changing tiles-config.xml from within an app?

2003-06-04 Thread Witbeck, Shane
Does anyone have any experience with changing a tiles-config.xml file from
within an app? I have an app that has different themes based on resource
bundles and a variable which changes bundles (and therefore themes).
Currently, I have this variable defined in the tiles-config.xml and I change
this variable and reload tiles each time I change themes. This is done
strictly on an admin level and anyone using the app would be affected by the
theme change.

Would it be a good idea to create a class to read/write the variable in the
tiles-config.xml or should I just make this variable a Singleton?



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RE: changing tiles-config.xml from within an app?

2003-06-04 Thread Chen, Gin
I think this question was asked before and (one of) the answer was to add a
listener to your config so that the application can reload it. But if its
something that might change often then having it in a class with
getter/setters makes more sense.


-Original Message-
From: Witbeck, Shane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: changing tiles-config.xml from within an app?

Does anyone have any experience with changing a tiles-config.xml file from
within an app? I have an app that has different themes based on resource
bundles and a variable which changes bundles (and therefore themes).
Currently, I have this variable defined in the tiles-config.xml and I change
this variable and reload tiles each time I change themes. This is done
strictly on an admin level and anyone using the app would be affected by the
theme change.

Would it be a good idea to create a class to read/write the variable in the
tiles-config.xml or should I just make this variable a Singleton?



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RE: changing tiles-config.xml from within an app?

2003-06-04 Thread Joris Docx
there's some ReloadDefinitions class in the API

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Witbeck, Shane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: dinsdag 3 juni 2003 15:38
Onderwerp: changing tiles-config.xml from within an app?

Does anyone have any experience with changing a tiles-config.xml file from
within an app? I have an app that has different themes based on resource
bundles and a variable which changes bundles (and therefore themes).
Currently, I have this variable defined in the tiles-config.xml and I change
this variable and reload tiles each time I change themes. This is done
strictly on an admin level and anyone using the app would be affected by the
theme change.

Would it be a good idea to create a class to read/write the variable in the
tiles-config.xml or should I just make this variable a Singleton?



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