RE: Template layout file with an include (bean or jsp) to a jsp with a form. (there are many tomcat developer here also i believe)

2001-01-05 Thread Johan Compagner


I thought i shall be smart, i developed my own:
 IncludeServletResponse that implements HttpServletResponse)

That one routes everything to the base servlet response of the pagecontext
except the outputstream ones:

The getOutputStream() returns not the default one of the first Response
but my own implementation but now the bug of Tomcat??:

IncludeResponse iResponse = new
RequestDispatcher rd=
rd.forward(pageContext.getRequest(), iResponse);

iResponse is my own implentation.
The RequestDispatcher interface wants only a ServletResponse (and a
It compiles fine so how is it possible that the RequestDispatcher throws a
ClassCastException inside itself?
What kind of ServletResponse does it wants?

Johan Compagner

> -Original Message-
> From: Johan Compagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:05 PM
> To: Struts-User
> Subject: Template layout file with an include (bean or jsp) to a jsp
> with a form.
> Hi,
> I will ask the basic question first so that you don't have to
> read the whole
> email:
> So is there no way to use the same request over 2 or more jsp
> files that are
> nested in
> each other?
> Now my test case:
> I have a template jsp file that has all the layout of my site.
> in the right left corner will al the dynamic data.
> like this:
> // tag libs includes
>  cellspacing="0"
> bgcolor="#0066ff">
>   // standard layout of my site
>   // jadajadajadajada
>   // The include logic.
>   <%= subpage %>
>   <%= subpage %>
> This template file is always the ActionForward that i return as the next
> page to see
> after this action, something in the perform method of a Action:
>   request.setAttribute(Constants.JSP_INCLUDE_KEY,
> mapping.findForward("pensioen3a").getPath());
>   return mapping.findForward("template");
> The nicest thing about this is that if i want to change something
> of my site
> i only have to edit
> one file and every page/view is changed also like the logon page or the
> pages with the forms.
> But now my problem.
> An Action is mostly triggerd by the subpage (where the form is in).
> That Action is testing the input (some validation) if that goes wrong that
> a ACtionError is made and is attached to the request.
> But when i forward it (to the same page) i forward it to the
> template again
> and that
> template includes the page with the form.
> But the include generates another request for that subpage so my
> ActionErrors object
> and other objects that i stored in the request aren't there!!
> I also do this in te validate() of a Form:
>   String fromPage = request.getParameter("frompage");
>   mapping.setInput(mapping.findForward("template").getPath());
>   request.setAttribute(Constants.JSP_INCLUDE_KEY,
> mapping.findForward(fromPage).getPath());
> So that when there are errors returned it knows that the input is the
> template and the
> include is the same page it come's from.
> But this also doesn't work.
> I can't be the only one with this problem.
> Are nobody else using subpages where the form/inputs are in an another one
> that is the standard layout page?
> I thought to be smart and made my own include tag:
> public int doStartTag() throws JspException
> {
>   try
>   {
>   RequestDispatcher rd=
> pageContext.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(_sPage);
>   rd.forward(pageContext.getRequest(),
> pageContext.getResponse());
>   } catch(Exception e)
>   {
>   throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
>   }
>   return SKIP_BODY;
> }
> But the problem is then that the subpage (the _sPage string) is displayed
> first, above
> the main page instead of in the main page. Why is this? Because
> when i walk
> through the code
> then i see the main page that writes to the output and then the
> subpage and
> then the main
> page again. I think this has something to do with flushing ect.
> But if i flush first (right above the RequestDispatcher line i do this:
>  pageContext.getOut().flush();
> Then i get the main page on top again but an error in the place where the
> subpage should be:
>   Location: /postbank/template.jsp
>   Internal Servlet Error:
>   javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot forward as
> OutputStream or Writer
> has already been  obtained
> So is there no way to use the same request over 2 or more jsp
> files that are
> nested in
> each other?
> Johan

Re: Template layout file with an include (bean or jsp) to a jsp with a form. (there are many tomcat developer here also i believe)

2001-01-05 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Johan Compagner wrote:

> Hi,
> I thought i shall be smart, i developed my own:
>  IncludeServletResponse that implements HttpServletResponse)

On a servlet 2.2 container, this is not legal -- the request and response
arguments that you pass on to a RequestDispatcher *must* be the ones you
originally received.  Many servlet containers (such as Tomcat 3.2) rely on this
in order to cast the object back to their own internal implementation class.

On a servlet 2.3 container (such as Tomcat 4.0), you can do this, as long as
your class does an "extends HttpServletResponseWrapper".

Craig McClanahan