> I am trying to use logic:iterate to display a collection of data and also
> build a dynamic list of html:text input fields.
> Here's my code
> <logic:iterate id="transactionAmountBoundary"
> name="createTransactionAmountBoundariesForm"
>       property="transactionAmountBoundaries" indexId="x">
> <tr>
>       <td class="subHeading">
>       <bean:write name="transactionAmountBoundary"
> property="transactionDescription" filter="true"/>
>       </td>
>       <td class="subHeading">
>       <html:text name="createTransactionAmountBoundariesForm"
> property="minValue<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
>       </td>
>       <td class="subHeading">
>       <html:text name="createTransactionAmountBoundariesForm"
> property="maxValue<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
>       </td>
> </tr>                         
> </logic:iterate>
> The transactionDescription appears fine. But the problem is getting the
> minValue and maxValue text fields to appear in HTML as minValue1, minValue2,
> etc..  and maxValue1, maxValue2
> This code give me an error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property minValue of
> bean createTransactionAmountBoundariesForm
> When I didn't have the <%=x%> code, the HTML generated had all the records
> with same code:   name="minValue" and name="maxValue"
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

Bit late, but this should work:

        <html:text name="createTransactionAmountBoundariesForm"
 property='<%= "maxValue" + x %>' size="10" maxlength="10" />

Duncan Harris
Hartford, Cheshire, U.K., Tel: 07968 060418
Looking for STRUTS contract work in the U.K.

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