Error downloading Ratio IX3M2

2024-06-02 Thread Mark Stiebel via subsurface

I've recently upgraded my iX3M2 Pro, replacing it with an iX3M2 GPS 
Deep. The first two dives downloaded just fine via USB cable a couple of 
weeks ago, and today went for a third dive, but I haven't managed to 
download. I've tried a few things:

1. Download using Ratio Toolbox - worked.
2. Download via USB cable - didn't work
3. Download via USB cable using an empty logbook - didn't work
4. Download via USB cable on a different computer - didn't work
5. Download via BT on a laptop - didn't work
6. Download via BT on androis - didn't work

In all cases, where it didn't work, it started downloading - read the 
serial number, gave me an error message:
"Dive 1: Error parsing the header", and then repeated for Dive 2 and 
Dive 3.

Then proceeds to tell me there were no new dives to download. I've tried 
a number of the different iX3M and iX3M2 models to see if that changes 
anything, but appears not. Also no different if I check "force download 
of all dives" or not.

Before sending through the entire libdivecomputer log, maybe someone can 
help me by pointing me in the right direction from what appear to to be 
the relevant snippets. I notice that the error messages refer to 

First 30 lines. with a NAK packet received:

Subsurface: v6.0.5036.0, built with libdivecomputer 
v0.8.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (577b6940874c76cfc9b1adb0b0e51e26349b5a8f)

[0.00] INFO: Open: name=COM3
[0.001825] INFO: Configure: baudrate=115200, databits=8, parity=0, 
stopbits=0, flowcontrol=0

[0.002153] INFO: Timeout: value=1000
[0.002159] INFO: Sleep: value=300
[0.302271] INFO: Purge: direction=3
[0.302430] INFO: Write: size=6, data=550211ED3F1F
[0.305456] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[0.305460] INFO: Read: size=1, data=1C
[0.321477] INFO: Read: size=30, 
Event: model=147 (0x0093), firmware=50205016 (0x02fe1158), 
serial=72765 (0x00011c3d)

Event: vendor=93005811FE023D1C01004E98090003009963A61E9963A61E
[0.321581] INFO: Write: size=6, data=5502788DE20B
[0.353514] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[0.353523] INFO: Read: size=1, data=06
[0.353525] INFO: Read: size=8, data=780100030006C8D8
[0.353589] INFO: Write: size=7, data=5503790300AF7F
[0.369592] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[0.369600] INFO: Read: size=1, data=03
[0.369602] INFO: Read: size=5, data=796015B392
[0.369603] ERROR: Received NAK packet with error code 60. [in 
src/divesystem_idive.c:384 (divesystem_idive_packet)]

[0.369605] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[0.470930] INFO: Write: size=7, data=5503790300AF7F
[0.481866] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[0.481885] INFO: Read: size=1, data=38
[0.481893] INFO: Read: size=58, 

[0.482035] INFO: Write: size=7, data=55037A0100904D
[0.516896] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[0.516913] INFO: Read: size=1, data=C2
[0.516921] INFO: Read: size=196, 

And then at line 327, what I assume is the start of the Dive 2 download, 
with a Timestamp moved backwards error followed by NAK packet. This same 
sequence is repeated for what I assume is the start of the Dive 3 

[3.428892] INFO: Write: size=7, data=55037AE200D5AC
[3.477940] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[3.477955] INFO: Read: size=1, data=C2
[3.477958] INFO: Read: size=196, 
[3.478074] ERROR: Timestamp moved backwards. [in 

[3.478226] INFO: Write: size=7, data=55037902009C4E
[3.493887] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[3.493897] INFO: Read: size=1, data=03
[3.493898] INFO: Read: size=5, data=796015B392
[3.493899] ERROR: Received NAK packet with error code 60. [in 
src/divesystem_idive.c:384 (divesystem_idive_packet)]

[3.493901] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[3.594764] INFO: Write: size=7, data=55037902009C4E
[3.606094] INFO: Read: size=1, data=55
[3.606100] INFO: Read: size=1, data=38
[3.606103] INFO: Read: size=58, 

[3.606168] INFO: Write: size=7, data=55037A0100904D
[3.654170] INFO: Read: size=1, data=5

Re: Error downloading Ratio IX3M2

2024-06-02 Thread Jef Driesen via subsurface

On 2/06/2024 09:52, Mark Stiebel via subsurface wrote:
I've recently upgraded my iX3M2 Pro, replacing it with an iX3M2 GPS Deep. The 
first two dives downloaded just fine via USB cable a couple of weeks ago, and 
today went for a third dive, but I haven't managed to download. I've tried a few 

1. Download using Ratio Toolbox - worked.
2. Download via USB cable - didn't work
3. Download via USB cable using an empty logbook - didn't work
4. Download via USB cable on a different computer - didn't work
5. Download via BT on a laptop - didn't work
6. Download via BT on androis - didn't work

In all cases, where it didn't work, it started downloading - read the serial 
number, gave me an error message:

     "Dive 1: Error parsing the header", and then repeated for Dive 2 and Dive 

Then proceeds to tell me there were no new dives to download. I've tried a 
number of the different iX3M and iX3M2 models to see if that changes anything, 
but appears not. Also no different if I check "force download of all dives" or not.

Which version of subsurface you are using? I suspect you have a version without 
this fix:

The format changed in a non-backwards compatible way in the latest firmware, and 
this fix is needed to parse dives using this new format.

Before sending through the entire libdivecomputer log, maybe someone can help me 
by pointing me in the right direction from what appear to to be the relevant 
snippets. I notice that the error messages refer to src/divesystem_idive.c

I'll need the full libdivecomputer log to confirm whether this is indeed the 
problem or something different.

BTW, those NAK errors you see in the log are harmless and can be ignored. That's 
simply the dive computer saying it's still busy, and we need to wait a while and 
retry, which we do.

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