
Can somebody please explain this suggestion (from the struts catalog) to 
me as I think I must be missing something. Here is the excerpt:

>         Use Global Forwards for all entry points to application
> All links in the application should be to ActionMappings. Rather than 
> embed the path to an ActionMapping in a JSP, a link should refer to a 
> Global Forward instead. The Global Forward can include parameters as 
> needed, and should use a logical name that follows the command 
> structure. Compound or path-like names can be used as preferred.
>      <forward name="itemSearch"  path="/do/item/Search"/>
>      <forward name="itemFindDonor" path="/do/item/Search?column=donor"/>
>      <forward name="itemFindScript" path="/do/item/Search?column=script"/>
>      <forward name="item/Search"  path="/do/item/Search"/>
>      <forward name="item/Find/Donor" path="/do/item/Search?column=donor"/>
>      <forward name="item/Find/Script" 
> path="/do/item/Search?column=script"/>
>      <forward name="item.Search"  path="/do/item/Search"/>
>      <forward name="item.Find.Donor" path="/do/item/Search?column=donor"/>
>      <forward name="item.Find.Script" 
> path="/do/item/Search?column=script"/>
> This also allows the parameters to be changed without modifying the 
> JSPs or Actions that use the Global Forward.
>     /Very early releases of Struts required subclassing the
>     ActionMappings if you wanted to use names other than "success" and
>     "failure". The mappings have long since been upgraded so that any
>     arbitrary name can be used./
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

If my web.xml is configured to route all /do/* requests to the 
ActionServlet, why should a link refer to a Global forward instead of to 
a for e.g. '/do/registration/capture'? I always thought that the 
forwards were used to select a jsp page or template.

Am I missing something here?

Any thoughts, ideas or enlightenment much appreciated!

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