forward;

If anyone is interested, I can post a patched JAR. But then they really,
really need to tell me that it works, or else this will never be

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Joe Faith wrote:
 I want to 'chain' actions, by setting the forward of one to be
 The problem is that this resets the action form before calling the next
 Is there anyway to prevent this, or am I chaining actions in the wrong
 Joe Faith
 T: (+44) 01273 234294
 M: (+44) 07968 292064

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-06 Thread Volker Krebs


 For the nightly build, I've suggested that we add two new methods so
 that one Action can invoke another, but need some people to test the
 idea for me. (Since I don't do this sort of thing myself.)
 If anyone is interested, I can post a patched JAR. But then they really,
 really need to tell me that it works, or else this will never be

I'm intrested, can you please post a patched JAR.
We are doing some Action chaning in our application.

I want to 'chain' actions, by setting the forward of one to be
The problem is that this resets the action form before calling the next

In our Application this works fine. If I forward from one Action 

to another Action,

the form Bean is still known in the second Action.
But this might be, because both Actions use the same FormBean
in their struts-config name tag as default FormBean.


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RE: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-06 Thread Cakalic, James P.

I'm interested (I think) in action-chaining. I'd like to use struts for
development in a project just ramping up. However, I plan to _completely_
abandon JSP and use XMLC to generate the presentation. To do this I intended
to split processing between a request-Action and a response-Action. The
request-Action would be responsible for handling the incoming request by
validating the input if needed and acting upon the model -- just like any
Action today. The response-Action would take the place of a JSP. It would be
responsible for using the results generated by the request-Action to alter
the DOM representation of an HTML page using an XMLC-generated class. It
would then generate the HTML directly to the response and return null.

Upshot is, if there are any problems forwarding between Actions that are
essentially different than the semantics of forwarding from an Action to a
JSP, I really need to know what they are and how they can be addressed.

Best regards,
Jim Cakalic

 -Original Message-
 From: Volker Krebs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 6:59 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: action chaining without resetting action forms
  For the nightly build, I've suggested that we add two new methods so
  that one Action can invoke another, but need some people to test the
  idea for me. (Since I don't do this sort of thing myself.)
  If anyone is interested, I can post a patched JAR. But then 
 they really,
  really need to tell me that it works, or else this will never be
 I'm intrested, can you please post a patched JAR.
 We are doing some Action chaning in our application.
 I want to 'chain' actions, by setting the forward of one to be
 The problem is that this resets the action form before 
 calling the next
 In our Application this works fine. If I forward from one Action 
 to another Action,
 the form Bean is still known in the second Action.
 But this might be, because both Actions use the same FormBean
 in their struts-config name tag as default FormBean.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
 For additional commands, e-mail: 

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-06 Thread Ted Husted

When you forward to a JSP, the original ActionForm and ActionMapping are
left alone.

As it stands, when you forward to another Action, the ActionServlet uses
the same processing cycle it used for the first Action. If an ActionForm
is specified by the mapping, the ActionServlet will try to populate it.
It will also put the mapping for the second Action into the request,
obliterating any trace of the original Action. As far as your
ViewAction knows, it is the one and only Action that has been called.

If your response-Action is using its own data structures, and is not
looking for the Struts ActionForm or ActionMapping in the request, or is
hiding them in delegates, then you are all set. 

Of course, if it is not using the ActionForm or ActionMapping, why not
make it a standalone servlet? At which point it would be exactly the
same as forwarding to a JSP.

A current DEV idea is to provide for invoking the Action directly. This
would work better for you, and is an easy change to the ActionServlet.
This would also allow you to share ActionForms and ActionMappings
between Action objects.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Cakalic, James P. wrote:
 Upshot is, if there are any problems forwarding between Actions that are
 essentially different than the semantics of forwarding from an Action to a
 JSP, I really need to know what they are and how they can be addressed.
 Best regards,
 Jim Cakalic

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-06 Thread Ted Husted

Volker Krebs wrote:
 I'm intrested, can you please post a patched JAR.
 We are doing some Action chaning in our application.

OK, see

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

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Re: action chaining without resetting action forms

2001-12-05 Thread Paul Devine


I chain actions the way you describe. When you say the action form is
reset before the next action gets to process, do you mean (a) specifically
that your ActionForm object's reset() method is invoked and you have
overridden that method to clear out the form?  Or do you mean (b) the object
goes out of scope and a new one gets constructed by the time the second
action gets to process ?  (or something else you are observing?)   If it's
(a) then I don't know of any in-built mechanisms to solve this, you may need
to write some code to manage that yourself.

- Paul

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:54 AM
Subject: action chaining without resetting action forms


 I want to 'chain' actions, by setting the forward of one to be
 The problem is that this resets the action form before calling the next
 Is there anyway to prevent this, or am I chaining actions in the wrong


 Joe Faith
 T: (+44) 01273 234294
 M: (+44) 07968 292064

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