Hi, I saw your message asking me about the form-based
container-managed authentication in Struts.  I
accidentally deleted your message and could not find
your name and e-mail address.

The following steps are what should be done:

1. configure the JDBCRealm in the Tomcat server.xml,

2. container-managed, form-based authentication is
completely handled by the server.  That is to say, it
is none of Struts business.  Prepare your logon.jsp
and error.jsp (do not use Struts tags).  There is
nothing wrong with your j_security_check, ..., etc.

3. in your web.xml, you have


4. Do not change your action forward in the
struts-config.xml file (i.e. do not forward anything
to logon.jsp because it has nothing to do with Struts)
except add redirect="true".  For example:


Craig McClanahan wrote a detailed explanation on how
it works (I am quoting what Craig said below):

form-based login is triggered the first time that an
unauthenticated user requests a URL that is protected
by a security constraint.
(1) Unauthenticated user requests a protected resource
(*NOT* the login page!) 
(2) Container remembers the protected resource that
was requested in a private variable. 
(3) Container displays the login page, which must have
a destination of "j_security_check", and waits for the
user submit. For some containers, including Tomcat,
this is the one-and-only time that submitting to
"j_security_check" will not return a 404. 
(4) User enters username and password, and presses the
submit button.
(5) the post to j_security_check is intercepted by
your servlet container, which performs Container
Managed Authentication - it looks for the j_username
and j_password, authenticates the combination, and
forwards to the originally requested resource, or to a
configurable error page if the authentication 
(6) Container authenticates the username (j_username)
and password (j_password) combination. If valid,
container recalls the originally requested resource
saved in (2) and displays *that* to the user in
response to the login submit.  Or forwards to a
configurable error page if the authentication fails.
The important point is that, at no time, did anyone
ever submit a request to the URL of the login page,
because there is no such thing.  Also think of the
login page as part of the container, not part of your

Let me know if you have further questions.


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