I have a definition like this:

<definition name="tiles.layout.main" path="/common/layout/main.jsp">
  <put name="header"  value="/common/jsp/header.jsp" />
  <put name="menu"    value="/common/jsp/menu.jsp" />
  <put name="sidebar" value="OVERLOAD" />
  <put name="content" value="OVERLOAD" />
  <put name="footer"  value="/common/jsp/footer.jsp" />

And I'd like to overload it like this: (index.jsp)

<tiles:insert definition="tiles.layout.main" flush="true">
  <tiles:put name="sidebar" value="sidebar.jsp" />
  <tiles:put name="content" value="content.jsp" />

Where index.jsp, sidebar.jsp, and content.jsp are all in the same directory.

When I access this page, nothing gets displayed and no errors are logged.  However, if 
I use 
the full path, then everything works fine.

Is there some way to use relative paths in the put tag?


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