Re: [sugar] [Sugar-devel] OLPC + Sugar

2008-11-30 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Yamandu Ploskonka wrote:
 Ed mentions three legs. 
 Then, in a Mandelbrothian nightmare each seems to grow quite a few more, 
 and it's often hard to keep track and to know who actually, if any, has 
 any decision-making power for any specific purpose, what are the teams, 
 how do they connect, where do assorted flavors of community intersect...

Congratulations, Yama!  The above deserves being part of my personal
collection of quotes, side by side with Einstein, Gandhi, George
Bernard Shaw, Linus Torvalds...

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] notes on 8.2.0, specifically 767 (was 8.2.1)

2008-11-29 Thread Bernie Innocenti
 * Firefox 2 and 3 are only slightly sugarized.
   GS - True. It is what it is and no plans to make big changes here AFAIK.
 greg -- i think you answered your own question.  the issues
 raised in that linked email are a result of firefox not being
 fully sugarized.  it might be possible to improve their behavior,
 but this falls squarely under the big make traditional X11 apps
 work better under sugar umbrella.

We already have a Sugarized version of Firefox: Browse.  But people
complained the interface didn't look and behave like Firefox.
So now we provide a Firefox activity, but people complain it's not
sugarized enough!!!

We can't win this game ;-)

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Fwd: Roadmap update

2008-11-29 Thread Bernie Innocenti
[cc += sugar-devel@ -- when do we close the old list?]

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:13 PM, David Farning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This ends up being an excellent division of responsibility.  OLPC can
 focus their resources more heavily on specific deployment issues.
 Sugar Labs can take a more innovative and upstream footing.

 For the record, I agree :) It's going to be painful in the short time,
 but it's the right thing to do and I'm confident the Sugar community
 will succeed in it. *But* everyone needs to do a big effort to make this
 division of responsibility clear and transparent, *PLEASE*.


As usual, we need a *clear* public statement from OLPC management.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] OLPC Afghanistan

2008-11-29 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Ebtihaj Obaidi wrote:
 Hi dears.
 finally OLPC Afghanistan started its official work from Afghanistan.
 For details just visit:

Are any of you going to hack on the Sugar codebase?  If so, let us
know if there's anything we can do to assist.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Closing this list

2008-11-29 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Morgan Collett wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:38, Marco Pesenti Gritti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 as previously announced we have a now an upstream mailing list for Sugar

 My suggestion would be to close and have the few
 distribution specific discussions in [EMAIL PROTECTED] *If* there is
 full consensus we might also consider to copy the subscriber list of to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 +1 from me.

+1 from me too.  Next Monday I'll ask the admins at 1CC if we can move
the existing subscribers and maybe add a redirect.

 What might help is to list the lists in a discoverable place on the
 wikis, showing clearly which list is appropriate for what, since we
 are getting support questions on iaep etc.

Well the list of all public lists is here:

Each list already comes with its own description, but feel free to
propose changes.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Sugar Camp - Friday Nov 21

2008-11-21 Thread Bernie Innocenti
David Farning wrote:
 As you can see, the schedule for sugarcamp has been updated.


People who could not attend, we also have some photos
from Ryan:

and slides for the presentations:

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] On OLPC and Sugar collaboration (Was: Schedule for SugarCamp?)

2008-11-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Bernie Innocenti wrote:
 I know you'll find this split controversial, but this is what a lot of
 people asked for.  I also think defining independent -- but
 interoperable -- roadmaps will result in higher quality results.
 We can ensure that periodic (or continuous) integration is part of the

One important clarification on my stand for those who read from
remote (Scott knows these things already):

 * I strongly feel that OLPC and Sugar Labs should remain
   independent entities, but collaborate closely;

 * I often visit the OLPC headquarters to talk with people
   and work on Sugar Labs related stuff.  As a result, I hope,
   some of our reciprocal misunderstandings have been cleared;

 * We expressly welcome any OLPC employee or contractor as a
   member of the Sugar community -- we already have 2 OLPC
   chairs in the board;

 * When I and the other Sugar developers say Sugar, we
   intend the Sucrose modules as defined here:;
   Not the whole OS distro with Sugar installed on it.
   Surprisingly, naming has been a major source of confusion!

 * From a governance PoV: regardless of who handed the individual
   paychecks, the Sugar team has functioned for over 2 years as
   an self-sufficient unit.  They are all senior engineers, with
   Marco being their lead and the interface OLPC can use for
   feature requests.

 * From a branding PoV: in order for Sugar to attract a wider
   user and developer base, it needs to stop looking like a
   subproduct of OLPC.

 * From an engineering PoV: like any medium/large scale project,
   Sugar needs more regular, more predictable, time-based releases.
   This does not necessarily make it harder to meet the
   requirements of its primary downstream distributor.

Scott and I disagree on the last 2 points.  Although I trust we both
want Sugar to live long and prosper.

A few months ago, there was a lot of flaming about Sugar 0.82.0
being released too early, or being too buggy, or lacking some features
desired by OLPC.

Part of this criticism is certainly funded: 0.82 was the first release
cycle entirely coordinated Sugar Labs.  But many would agree that 0.82
was a *huge* leap forward done in just 6 months by a very resource
constraint team of 3 full-time developers.

If we plan well at the meeting and then follow the plan closely, next
release will roll out much smoother.  And if, as a result of new
partnerships, we could put a few more people working on Sugar, things
would progress a lot faster.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] On OLPC and Sugar collaboration (Was: Schedule for SugarCamp?)

2008-11-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Bernie Innocenti wrote:
  * When I and the other Sugar developers say Sugar, we
intend the Sucrose modules as defined here:;
Not the whole OS distro with Sugar installed on it.
Surprisingly, naming has been a major source of confusion!

If we asked Stallman, he'd certainly say we should call the whole OS
distribution OLPC/Sugar :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Updated Sugarcamp schedule

2008-11-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
I cleaned it up a bit more and beautified it a little for readability:

We have left all of Tuesday free for additional talks and brainstorms.
 If you'd like to have one, just edit the wiki and grab a slot for
yourself.  We also have re-allocatable time on Monday afternoon and
Saturday morning.  If you have a presentation on Wednesday and you
feel it's inadequately compressed, feel free to move it elsewhere.

Please, note that some OLPC employees might not make it for Monday and
Tuesday.  Also note that members of the Sugar Labs oversight board
will have planning and strategy meetings on Friday afternoon.

During all the free hacking sessions, we could as well have
brainstorms in nearby rooms.  Please add those in the rightmost column.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Schedule for SugarCamp?

2008-11-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 I think the idea is that the speaker manages their half hour... giving
 one or more of their talks on For a better schedule, I
 think it would be good if each speaker would add the title of their
 talk on the wiki page.

Yes, please.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Schedule for SugarCamp?

2008-11-13 Thread Bernie Innocenti
C. Scott Ananian wrote:
 Please reserve the 3pm-5pm Thursday time slot for the roadmap meeting;
 I've gotten people to clear their schedules for that slot already.

I've left it there, and split it in two parts:

 15-17: Brainstorm: OLPC 9.1 draft roadmap and priorities
 17-19 Brainstorm: Sugar 0.84 roadmap and priorities

Ed McNierney is leading the first, Marco the second.

The Sugar roadmap comes last so we can use the OLPC requirements as
input for finer-grained tasks impacting Sugar.

I know you'll find this split controversial, but this is what a lot of
people asked for.  I also think defining independent -- but
interoperable -- roadmaps will result in higher quality results.

We can ensure that periodic (or continuous) integration is part of the

 I would decompress the talks on multiple days, keeping into account
 that the OLPC developers might have to leave at any time to assist
 with G1G1.
 I'd prefer the Wed talks not be decompressed.  But +1 on claiming
 other slots via wiki.

How about moving talks that are less interesting to OLPC people to
Monday and Tueday?  I'm thinking things like Sugar Labs
Infrastructure, etc.

Secondly, I suppose Tuesday after hours, when OLPC employees could
attend freely, would be a good time to reallocate more of those talks.

Also, what are these talks with no title you scheduled Tuesday after

  1900  Marco Gritti / Michael Stone
  2000  C. Scott Ananian / Tomeu Vizoso

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-12 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Bernie Innocenti wrote:
 Walter is looking for another place for Thursday and Friday.  We can
 probably use the Media Lab for the weekend.

Walter just confirmed another meeting room at CIC for Thu and Fri.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 Christian Schmidt is interested to come and give a talk and hold a
 brainstorming session about UI. Saturday would work best for him, can
 we reserve a slot of the schedule for it?

Great!  Please, update the list of proposals with these details.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Brendan R. Powers wrote:
 I would like to propose a discussion on making the collaboration a bit
 more standards compliant. The idea would be to get sugar to function
 more like a standard jabber IM client, as well as using existing
 standards in place of some of the custom solutions used now (xmlrpc
 instead of dbus perhaps?). I would also like to talk about using the
 colaboration API to talk to external services not on the jabber
 network(a moodle server for instance). As well as a possibly a few
 API changes to make these sorts of services easier to access for
 activity developers.

 Having a standards base and flexible collaboration framework that
 extends beyond the sugar ecosystem offers some very interesting
 possibilities. I would also like to discuss some of the jabber
 scalability problems, as well as how we manage grouping students
 into classes, and collaborating with other schools over the
 If people thinks this is a good idea for discussion I will
 add it to the wiki.

By all means, yes!

Make sure you also involve Martin Langhoff (school server architect)
and either Morgan Collet or Robert McQueen (not sure who of them worked
more on the Sugar/Jabber integration).

Cc'ing them all :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Brendan R. Powers wrote:
 It would be great to talk about sugar in ltsp environments.
 I think that the jabber, and ltsp stuff are mostly 2
 different issues, although they have some things in common.
 I could put them both down on the wiki, and we could just
 talk about one after the other.

David Van Assche (cc'd) has already been working in this direction,
although I'm not sure he can make it for the Sugarcamp.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] add xcompmgr to the olpc-development stream builds

2008-11-11 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Erik Garrison wrote:
 I have attached a patch to bin/ which launches xcompmgr prior to
 starting matchbox.  I have not tested this as I don't have a recent
 build of Sugar to test on an XO.  In 8.2 it was possible to achieve the
 same result by adding a hook to

On IRC I said we'd be better off moving this to olpc-session, so the
Sugar codebase should stay clear of platform-specific support.

However, I noticed we also run the window manager from there and it
would make a lot of sense to keep the composing manager next to it.
Some modern window managers even do both things.

Perhaps these things should be moved to olpc-session?  Either way, it
 could be done at a later point with a separate patch.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] OpenID in the wiki

2008-11-10 Thread Bernie Innocenti

we now have OpenID authentication on .
Our OpenID implementation is advertised both as a client and a server, but .

== OpenID client ==

First of all, how do you get an OpenID? Surprise! You might already have
one!  See:

To use it, just click the login with openid link in the top-right corner
of the page.  If you are already logged in, log off first.

The client implementation does not seem to support HTTP redirects (as in, but delegation (as in
works nicely.

== OpenID server ==

The server should theoretically allow you to use the URL to your user page
( to authenticate on other
OpenID-enabled sites.  I couldn't get it to work with SourceForge, but I
have high hopes it would interoperate across two MediaWiki instances.

Another annoyance is that, after you've bound your account to an external
OpenID provider, you can't use your user page any longer to authenticate
against sites.  This binding seems to be permanent, and undoing it might
require deleting the corresponding database record.

OpenID is still a somewhat immature standard, but it shows promise and,
more importantly, it's being adopted in several high profile sites.

== Way forward ==

I'm available to help install and configure the extension across the wikis, so we can share authentication.  I will also look into
OpenID plugins for Trac and the other web applications we currently use.

I've also cc'd the author of the OpenID MediaWiki extension in case he can
help clarify some of the issues described above.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-10 Thread Bernie Innocenti

while the exact schedule is still being work out, we now have a confirmed

  Training Room, 5th floor, Cambridge Innovation Center

The room -- courtesy of Open Learning Exchange ( --
can host up to 45 people and is equipped with a 1024x768 projector, a huge
whiteboard.  Open wi-fi will be available, along with some yummy snacks
from a nearby kitchen (mens sana in corpore sano).

It is booked for these dates:
  Mon 17   12:00 - 17:00
  Tue 189:00 - 17:00
  Wed 199:00 - 17:00

We can probably stay after hours -- to be confirmed.  Otherwise, we'll
just head to a pub with free wi-fi and continue from there ;-)

Walter is looking for another place for Thursday and Friday.  We can
probably use the Media Lab for the weekend.

Participants please updarte the wiki with your ETA and whether you still
need accommodation:

Mel, SJ and C.Scott: let's have a meeting tomorrow @ 2PM to partition the
available time between Sugar talks, Sugar Labs marketing, OLPC employee
meetings and the much anticipated Sugar hackathon.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar Camp Cambridge 17-21 Nov

2008-11-10 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Bernie Innocenti wrote:
 Participants please updarte the wiki with your ETA and whether you still
 need accommodation:

If it wasn't sufficiently clear, participation is open to any OLPC and
Sugar volunteer.

We have the drinks, just bring some patches.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] November meeting

2008-11-03 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
 I would like to propose that we have a talk about this in the few next
 days. What about tomorrow at 17.00 UTC in #sugar-meeting at FreeNode?
 Scott, Michael, Chris: you are the people that are pushing stronger
 for this meetings to happen, is that time right for you?

I have a meeting tomorrow at 17.00 UTC (10.00 EST).  Can we postpone to
20.00 UTC?

// Bernie Innocenti -
  \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar USB testing

2008-10-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Caroline Meeks 
   I posted my notes from the visit to Fenway today:
 Very exciting, thanks for posting it! We should get your blog on
 That would be cool
 Bernie, can we add Caroline blog to the planet?

Done, but the xml feed only provides abridged versions of the posts, 
without pictures:

Caroline, is there a better link we could use?  Also, do you have a 
small avatar icon we could put next to your blog entries?

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] rendering test

2008-10-02 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Michel Dänzer wrote:
 As a result of ee7c684f21d, the PutImage hook in ShmFuncs is no longer 
 being used.  Shall I commit a cleanup?
 ShmPutImage is still accelerated though (also, that commit is only in
 1.5, not 1.4). What kind of cleanup do you have in mind?

Remove the unused PutImage hook from the ShmFuncs structure.  Also 
maybe move the whole structure definition in the xserver as it doesn't 
seem like something that belongs to the public xextproto interface.

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] rendering test

2008-09-30 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Michel Dänzer wrote:
 On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 18:46 +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote: 
 Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Riccardo Lucchese
 On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 12:43 +0200, Riccardo Lucchese wrote:
 * build 703, xorg driver = amd, redraws = 200
 - pixbuf:

 * build 703, xorg driver = fbdev, redraws = 200
 - pixbuf:

 * build 2489, xorg driver = amd, redraws = 200
 - pixbuf:

 * build 2489, xorg driver = fbdev, redraws = 200
 - pixbuf:

 - joyride regressed sensibly at rendering with cairo since 703
 - rendering pixbufs is extremely slow on the xo
 - server side surfaces are awesome ;)

 and btw why is fbdev faster than the geode driver at rendering pixbufs ?
 My performance tests with X 1.3 and 1.4 had shown that turning on EXA 
 makes many operations slower.  It's hard to tell why, but it might have to 
 do with loosing XShmPut() (MIT shared memory), 
 EXA does support XShmPutImage(), just not SHM pixmaps.

I was remembering the code.

As a result of ee7c684f21d, the PutImage hook in ShmFuncs is no longer 
being used.  Shall I commit a cleanup?

 Also note that the fbdev driver by default uses a shadow framebuffer in
 system RAM and only updates the visible screen contents at regular
 intervals. It might be fairer to compare with Option ShadowFB off,
 at least assuming the amd driver provides other desirable features the
 fbdev driver can't provide.

Riccardo, could you try that?

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] rendering test

2008-09-28 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Benjamin Berg wrote:
 On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 12:43 +0200, Riccardo Lucchese wrote:
 Besides this, I think the icon caching mechanism should be reworked:
 right now every icon has its own surfaces-cache and its svgloader. So
 that, if I'm not wrong, two icons showing the same svg (with same size,
 colors etc..) cache two distinct but identical surfaces in their
 _iconbuffer and cache two times the raw svg file contents in their
 The cached surface is shared between different icons (the icon buffer is
 not shared). _surface_cache is a class variable, so that only one LRU
 list for the surfaces is created.

That was my impression too.  On the train from Brno to Prague, me and 
Tomeu made some quick  dirty performance measurements on that code.

IIRC, on startup we render something like 30 svg icons, and blit them to 
screen around 60 times after the home view is fully rendered.  Switching 
views does not cause too much rendering too.

While I might have a fuzzy memory for the exact numbers, I'm damn sure my 
conclusion was that there wasn't much to be gained by optimizing icon 

There were, however, a couple of icons with too many vertexes.  These 
would take 10x the time of other average icons to render.  One of these 
was the Tortoise icon, perhaps Tomeu remembers the other one.

 I guess best would be switching to have only one global cache (or
 not ? ;); perhaps a global cache clashes with using server side
 surfaces ? (see benzea's patches)
 A shared cache would be great. One way to do it would be to share a
 mmap'able file similar to the GTK+ icon cache file. But to create this
 file, one will need to know the icon colors that should be prerendered.
 More complicated would be to create a small service that uploads
 rendered icons to the X server, and hands back the pixmap ID. That way
 all applications could use one shared server side cache.
 (The pixmap based sapwood GTK+ engine, used on the Nokia 770/8x0
 devices, does this to save memory.)

We discussed this approach in Brno.  I'm glad to hear it's feasible.

Oh, why can't we just use the gtk icon cache with the rendered pixmaps?

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] rendering test

2008-09-28 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Benjamin Berg wrote:
 Oh, why can't we just use the gtk icon cache with the rendered pixmaps?
 The thing is that the GTK+ icon cache are just prerendered icons
 (created with a standalone application). In Sugar however, we need a
 more complicated mechanism as the colour of the icons is changed on the
 fly. One would probably need to implement a custom icon cache, that
 prerenders the most often needed colour combinations.

I wonder if we could extend gtk-update-icon-cache to pre-render also our 
svg icons, keyed by the stroke/fill color pair, or maybe just limited to 
the neutral (gray) icons.

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] rendering test

2008-09-28 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Riccardo Lucchese wrote:
 Was fbdev running with EXA or XAA?  (does fbdev even support EXA?) lists fbdev in the `Probably unsuitable
 for EXA support' section; so, I guess XAA.

Confirmed: there's absolutely no EXA code in xf86-video-fbdev.  Too bad, 
it would have been perfect to measure the relative overhead of going 
through the EXA fallbacks.

 My performance tests with X 1.3 and 1.4 had shown that turning on EXA 
 makes many operations slower.  It's hard to tell why, but it might have to 
 do with loosing XShmPut() (MIT shared memory), excessive migration of 
 pixmaps to the framebuffer, and so on.  X 1.5 was supposed to have a much 
 better EXA, at least judging from the stream of patches landed on the tree.

 I'd be very interested in seeing the output of oprofile while running your 
 benchmark on X 1.4 and X 1.5.  Please, remember to install the debuginfo 
 packages for the X server, libcairo, and the geode driver.
 I haven't tried to run oprofile on the xo yet (it is on my todo list).

Be careful, there's a catch with jffs2: it does not support the writable 
shared mmap that oprofiled needs.  This leads to a confusing situation 
where you get an empty report file without any error given.

Refer to this (possibly outdated) documentation for an easy workaround:

 If I remember well, ExaDoMoveOutPixmap (or a function with a similar
 name) and memcpy were always on top of sysprof profiles in rendering

One advantage of repeating the profile now would be comparing the absolute 
times between different X servers and Fedora runtimes.

Also, leaf functions tell us very little.  memcpy() might be called from 
many different places to do different things.  oprofile also supports 
stack traces, but for some reason I could never get them to work on the 
XO.  One clue is that oprofile cannot use the NMI interrupt on the XO and 
falls back to using a software timer instead.  Perhaps the stack tracing 
code doesn't like that.

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar on the BeagleBoard using the OpenEmbedded toolkit.

2008-08-22 Thread Bernie Innocenti
David Farning wrote:
 Welcome to the Sugar on the BeagleBoard project.  It seems that we have
 all of the pieces in place to do a port.

I'd be glad to help after I'm settled back in Europe, which will be
around Sep 8th.

\___/  Bernie Innocenti -
   _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
   \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-07 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Greg Smith wrote:
 I want to read all the e-mails that are important for XO users and I 
 want to skip anything not directly relevant to them. I'll archive and 
 maintain links to the rest in case I need to look something up.

 Knowing my perspective, let me know if you have any suggestions on how I 
 can optimize my efficiency with the new communication channels.

I think the Sugar development list, once moved to,
will still focus on the same topics.

If, and when, the traffic about non-OLPC ports grows to a point where
it becomes distracting to core development, we might create additional

Cross-posting to multiple Sugarlabs and OLPC lists will be welcome
as always.

As for the technical aspect of reading multiple lists, can I suggest
using  Their list archives are very usable and they even
relay them over NNTP, which is generally faster than IMAP for a large
number of posts.

The way I do it, is a little geeky, but I found it optimal: I use
procmail recipes based on the Sender header to sort each list into
its own server-side Maildir folder.  Then, I use IMAP to access it
from all my laptops.

This lets me comfortably subscribe to ~30 lists for a total of 5GB
of mail :-)

 We can rebuild him, we have the technology ... better than he was 
 before, better, stronger, faster!

It's too bad I have a 3kb/s downlink here in Kathmandu, but I know
*exactly* where this quote comes from ;-)))

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti -
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-04 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Greg Smith wrote:
 I prefer it on Mainly because I don't have capacity to 
 watch lists from two mailman servers.

What do you mean by this?  Do you read the archives rather than
subscribing to the lists?

 It also depends somewhat on the purpose. We need to communicate 
 dependencies, APIs, and other things related to activities on the XO. 
 Hopefully we can use this list for that.

I agree with you: keeping developers of activities and Sugar core
together on the same list might enable better mutual understanding.
And the current traffic is far from scaring anybody.

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti -
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Killing hung activities

2008-07-29 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Today I was testing Paing in Joyride and managed to hung it in a
way that hogs the CPU.

There seems to be no way to kill such an activity from Sugar.
Stop just tries to close the X window, which is ineffective in
such cases.

We'd need to fire a timer to check if the activity is still there
after a few seconds and, in that case, send a SIGKILL.  A safer
design would pop a Wait/Force Quit window before proceeding.

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti -
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Fwd: Autonomous system for Sugar development....

2008-06-07 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Jim Gettys wrote:

 These discussions should be best be on email, or at worst scheduled,
 published in advance IRC meetings (*with minutes*).  This project is
 world wide, with participation in (almost) every timezone and continent;
 we must enable all interested to participate.  As projects grow, IRC is
 less and less appropriate for such discussion, and any IRC use needs to
 become scheduled pre-published events (and even then, you leave out
 people on some parts of the world).  Mail has the features of leaving a
 record, and allowing time-shifting.

My ancestors would say verba volant, scripta manent.

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti -
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] documentation effort for sugar api

2008-06-07 Thread Bernie Innocenti
David Farning wrote:
 On Sat, 2008-06-07 at 10:26 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 A little fine tuning and we should be able to put the contents of
 html/api on our server.
 Do you want to give it a try? :) Bernie could give you shell access to and we could do it there.
 I am willing to give it a try.  Could you or Bernie configure apache to
 serve a static folder for the API files?  I don't feel comfortable
 messing with configurations on a live systems.

Sure.  Send me your ssh keys and the username you desire, and I'll create
an account for you.

Then, put the output in ~/public_html, test, and let me know.  You can
use cron of course.

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti -
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Missing 0.81.1 tarballs

2008-05-22 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Host not found?  Not in DNS?  That's weird.

It might have to do with the fact that is
actually a CNAME, and we do not have MX records.  This is
incorrect according to RFCs, but I had never seen an MTA

Here, I updated the zone.  Bert, please try again.

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 Doh! Bernie?
 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22.05.2008, at 18:14, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

 I uploaded tarballs for etoys and etoys-activity:
 But the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounced:

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 550 5.1.2 Host not found (not in DNS))
 Reporting-MTA: DNS; klopstock
 Received-From-MTA: DNS;
 Arrival-Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:12:39 +0200 (MEST)

 Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.2
 Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 5.1.2 Host not found (not in DNS)
 Last-Attempt-Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:12:41 +0200 (MEST)
 Final-Log-ID: x033a6k4MC95PS.ee63d728

 - Bert -

 Sugar mailing list

  _| X |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] OLPC's bizarre behaviors

2008-05-22 Thread Bernie Innocenti
C. Scott Ananian wrote:

 I would like to nominate SJ and Adam for the role of interim
 community liason, as they've done a fantastic job to date
 building and nourishing their respective content and support

SJ and Adam did a great job in the past to leverage and
organize the community around OLPC, so I think they'd be
perfect fits for this job.

However, it seems most of the communication work needs to be
directed *within* OLPC rather than towards its discontent

Folks were alienated for a number of reasons, most very easy
to grasp even without holding a degree in community building.
One might consider reviewing some of the abundant criticism
published in the open by people including Greg, RMS, Wayan,
Ivan and Mako.  And maybe pick some of their advice.

A very important first step in the right direction would be
suppressing all those secret mailing lists and bring most of
the communication back on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, there might be a small amount of confidentiality even
within an open source charity.  The same kind of things mommy
and daddy would keep secret for the good of the family.
Transparency is an *essential* precondition for regaining the
trust of donors, volunteers and all plenty of other idealistic
people who believe in reinventing education.
Is there a better argument for secrecy besides our new business
partners demand us to keep all our agreements secret?

Restoring transparency would be just the first step, but an
important step.

 Concrete things I'd like to see a liason take charge of:
  a) monthly  tech mini-conferences to present current work and wild ideas
  b) the same for deployments, to exchange success stories, challenges,
 and curricula


Good ideas.

  e) A more broadly-focused community news, agressively seeking out
 and incorporating local as well as offical OLPC content

Restoring the old weekly news posted to devel@ would be a good
start.  Perhaps even publishing the longer version that went by
the name of below the line or something like that.


Very good ideas too.

I'd like to stress, Scott, that your efforts towards improving
communication are, as always, *very* welcome.

  _| X |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] A few thoughts on SugarLabs

2008-05-16 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Same feeling here.

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 This is exactly what I think about it. Thanks so much for writing it
 down so clearly.
 On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Recently, I've encountered several people who seem to be looking for
 perspective on the relationship between OLPC and SugarLabs. I'd like
 to offer a few thoughts for them to chew on:

  1. Sugar is good enough to be interesting to lots of people in the
 world, in particular, people who don't have XOs.

  2. In order to reach more people, Sugar needs to be natively
 accessible, e.g. by being packaged for their favorite
 distributions (and operating systems, as we start looking at the
 larger world).

  3. We would like more contributions; even if some of them do not fit
 with the user experience we want to provide on the XO. SugarLabs is
 a fine place to capture many kinds of contributions.

  4. Finally, insofar as OLPC and its partners continue to pay the
 salaries of Sugar developers, supply useful infrastructure, and
 represent the largest chunk of the Sugar install base, OLPC and
 its partners will continue to have a lot of say in the development
 of Sugar.


 Sugar mailing list

 Sugar mailing list

  _| X |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [] One2OneMate

2008-05-14 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Walter Bender wrote:
 I got my hands on a One2OneMate last night. It is a pretty cool
 machine. The keyboard is full, their is a touch screen, built in
 wireless, some expansion slots, etc. It is light, runs quiet and cool.

Yes, yes... but the important uber-geek question is: have you
dalready voided the warranty?  How do its guts look like? :-)

 It comes with a nice suite of applications: Konqueror, a PDF viewer, a
 note pad, typing tutor, Tux paint, a calculator, etc. It uses a simple
 tab- and icon-based desktop. It is responsive. I am trying to install
 some apps off of their server--haven't figured out how to get to the
 console yet. Definite Sugar potential!!

Very cool!  Do you have a contact I could call to get a sample here
in Florence?  The people of OLPC Austria might also be interested in
testing it for their pilots.

Also, I'd like to get in touch with the developers to see if *they*
would be interested in doing the work of adapting Sugar to their own

  _| X |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Mail backlog; list moderators needed

2008-05-08 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Samuel Klein wrote:

 I just forwarded a bunch of mail from non-subscribers from the past two 
 weeks.   I am looking for 1-2 people to help moderate this list -- this 
 involves filtering spam, passing on messages from non-list members, 
 keeping heated discussions on-topic, and moderating the rare overzealous 
 poster.  Please reply to me off-list if interested.

Some time ago, I posted the following comments about moderation
to a closed OLPC list.

This is not to say there shouldn't be someone managing the list.
Just that they should not apply a strict moderation policy.

Do you agree on this?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: on transparency
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:38:29 +0200
From: Bernie Innocenti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Samuel Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Samuel Klein wrote:
 If we can clarify this, the list mods can be encouraged to keep 
 discussion on topic.

Strict moderation and splitting into micro-topic groups was attempted
by the venerable FidoNet and Usenet, two very large pre-Internet
networks.  In my experience, it created more trouble than benefit.

A large part of the traffic was moderators bitching with subscribers
about what is on topic and how the policy should be modified to allow
or deny a particular behavior.  Lots of posting would begin with
disclaimers: I'm not sure this is on topic, please forgive me if
it's not

The most popular argument was: you are wasting everybody's bandwidth!,
along with estimates of how many bytes were transferred to convey the
inappropriate topic.  Then when bandwidth was not a problem any more,
it became a S/N ratio issue.

Some individuals cannot suffer to hear others expressing their own
ideas and bring up bandwidth and S/N excuses as a way to censor them.
This is why moderation in public forums was a bed idea and was dropped
in modern Internet.

What works very well, instead, is self moderation and peer-to-peer
moderation, because people in general learn to avoid behavior that
upsets everybody else.  I think the Wikipedia works on the very same

  _| o |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_X_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar Interface on Classmate PC

2008-05-08 Thread Bernie Innocenti
[cc += aaron]

Chuka Uzoegwu wrote:
 I am very much interested in getting the sugar interface to work on the 
 Classmate PC. I read the article on the subject matter in OLPC news and 
 I have started to work on it. I still have not been able to get the 
 Sugar work on the CMPC. Can anyone help.

Ask Aaron Kaplan, he's the author of this hack.

Do you know where I could get a Classmate for experimental purposes?

  _| o |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_X_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [] Sugar on the EEE PC

2008-05-07 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

 Which resolution it has? I can give it a look next week when I get
 back to a working jhbuild install.


  _| o |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_X_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar API documentation

2008-05-05 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Edward Cherlin wrote:

  And when I say documentation, I mean a handful of awesome activities
  that are copiously documented in a literate programming style.
 I am a professional API tech writer, and I have been a developer. I
 would be delighted to work on this, if I could get the support I need.
 What do the developers use now?

I talked about it with Marco on IRC.  Some documentation is done with
gtk-doc because of our extensive use of the Gnome APIs.  We are not
opposed to switch to something else (Doxygen, Epydoc) if there seems
to be benefits and someone volunteers to do the conversion.

Checkout the main Sugar repository and have a look yourself:
  git clone git://

There are plenty of other related projects that could use some love.

Personally, I think documenting these low-level details and the
internals of Sugar has a low effort/utility ratio.  The code base
seemed sufficiently understandable even the first time I've looked
at it.

There's much more value in clearly describing the overall architecture,
the interaction between Sugar and Activities, the various DBus
protocols, etc.  Some of this exists in, but much of
this information is incomplete, disorganized or just bitrotting.

So, rather than the API-oriented fine-grained documentation (which
may be a lot of to revise and extend), I'd like to see the stuff in
the wiki reorganized and revised to assume the form of a comprehensive,
top-down developer manual for the Sugar environment.

My non-pro $0.02 opinion.  Edward, what do you think about it?

  _| o |  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|_X_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] jumpy cursor problem and sugar issue

2008-04-27 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Bryan Berry wrote:

 1. We are having a lot of trouble w/ jumpy cursors. You know where the
 touchpad behaves erratically. Is there an easy fix to this problem?
 we are using build 703, MP machines, and firmware Q2d14. We have the
 kids hold down the 4 corner buttons as recommended in the XO user guide
 but that doesn't seem to consistently fix the problem.
 Dust is an issue at the schools but that can't explain the high rate of
 jumpy cursors. Please assist

Can you explain in detail the behavior of the cursor when it's
acting erratically?

There are many independent touchpad problems that look alike.
Of these, the only one I could fix in software was this one:

The symptoms of #2804 are quite distinctive: the cursor jumps immediately
towards the bottom-right corner of the screen each time you put your
finger on the touchpad.

Dilinger and Smithbone have been working on the calibration issue,
but I don't know if they finally succeeded.

Dilinger also had a cleaned up version of the driver, combining
together several touchpad fixes, cleanups and re-enabling the pen
tablet too (#5268). That patch-set had been held until after Update.1
because it introduced yet another regression (#6079).

I don't know who has been working on it, if anybody.  Given our
current situation, I might soon find plenty of free time to work
on these things :-)

  _||  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|__=_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] jumpy cursor problem and sugar issue

2008-04-27 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Andres Salomon wrote:

 Yeah, all the code's in master.  No known bugs in the touchpad driver, but
 the kernel was just updated to 2.6.25.  Of course, the most important
 change might be the PT-in-relative-mode thing; when the GS screws up,
 just push down hard and use the PT to do what you want to do.

That's really cool, Dilinger!   The Turkish had asked me when this
would happen and I was embarrassed to admit there was no ETA for
it yet.

Is the new kernel already in one of our unstable builds?  Do you think
it would be dogfoodable enough for the faster branch, maybe?

On second thought, maybe faster should be used only for those changes
that make things, well, faster.  Otherwise it would quickly become a
dumping ground.

  _||  Bernie Innocenti -
  \|__=_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project
Sugar mailing list