The action mapping is available in the request (!) under the key of 

Peterkofsky, Don wrote:

>Cedric -
>While this solution will work in IE browsers and Netscape 6+ browsers, it
>isn't a particularly robust solution, as it relies on the URL in the browser
>"location" string, and this varies depending on the particular browser
>version (try your solution on Netscape 4.7, and see what happens).  
>A more robust solution requires that we have access to the action path at
>the JSP level, similar to the way we do in an Action class.  In order to
>robustly render a URL based on a Tiles list, we need to know the action path
>that initially rendered the Tile.  This suggests to me adding an attribute
>for this to the Tile object, so that a Tile is "aware" of the action path
>from which it was called.  Our other alternative is to have a custom request
>processor, which gets the action path and puts it into a request attribute,
>which will be accessible in the destination JSP -- this is a less robust and
>less desirable solution than having direct access to the action path through
>some Tiles attribute.  For example, I would like to be able to do something
>     action = tile.getActionPath();
>Don P.
Eddie Bush

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