See intermixed.

Jim Richards wrote:

> I've got two questions,
> this is more to do with my tomcat configuration, but I can't get the
> documentation and exmaples to load as .war files, currently I have
> in tomcat.xml (renamed form server.xml)
>         Context path="/struts-documentation"
>                  docBase="/cyber4/projects/devel/endonet/htdocs/struts-documentation"
>                  debug="0"
>                  reloadable="true" >
>         </Context>
> this is also inside a <host ...></host> tag. It works if I expand the
> .war file out under htdocs/struts-documentation, but otherwise not. How do
> I change the this to make it work?

Tomcat only knows how to auto-expand WAR files if you store them in the webapps 
-- not if they are elsewhere in your filesystem.

> The other question is I had a test application that was working,
> but the the 6-Dec-2000 build it doesn't seem to call the
> form validate method anymore. Have there been any changes
> since the middle of November that missed by me on the configuration
> file or Action class? My struts-config.xml looks like (the important
> bits anyway)

Yes there has, compared to Struts 0.5 ... the validate() method now takes arguments.  
going to add a deprecated validate() method to so you will at least get
warned about this.

Note also that the parameters to the perform() method are different in 1.0 versus 0.5 
well.  I just added a deprecated perform() method to warn people about this one.


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