Re: i want the jsp pages to be updateable (from internet,browser)

2001-04-22 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Johan Compagner wrote:

 When i include my jsp inside a war file i really don't know where those files are 
unpacked (if they are unpacked)
 But if i want my jsp's to be updateable from the internet (uploading)
 where must i put my jsp's?
 Can i for example put my jsp's inside a DB and then have some common class
 that will supply a jsp pages for a Container (like tomcat but others must also be 
 I don't think this is caputered in an interface of jsp/servlet isn't it?
 This is left to the container builder?
 How do you guy's do it?
 Don't use a war file?
 But a normal directory so that i know where everything is and i know where to save 
the uploaded jsp's?
 any idee's?

My personal approach is to consider application deployment an all or
nothing activity.  On my development environment, my build script creates
either a WAR file (for portability) or an unpacked directory (if I know
that I'm going to run on a container like Tomcat that accepts them).  To
deploy, I then replace the entire application using whatever technique is
apropriate for the container that I'm running.

I would never personally deploy an app where the JSP pages would be
updated individually remotely.  Besides the security risks, there are two
other significant problems:

* It is very easy to make a running production system stop running because
  of inadvertent mistakes in the pages being changed.

* Changes made to the live version of the application are never captured
  into the source code control system, so you can't reliably reproduce
  a particular release of the app.

I'm fond of using Ant and CVS for developing my apps, but other tools also
work.  If you do use Ant, take a look at the top-level build.xml file in
the source distribution for Struts -- you will see a
deploy.catalia target that deploys the most recent versions of all the
Struts example apps onto a running install of Tomcat 4.0 (using the
catalina.home property to identify the directory where Tomcat is
running).  I never make any changes to the running pages - only to the
pages in the source directory (followed by running ant
deploy.catalina again) so that the changes I'm making are never lost.


i want the jsp pages to be updateable (from internet,browser)

2001-04-17 Thread Johan Compagner


When i include my jsp inside a war file i really 
don't know where those files are unpacked (if they are unpacked)
But if i want my jsp's to be updateable from the 
internet (uploading)
where must i put my jsp's?

Can i for example put my jsp's inside a DB and then 
have some common class
that will supply a jsp pages for a Container (like 
tomcat but others must also be possible)
I don't think this is caputered in an interface of 
jsp/servlet isn't it?
This is left to the container builder?

How do you guy's do it?

Don't use a war file?
But a normal directory so that i know where 
everything is and i know where to save the uploaded jsp's?

any idee's?
