You can declare an attribute action="anAction" and try something like 
the following in you jsp:

<tiles:useAttribute name="action"/>
<html:form action="<%=action%> ... />

  Hope this help,

Elderclei R Reami wrote:

>Hi again,
>SecurityFilter is going pretty well, Max. Thank you for the great work. Right now, I 
>am refactoring my app to use 
>some more features from struts like tiles and DynaForms.
>I am thinking of creating a tile definition  for admin pages. It would be composed of 
>grid of data (discussion on 
>large resultsets was very useful on this) at the top, and an edition area at the 
>bottom. In the grid there would 
>be View, Delete, Remove links for every line that would bring data to the form in the 
>edition area.
>My idea is to have the <html:form> in the admin template surrounding the edition 
>area, and the other form tags 
>would be inserted in the using <tiles:insert...>
>IŽd like to know if thereŽs an elegant way to have the value of the action attribute 
>of <html:form> tag being 
>passed by a tiles attribute.
>Do you have any suggestions to this...
>Thanks for all the help
>Elderclei R Reami
>Vertis Tecnologia
>+55 11 3887-0835
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