Hello everybody, 

I'm just new to struts, and got very strange problem.
I developed small application with some kind of
rudimentary session tracking / login, and it works
fine under tomcat-3.2.1 
( and under tomcat-4.0b3 too )

( session is tracked, login is performed, 
form tags work properly )

But when I package it as war, and deploy it via
deploytool from J2EE SDK from SUN, strange things 
no more session tracking ( neither cookies nor 
url rewriting - but blame for it has to go
to the container ) and worst of it, 
that form tag does not accept "action" attribute

And here are 2 standart questions:
What to do about it?
Whom to blame?  Me or SUN? Or j2sdkee1.3 ?

For curious people, war archive is available:
( 500 kB )


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
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