On 2019-04-22 19:02, Linus Torvalds wrote:
I think Jef is also on the subsurface list, but I'm just adding him
here as an explicit participant in case he only tracks it

I'm indeed subscribed to the list. I try to follow up on the development, especially the libdivecomputer related questions. But sometimes I might miss some of the topics.

You already have the log and dump files, so hopefully Jef can tell
what the silly change to the Uwatec format is _this_ time that makes
libdivecomputer not recognize the dives as dives.

It's just the new model number that needs to be added. And of course the USB VID/PID. I have the necessary fixes ready to push. The G2 HUD appears to support BLE as well. Do we know the bluetooth device name? Then I can add that as well.

@William: Can you try to download a memory dump over BLE as well and send the logs? The bluetooth device name should be in the subsurface log.

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