What I did is the following. I have a master jsp and in this jsp I
inserted the following page.
<tile:insert controllerUrl="/viewNavigation.do"
Now there are two important things to consider. First in your action
mapping definition in this case viewNavigation.do you must add the
redirect=true to the foward attribute. If you do this, your navigation
action does not need to return null, if you don't add this attribute,
then your action must return null. The problem with the latter, is that
you can't call this action (viewNavigation.do) in any other way than
using the tile tag, because it will jus be a blank page.
Here is my action mapping!

    <action path="/viewNavigation" scope="session" name="someForm"
              <forward name="success" path="/jsp/myJspPage.jsp"
redirect="true" />

On my jsp page it looks like this

Jsp start ***
Bla bla 
Bla bla 
<tile:insert controllerUrl="/viewNavigation.do"
Bla bla 
Bla bla 
Jsp end ****

My action does not return null because of the redirect="true" <forward
name="success" path="/jsp/myJspPage.jsp" redirect="true" />

Hope this helps

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 25. februar 2004 21:31
Til: Tommy Holm - TELMORE
Emne: SV: How to create an include which calls an action

I'm getting the following error. Can you send me an usage example. I
wonder if controller action returns jsp to include why should we give
page attribute again?

<tiles:insert page="/cap/capGeneralInfoAction.ecims" flush="true">

Old message from Tommy 
No currently none of the proposed solutions worked. I am currently
looking into the Tiles:insert tag Attributes are page = the jsp page to
insert And most importantly there is an controller attribute which
should be an action that perhaps prepares the jsp page. Just testing it
now  - HOLD ON - it works ... Check the <tiles:insert tag

Alternatively I figured another way to do it, it's very ugly though, you
can jsp:include an action that just returns null.It does however set up
the bean. Then right after this include on your master jsp, you call
another jsp include that just includes a regular jsp, on this jsp you
can reference The bean that the first include prepared and work as
usual. I admitt the latter solution is very ugly, the tiles way seems to
be the  way to go! Cheers

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