i'm using tiles and definitions as ActionForwards
and this is working fine. And i installed sslext
and the example application also works fine.
But when i try to forward to definitions, when the
SecurePlugin is loaded (like <forward name="start"
path=".app.Welcome"/>) i get this

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception forwarding for name
welcome: javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet
action threw exception

when i comment out

<!-- plug-in className="org.apache.struts.action.SecurePlugIn">
    <set-property property="httpPort" value="8080"/>
    <set-property property="httpsPort" value="8443"/>     
</plug-in -->

in my struts-config.xml this exception is not thrown, but
without the Plugin SSL isn't working... 
can anybody tell me if this is a problem of the SecurePlugin
or if a just got something wrong with my configuration ?

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