Hello all,
I'm  wondering if any of U that have used the bean:cookie tag had any problems. 
I'm facing the following problem. I have created a cookie in one of my Action classes  
with the following code:

Cookie logged=null;
logged = new Cookie("username",username);

The cookie is created successfully - I can get its info from any place of the code- 
but when I tried to get its value from my jsp with the following code:

<logic:present cookie="logged"> 
         <%System.out.println("=============Have found the 
      <bean:cookie id="mycookie" name="logged"/>
       Bean Name:  <bean:write name="mycookie" property="name"/>
       Bean Value:    <bean:write name="mycookie" property="value"/>

I fail. The condition is never satisfied.
 Has anyone any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

Thank U in advance,

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