
I have a Form Bean of type DynaValidatorActionForm that is shared among
multiple actions.
I set validation.xml with something like the code bellow. But when I tried
to enable client side validation placing html:javascript and adding onsubmit
to html:form I can´t get it to work

What I see is that having strus-config´s action-mapping´s path in the name
attribute of validation.xml form element, it causes the javascript validate
function to be created as something with "/" character in the middle,
causing the problem.
Am I doing something wrong??

  <form name="/createAddress">
    <field property="city" depends="required">
      <arg0 key="prompt.city"/>

Javascript generated by Validator:
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.1">

<!-- Begin

     var bCancel = false;

    function validate/createAddress(form) {
        if (bCancel)
      return true;
       return validateRequired(form);

html:form :
 .....  onsubmit="return validate/createAddress(this)"

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