Re: [sugar] Which pygame version is Sugar currently used?

2008-10-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:55 AM, Simon Schampijer [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hey all,

 someone at university here is currently planning an activity and asked me
 which pygame version Sugar is currently using.

 Neither he nor I couldn't really find any information on it on [[Pygame]]
 [[Software components]] or the more recent archives...

 Any pointers and help are appreciated.


 Hey Christoph,
  pygame.i386 0:1.8.0-1.olpc3.3

 On the XO you can get the version with 'rpm -q pygame'



thanks a lot for the quick reply (esp. given the time here in GMT+2;-).

FFM had already told me a way to find the pygame version but yours is
certainly easier than entering

 import pygame

Thanks again,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] License your bundles, please!

2008-09-12 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 5:41 PM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Gilmore has been pushing us to get our licensing ducks in a row.
 The one remaining problem has been activities and content bundles: we
 can't legally distribute bundles that don't have a clear statement of

 I have added documentation to:
 on a new 'license=' field in the and files,
 closely modelled after the License: field in RPM packages.

 Now I need your help!  Could you all look at any activity and content
 bundles you maintain, add an appropriate license statement if there
 isn't one already (comments at the top of source files, or a COPYING
 file, or a statement in the README, etc) and the add a 'license='
 field to your or documenting the license

 Commenting on when you've done so
 will help me keep track of how we're doing.  We will not be able to
 ship any activities in our G1G1 8.2 image which do not have
 appropriate license information -- since mstone's plan-of-the-moment
 is to make the first release candidate for this next week, the
 situation is pretty urgent.  Also, we will probably need to remove any
 activity bundles hosted on the wiki which do not have
 statements of license at one point.  Your help is appreciated!

Wouldn't Morgan and his recent survey of activity authors be a valuable
resource to quickly and directly get in touch with as many activity authors
as possible?



  ( )
 Sugar mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Status of Wordsmith / Scrabble activity

2008-09-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
(copying sugar@ since I'm not sure how many people are really subscribed to
games@ and activities@)

Hey all,

I just stumbled across the concept for a Wordsmith / Scrabble activity ( and now I was wondering
whether anyone was actively working on the project. The last edit to said
wiki page happened in mid-June and I don't remember hearing about it since

The main reason why I'm asking is that I'll be meeting up with professors at
two Austrian universities who had previously expressed interest in
contributing to OLPC via student projects 1 1/2 weeks from now. I'd like to
be able to offer them a short list of cool projects, software, content (aka
easy wins) that they or their students could be working on over the next 6

Any pointers appreciated!


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Automatic power management disabled in control panel

2008-09-10 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

upgraded to 2414 and realized that the auto power management checkbox in the
sugar control panel is unchecked even though the XO seems to show a regular
power management behavior. Is this a bug or am I missing something here
(e.g. auto power management being a different mode to what's the default


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Season of Usability project

2008-09-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Eben,

I was wondering how Alessandro Vona's Season of Usability project wrt
handheld-mode was coming along.

The mid-term report (
sounded very promising, especially in terms of making that decision whether
going for a generic solutions or a more customizable / per-activity solution
would be preferable.

I did a quick search on both the sugar-archives and wiki but couldn't find
anything relevant so any pointers are appreciated.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [Activities] Camera raw mode (WAS: Panorama activity)

2008-09-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

IIRC the camera also supports a RAW mode, right?

Is this another feature that we could integrate into an advanced camera
activity that also includes the features mentioned below?


On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Nirav Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know about integrating it into Record, but the other issues
 are fairly easy to resolve.  I wrote a Python module over the summer
 to interface v4l2 cameras that returns Pygame surfaces.  Capturing
 images is near instant (~20ms for 640x480 RGB).  Autogain and
 autowhitebalance can be disabled using v4l2 camera controls.  There is
 support in my module for the hflip and vflip controls, but adding
 additional controls is trivial.

 Alternately, we could just use a little utility in C to access any
 v4l2 camera control.  Since the module I wrote is for Pygame and is
 eventually going to be cross platform, adding v4l2 specific stuff to
 it is probably not the greatest idea.

 It may just be better to skip sticking it in Record and make a
 standalone activity, since Record seems to have plenty of issues on
 its own without a big new feature.  There wouldn't be much code
 duplication if Panorama doesn't use gstreamer anyway.


 On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
  Hash: SHA1
  Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  | Sweet, I totally missed that!
  | Is anyone actively working on integrating that functionality into
  | or making it available as a seperate activity?
  | Christoph
  The Panorama Activity is snot quite barely functional.  It might be best
  to roll this functionality into Record, and Erik Blankinship has
  some interest in that.  However, Record's UI is very unusual, and I am
  about to attempt integration with it myself.  Also, as you can see in the
  examples, this process is only likely to work well once the camera's
  automatic white balance and gain control are deactivated.  The only way I
  know how to do that is to run in Bayer mode.  Bayer mode was introduced
  a recent gstreamer, but gstreamer was recently downgraded, which leaves
  without a known reliable way to access Bayer mode.
  - --Ben
  P.S.  For Bayer mode info, see
  Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [Activities] Panorama activity

2008-09-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Sweet, I totally missed that!

Is anyone actively working on integrating that functionality into 'record'
or making it available as a seperate activity?


On 9/5/08, Brian Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 (code? Nirav is interested in doing something similar!)


  On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:56 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz 
  Hash: SHA1
  The XO happens to be perfect for shooting stitched panoramic photographs,
 due to
  the swivel design.  I tested it out in the OLPCHQ lobby. Then, I wrote a
  panorama stitcher in 50 lines of Python.  It runs in 3.4 seconds on my
 Core Duo,
  producing this output:
  The results aren't too bad.  I also tried stitching this scene with
 Hugin, the
  most powerful panorama stitcher I know of.  Hugin required significant
  intervention and half an hour of computing time, producing this output:
  This scene is unusually difficult because of the huge indoor-outdoor
  Given this positive result, I would like to work on a panorama-making
  possibly inside Capture.  I know that at age 10, I loved making panoramas
 out of
  photographs.  Panoramas provide an immersive way for children to
  their environments to each other and to the world.
  - --Ben Schwartz
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
  Devel mailing list
 Activities mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Map activity not working on joyride-2385

2008-09-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

I just installed 2385 and wanted to run the cool Map activity ( in order to demo it at FUDCon
this weekend.

Unfortunately the activity seems to hang at startup and gets killed after
about 30 seconds or so with the Map icon remaining below the XO on the

Any ideas?


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Information re: power mgmt and software update (WAS: Re: Book sprint - AT update - Monday)

2008-08-26 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Greg Smith schrieb:
 Hi Christoph et al,

Hey all,

I'm currently working on the chapter about the Sugar Control Panel for 
the BookSprint and it looks like I need some more information, 
especially regarding power management and software updates.

I appreciate any pointers to the mailing-list archives or relevant wiki 

 I may not make these meetings either but I'll try to keep up in e-mail.
 On the 8.2 release notes:
 I think you can make some good progress documenting the new sugar 
 control panel. However, there is very little good information on exactly 
 what those things do. You should probably take them one at a time.
 This link has some info:
 The timezone one should be pretty self explanatory. That said there is 
 one odd thing that needs to be explained. The name of the panel is date 
 and time, it only allows changing time zones right now.

Yes, I noticed that issue yesterday. Are there plans to add date/time 
adjustments or to rename the panel to Timezone?

 We should explain the difference between about my XO and About Me. 
 Hopefully you can get some sense of that by clicking on them. If you 
 need more input, please ask.
 Frame is hopefully clear by clicking on it.
 Power needs a lot of explanation. See the longer battery life section in 
 the release notes. See also this URL: Chris Ball is the main 
 guy to explain power. Its changing some and we also need to explain when 
 and why the screen goes black sometimes vs. when it dims.

The main question I have so far is whether enabling Extreme power 
management automatically also enables Automatic power management or 
whether the latter needs to be enabled to use the extreme mode.

Also it seems as though the extreme-mode kicks in as soon as the 
checkbox is clicked therefore potentially confusing users with regards 
to having to use the ok button to confirm changes. Or am I missing 
something here?

 Software updater is a big one but I don't have any good links to its 
 documentation right now. Scott is the author of the code and I think 
 that Eben and Michael S know some about how it works too.
 Network is important but not well documented. It is related but 
 different from the Register item in the popup menu on the XO guy on the 
 home screen. They should both be well documented for users with a school 
 server and without. You may get the best input on those from the server 
 I suggest you go right to engineering on the devel list if you can. 
 Otherwise let me know what open questions you have and I'll try to 
 connect you.
 Thanks a lot for your time and effort!

Thanks in advance,

 Greg S
 Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm off for the day to attend some family business and thought I'd 
 leave you with a quick summary:

 I've got a rough framework going for the Personalising chapter, need 
 to investigate tomorrow to get lots more details about power saving 
 options and especially software updates.

 Greg, as discussed in the call, maybe you can assist me there by 
 pointing me to relevant resources on the wiki and the mailing-list 

 I'm afraid I won't make it to tomorrow's call but will try to set 
 aside 2 or 3 hours in the evening to continue on the chapter. 
 Wednesday and Thursday evening should work easier for me.

 Have fun sprinting everyone and see you tomorrow!

 P.S. Adam Hyde, thanks a lot for all the support, it's much appreciated!

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Please help test our new 8.2.0 weekly beta, joyride-2263!

2008-08-09 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are thrilled to announce a new test build, joyride-2230, valid until
 Wednesday, August 13.

 Please help test it according to the detailed instructions at

 while we still have time to fix issues you might find!

 Our specific interest this week continues to be activity compatibility:

  Does your favorite activity still run on joyride-2263?

 Currently known issues are recorded at:

 New issues should be filed in our bug-tracking system (
 according to

 or by notifying us by other means.



This isn't really a bug but rather a general observation so I'm not quite
sure where to put it...

When you're in the software-update panel of the control-panel then there are
cancel and ok buttons in the upper right corner. However the ok button
seems redundant as they both do exactly the same thing: close the panel and
take you back to the main configuration screen. At least that's the case
when the software is up-to-date. IIRC you also need to press a button inside
the panel for updating when there's new software available which would again
make the ok-button redundant.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] letting the user specify the mesh channel

2008-08-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On 8/7/08, Martin Dengler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 08:25:15AM -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
  A question for Eben:

 Though I'm not eben...

  Will the user still (now using the Frame) be able to choose to
  specifically mesh on channel 11 ?

 Yes.  See
 for an example of how I currently have it looking.

Pretty nice!

The only thing I'm wary about is whether the IP address should be there.

It might be useful for devs and some G1G1 people but for children and
teachers in the deployments this gotta be confusing...

Just my 2 euro-cents,



 Sugar mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] New joyride build 2258

2008-08-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On 8/6/08, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Build Announcer v2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- Changes for sugar 0.81.8-2.20080806git0fc57309f3.olpc3 from
 0.81.8-1.fc9 ---
   + 7495 open cp software-updater on first boot after an update

 I don't want this!  I keep shouting about it and no one seems to be
 listening!  Home absolutely needs to be home base, especially after an
 update.  I'm fine with tossing up a non-modal alert at boot which
 prompts the user to update right away, with a button which reveals the
 software update control panel module, but I'm NOT OK with anything
 which, unbeknownst to the user, flits them away to some other part of
 the system without his/her consent.


Initially I was all for such first-boot features (especially with regard to
G1G1 and the help-activity). But after thinking about Eben's arguments in
both cases I agree that user should definitely see the home-view as the
first thing when they boot the machine. Especially the Sugar-Control-Panel
and its overlay above the home-view (which IIRC isn't used anywhere else in
Sugar except for the Journal object chooser instead of the traditional
file-choose dialogue) could be quite confusing.


- Eben
 Sugar mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
2008/8/3 Martin Dengler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 05:10:54PM -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Bastien wrote:
  | - announce new activities
  | - announce changes in ownership
  | - check for dead/agonizing/orphaned activities
  | - discuss API and dependancies issues
  All of these things are perfect for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  They are precisely 
  sugar@ is for.

 They do not cover everything sugar@ is for[1], or is currently used
 for (see next point).

  There is no need for an additional mailing list.

 I'm not sure I agree - sugar@ has so much traffic not
 relevant to casual activity authors (for example, your
 Congratulations... thread).

 I can't believe I did this, but I went through the July sugar@
 messages and categorized them into ones I thought would be appropriate
 for the AA list and ones not (thus for the current sugar@ list).

 Totals:  808 messages
 AA - 293 messages 36.3%
 SS - 515 messages 63.7%

 You may see the details here:

  - --Ben


 1. From :
 Sugar is the internal code name for everything users see. This
 includes the sharing and collaboration experience, base set of tasks,
 and the entire desktop stack. This mailing list is to discuss the
 design and the implementation of that effort.

(adding Sugar back to the conversation, not sure why it was dropped)

I'm generally the first one to argue against YAML (yet-another-mailing-list)
as I'm already subscribed to almost 30 OLPC-related ones...

However I do believe that the idea of a mailing-list targeted to
activity-developers has some merit to it.

Contrary to Albert's comment I don't think an announcement only list for
when the API breaks is enough, this is such a fundamental thing that should
be communicated on all channels (mailing lists, wiki pages, sugar almanac,
you name it) when it happens. The fact that this hasn't been done in the
past just shows how much is lacking when it comes to making it easy for
people to contribute activities without having to follow all the
conversations on sugar, devel, etc.

Looking at the big picture we we should be thinking about how mailing-lists
are going to be used down the road anyway, for example whether there's going
to be a gen. 2 (XOXO) list for all things related to that project. There
we're going to have the same issue that potentially some (but definitely not
all!) issues will overlap with current devel- and sugar discussions, but I
guess that's what cross-posting is for.

Getting back to the discussion at hand: In a perfect world an
activity-developer would not have to worry about core-issues as mostly
discussed on sugar and devel, as that stabilized *information* (the outcome
and decisions based on the discussions on the lists) would be accessible
somewhere on the API doc, wiki, sugar-almanac, activity handbook, etc. The
activity-developers mailing-list could then be used to exchange tricks of
the trade, ask questions (such as Alex's current one about the difference
between sugar-launch and launching from the home-view), solicit help for
testing and localization (CC'ing the appropriate mailing-lists in the
process) and just plainly sharing ideas and suggestions for activities
without actually writing them oneself (another big issue because at the
moment we don't have a forum for children, parents, educators, content
creators, graphic designers, etc. to share their input).

Anyway, just my 2 jet lagged euro-cents,

 Devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
Co-Editor, OLPCnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Framework for managing the activities (= symfony project)

2008-08-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 6:18 PM, FFM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 10:50:59AM -0500, Bastien wrote:
  Sébastien Adgnot just pointed me out that the guys behind the symfony
  project have developed a plugin management framework for they own needs:
  The structure looks pretty neat, and maybe something like that could be
  useful on top of the git page for the activities.

 Yeah, I heard someone was working on using the code from

Yes, David Farning mentioned that:


 Sugar mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Random observations with joyride-2225 and latest activities

2008-07-31 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 03:05:18PM -0400, Daniel Drake wrote:

 On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 09:32 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 a) Record: using v56 the activity starts up fine, the display shows
 whatever the camera is capturing, I can go into fullscreen-mode,
 switch to different tabs, etc. However once I press the
 capture-button the whole thing basically freezes, sometimes I was
 still able to move the mouse but clicking wouldn't have any impact, at
 other times Sugar completely froze and I had to do a hard reset of the

 Your save-nand image loaded onto my XO just fine, but Record worked
 fine. Must be something hardware related. very odd.

 It could also be hardware independent but non-deterministic. Or
 deterministic but triggered under input that you didn't give.


Hey guys,

thanks a lot for all the feedback.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to submit any tickets about the issues I
encountered as I've been busy with getting ready for flying back across the
pond. This has been somewhat painful due to by my flight being canceled
today thanks to strikes at Lufthansa. (Oh the fun of last-minute

Anyway, I hope to be back on speed by Tuesday or something and will submit
the respective tickets then.

Best regards,

Christoph Derndorfer
Co-Editor, OLPCnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Random observations with joyride-2225 and latest activities

2008-07-29 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I've been running joyride-2225 with what I believe to be the latest versions
(as per the update software functionality of the sugar-control-panel) of
some core activities. In the past half hour I have stumbled across some
issues that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else so I thought I'd share

a) Record: using v56 the activity starts up fine, the display shows whatever
the camera is capturing, I can go into fullscreen-mode, switch to different
tabs, etc. However once I press the capture-button the whole thing
basically freezes, sometimes I was still able to move the mouse but clicking
wouldn't have any impact, at other times Sugar completely froze and I had to
do a hard reset of the XO.
b) TurtleArt: v7 is missing an l in the activity title so we're looking at
c) Read: This activity is only useful if started by clicking on a file with
a mime-type that's associated to read. However it still shows up in the list
view of the home-view even though you actually can't do anything with it
once you start it. The file has the show_launcher property
to define that behavior, not sure whether in this case it's simply set
wrongly in the read .info or whether the list-view presently ignores this
Another odd issue is that when you open read from the list / favorites view
and you then want to close it you're presented with a keep error message
which seems quite useless considering the fact that no activity / file was
actually resumed. Again, not sure whether that's an issue with read or the
underlying Journal structure.
d) Brightness adjustment: up to 708 and most earlier joyrides that I have
used in the past weeks allowed you to immediatly turn of the backlight by
pressing ctrl + reduce brightness button. With joyride-2225 this doesn't
work anymore.

Let me know what you think.


Christoph Derndorfer
Co-Editor, OLPCnews
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] [Fwd: [Ak-hci-ue] CFP: International Workshop on Adaptivity and Personalization in Ubiquitous Learning Systems (APULS 2008)]

2008-07-28 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

Thought this might be interesting for some of you...


Christoph Derndorfer

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this e-mail to people who
might be interested in this workshop.]


International Workshop on
Adaptivity and Personalization in Ubiquitous Learning Systems (APULS 2008)

in conjunction with the 4th Symposium on Usability  HCI for Education and
Work (USAB 2008) November 18-21, 2008 Graz, Austria


Ubiquitous learning environments overcome the restrictions of classroom or
workplace restricted learning and extend e-learning by bringing the concepts
of anytime and anywhere to reality, aiming at providing people with
educational content in their daily living environments. Using devices such
as mobile phones or personal digital assistants (PDA) allows new
opportunities for learners by being intensely connected. Therefore,
educational content and information can be accessed whenever learners need
it, in different areas of life, regardless of space and time.

While “ubiquitous technologies in education” is a growing research area,
aspects of adaptivity and personalization become more and more important.
Incorporating adaptivity and personalization issues in ubiquitous learning
systems allows these systems to provide learners with an environment that is
not only accessible anytime and anywhere, but also accommodate to the
individual preferences and needs of learners. Being aware of and considering
the current context of the learners as well as that they have, for example,
different prior knowledge, interests, learning styles, learning goals, and
so on, leads to a more effective, convenient, and successful learning
experience in the ubiquitous learning environments.

This workshop deals with innovative research in the area of adaptivity and
personalization in ubiquitous learning systems, providing a forum to present
and discuss how ubiquitous learning environments can be enhanced with
adaptivity and personalization aspects. The overall goal of the workshop is
to bring people from different fields together, exchange research ideas and
results, and encourage discussion about how to provide learners with
valuable and useful learning opportunities in adaptive/personalized
ubiquitous learning systems.


Topics of interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to):
•   Adaptive collaboration support
•   Adaptive curriculum sequencing
•   Adaptive presentation and navigation support
•   Agent technology 
•   Architectures and frameworks of adaptive/personalized ubiquitous
•   Authoring tools for adaptive/personalized ubiquitous systems
•   Data mining, log mining, and web mining for education intelligence
•   Empirical studies of adaptive/personalized ubiquitous systems
•   Games-based learning in ubiquitous environments
•   Human-Computer Interaction
•   Innovative devices for ubiquitous learning
•   Integration and interoperability issues
•   Instructional design and pedagogy
•   Intelligent and adaptive assessment
•   Language learning in ubiquitious environments
•   Life-long learning support
•   Problem solving methods and problem-based learning
•   Semantic web and education
•   Student modelling
•   Ubiquitous technologies for indoor and outdoor learning
•   Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies for ubiquitous


August 22, 2008 Submission deadline for workshop papers
September 5, 2008   Notification of workshop papers
September 19, 2008  Final version deadline for workshop papers
November 18-21, 2008Symposium on Usability  HCI for Education and Work
(USAB 2008)
November 18 or 19, 2008 International Workshop on Adaptivity and
Personalization in Ubiquitous Learning Systems


Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:
•   Full papers (8 pages)
•   Short papers (4 pages)
The page length includes figures, tables, references, and so on.

The format of workshop papers should follow the format of conference papers
at USAB. Please use the guidelines at:

Please submit your paper via email to Sabine Graf at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and copy to Kinshuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 international reviewers
from the program committee. The proceedings will be published by Springer in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. 


The workshop is held in conjunction

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Silver medal

2008-07-22 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
J.M. Maurer schrieb:
 On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 01:17 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

 Not bad!

 And gold:

 Even better!
On a related note:

Also saw two XOs in the 246 and Counting: Recent Architecture and 
Design Acquisitions exhibition at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art 



 IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


Christoph Derndorfer

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Record-55 released

2008-07-09 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Thanks, I'm so happy to have 'record' back (even with these known
issues)! :-)


Daniel Drake schrieb:

 I've released version 55 of the Record activity, available at:

 git tree:;a=summary

 This includes various fixes so that Record works with the newer
 gstreamer present in joyride. As side effects from the required
 restructuring, it now switches between capture modes much smoother, and
 the microphone is turned off when we aren't recording audio (perhaps
 saving some power?).

 Known issues:
 You can't record more than 1 video per session

 The picture-in-picture live video feed has been removed from video
 playback mode:


Christoph Derndorfer

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] dual-display ebook reader project

2008-05-22 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Some of you might have seen this, but it was certainly new to me:

Definitely some food for thought wrt XO-2, don't you think?

Thanks for the heads-up, curiouslee!


Christoph Derndorfer

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [] One2OneMate

2008-05-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Sounds good, looking forward to seeing Sugar run on it! :-)

One thing I was wondering though, why is it so expensive? $399 really 
seems like *a lot* of money for that machine...

Walter Bender schrieb:
 I got my hands on a One2OneMate last night. It is a pretty cool
 machine. The keyboard is full, their is a touch screen, built in
 wireless, some expansion slots, etc. It is light, runs quiet and cool.
 It comes with a nice suite of applications: Konqueror, a PDF viewer, a
 note pad, typing tutor, Tux paint, a calculator, etc. It uses a simple
 tab- and icon-based desktop. It is responsive. I am trying to install
 some apps off of their server--haven't figured out how to get to the
 console yet. Definite Sugar potential!!

 ___ mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [] One2OneMate

2008-05-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Bert Freudenberg schrieb:

 On 14.05.2008, at 13:51, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Sounds good, looking forward to seeing Sugar run on it! :-)

 One thing I was wondering though, why is it so expensive? $399 really 
 seems like *a lot* of money for that machine...

 Well, that includes a 5 year warranty on parts and labor.

Ah, okay, I completely missed that...


 Also, without much competition in the price range, to many it would 
 even look aggressively-priced.

 - Bert -

 Walter Bender schrieb:
 I got my hands on a One2OneMate last night. It is a pretty cool
 machine. The keyboard is full, their is a touch screen, built in
 wireless, some expansion slots, etc. It is light, runs quiet and cool.
 It comes with a nice suite of applications: Konqueror, a PDF viewer, a
 note pad, typing tutor, Tux paint, a calculator, etc. It uses a simple
 tab- and icon-based desktop. It is responsive. I am trying to install
 some apps off of their server--haven't figured out how to get to the
 console yet. Definite Sugar potential!!

 ___ mailing list

 ___ mailing list

 ___ mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [Grassroots-l] creation of local feedback groups

2008-04-23 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Zitat von Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
 Zitat von Bryan Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   tomeu wrote:
   Hi all,
   now that a considerable number of people are starting to use the first
   minimally complete version of Sugar, may be a good moment to discuss
   and agree on which is the best way for feedback to reach us the
   This is the right idea. The key would be for the coordinators of the
   local feedback groups to summarize but not filter or bias the response
   w/ their own concerns.  Most local volunteers are tech-oriented (like
   myself) and it is easy for us alter the feedback we get or selectively
   hear or magnify the responses that match our own.
   We need info from groups that don't use the tools of open-source trade
   -- wikis, mailing lists, IRC.
   We will be providing a lot of feedback from our pilots starting this
   Friday. How should we send that feedback to the Sugar Team?
   the best persons on the OLE Nepal team to provide this feedback are
   Kamana Regmi and Bipul Gautam, two teachers who are not familiar w/
   wikis, IRC, mailing lists, etc. It would be easiest if they had an
   e-mail address to send their responses to. They would be very confused
   by the tech talk on Sugar-Request and Devel-Request.

  I agree that it's absolutely necessary to keep the barrier to entry for
  this feedback as low as possible. While e-mails are certainly a good
  start I'd like to see the submitted information also be added to an
  online-database because I find mailing-list archives to be a consistent
  pain the ass when it comes to retrieving previous communication and
  information. A searchable and taggable database would certainly make
  that easier.

  Plus we also have to consider the fact that many of the people giving
  the most valuable feedback (=teachers) might not even speak English and
  it would be important to keep a record of their original feedback

  In terms of the organizational structure it might make sense to have
  some sort of feedback-liaison in each group. So for example if OLPC
  people on the ground in Peru want to find out what's happening in Nepal
  they'd just have to contact one person directly instead of asking their
  way around. Should we maybe set up a wiki page for that kind of


   If I summarize the input I will inevitably filter the information and
   magnify what I think is coolest.

 Ok, so sending email directly to the mailing lists may be too
 inconvenient, and we don't have yet a database like the one Christoph
 described. Can we use anything else in the short term, see how well it
 suits our needs, and then go back from there?


Could trac with a very simplified UI maybe do the trick?


Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [Grassroots-l] creation of local feedback groups

2008-04-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Zitat von Bryan Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 tomeu wrote:
 Hi all,

 now that a considerable number of people are starting to use the first
 minimally complete version of Sugar, may be a good moment to discuss
 and agree on which is the best way for feedback to reach us the

 This is the right idea. The key would be for the coordinators of the
 local feedback groups to summarize but not filter or bias the response
 w/ their own concerns.  Most local volunteers are tech-oriented (like
 myself) and it is easy for us alter the feedback we get or selectively
 hear or magnify the responses that match our own.

 We need info from groups that don't use the tools of open-source trade
 -- wikis, mailing lists, IRC.

 We will be providing a lot of feedback from our pilots starting this
 Friday. How should we send that feedback to the Sugar Team?

 the best persons on the OLE Nepal team to provide this feedback are
 Kamana Regmi and Bipul Gautam, two teachers who are not familiar w/
 wikis, IRC, mailing lists, etc. It would be easiest if they had an
 e-mail address to send their responses to. They would be very confused
 by the tech talk on Sugar-Request and Devel-Request.

I agree that it's absolutely necessary to keep the barrier to entry for 
this feedback as low as possible. While e-mails are certainly a good 
start I'd like to see the submitted information also be added to an 
online-database because I find mailing-list archives to be a consistent 
pain the ass when it comes to retrieving previous communication and 
information. A searchable and taggable database would certainly make 
that easier.

Plus we also have to consider the fact that many of the people giving 
the most valuable feedback (=teachers) might not even speak English and 
it would be important to keep a record of their original feedback 

In terms of the organizational structure it might make sense to have 
some sort of feedback-liaison in each group. So for example if OLPC 
people on the ground in Peru want to find out what's happening in Nepal 
they'd just have to contact one person directly instead of asking their 
way around. Should we maybe set up a wiki page for that kind of 


 If I summarize the input I will inevitably filter the information and
 magnify what I think is coolest.

 Bryan W. Berry
 Systems Engineer
 OLE Nepal,

 Grassroots mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Journal Tagging in Activities

2008-03-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
What I'm looking for is an explicit tagging funcionality within an 
activity, for example the way it works in 'record' at the moment.

It just doesn't seem to make sense to be forced to switch to the Journal 
any time I want to tag (the result of) an activity when I really should 
be able to tag anything and everything from within the activity where I 
create the datastore object in question.


Tomeu Vizoso schrieb:

 activities can already edit the 'tags' property in the same way as any
 other metadata property.

 Or are you proposing some tagging mechanism in the default activity toolbar?



 On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Eduardo H Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a me too reply: I really agree that tags and descriptions will be less
 used if they can't be edited within an activity.

 2008/3/3, Christoph Derndorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hey all,

 I had previously mentioned
 ( that
 I believe that [[Human Interface Guidelines]] should contain some
 best-practice examples for developers.

 Now I was looking through some of the ideas for the next version of the
 Journal and that made me realize that it might make sense to add Journal
 tagging support directly to activities. At least to me that feature is
 great when using 'record' to take photos as I can directly add the name
 and tags from within the activity by clicking on the 'I' button of any
 photo. With all other activities I have to switch to the Journal and do
 that editing there which is quite inconvenient. Especially when it comes
 to activities such as 'paint', 'write' and 'measure' which produce quite
 a lot of output in the form of different usage-threads (e.g. different
 temperature-measurements for a chemistry experiment).

 Please let me know what you think.


 P.S. This message was written while driving 140km/h on the Autobahn from
 Chemnitz to Hannover... ;-)
 Sugar mailing list

  Sugar mailing list


Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Journal Tagging in Activities

2008-03-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey all,

I had previously mentioned 
( that 
I believe that [[Human Interface Guidelines]] should contain some 
best-practice examples for developers.

Now I was looking through some of the ideas for the next version of the 
Journal and that made me realize that it might make sense to add Journal 
tagging support directly to activities. At least to me that feature is 
great when using 'record' to take photos as I can directly add the name 
and tags from within the activity by clicking on the 'I' button of any 
photo. With all other activities I have to switch to the Journal and do 
that editing there which is quite inconvenient. Especially when it comes 
to activities such as 'paint', 'write' and 'measure' which produce quite 
a lot of output in the form of different usage-threads (e.g. different 
temperature-measurements for a chemistry experiment).

Please let me know what you think.


P.S. This message was written while driving 140km/h on the Autobahn from 
Chemnitz to Hannover... ;-)
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Journal: two quick suggestions

2008-02-29 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Eben Eliason schrieb:

 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Edward Cherlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Eben Eliason
   while toying around with the Journal today I had two ideas
 about the
   anything and anytime filter functions:
  Both interesting ideas...
   anything: Apart from offering activities and file-types as
   filter-options I'm thinking that it might make sense to also
 offer an
   option for different subjects that kids will have at school.
 So things
   like Maths, English, whatever... My thought is that many
   will be started and resumed in a certain class-context and
   such a filter could help them to quickly find related matters.
  One of our fears here is the proliferation of options within
 this menu,
  which could eventually limit its usefulness, and is the reason
 we chose to
  limit to some primitive types and the installed activities.

 A common way to address this problem is to make the menu customizable
 with user-defined filters and the ability to remove unneeded filters
 (but keep the option to restore them later). Google mail is an
 example, where users can create their own tags and set filters to
 apply them automatically.

 Indeed.  The implied hypothetical at the end of my response alluded to 
 the fact the almost anything is possible, assuming you add additional 
 UI/management tools, but we're trying to find a balance between 
 functionality and management overhead. I'm using Gmail to write this, 
 and their system does work pretty well, but naturally has an entire 
 screen dedicated to both creating labels and assigning filters.

 We've also discussed the possibility of adding saved searches or the 
 like (there are 15 names for this basic idea...) in the future, but 
 there is a lot of basic functionality left to add before we add this 
 form of meta-functionality.  Perhaps the What list is the 
 appropriate place for these saved filters to live, eventually.  Thanks 
 for offering that idea.

I agree, adding those customized filters to the what category would make 
a lot of sense.

 - Eben

 The usual alternative is folders, as in Moodle.

  One can
  imagine that the subject of an activity is actually
 subjectively defined,
  and even when it's relatively clear, we might wind up with some
 for each of
  math, geometry, trigonometry, algebra, etc.
  To make a similar functionality available, though, we've chosen
 to allow
  developers to supply a list of tags within the .info file for
 any given
  activities, which could include several subject related words,
 as well as
  more abstract or general terms like game, simulation, or
 language.  We
  hope that the ability to search by broad terms such as math or
  will then turn up a list of appropriately related activities.
  Having just typed this and then reviewing the wiki, I notice
 that this part
  of the spec doesn't appear to be there yet!  Can those familiar
 with this
  respond about the presence or absence of this capability?  If
 this isn't
  there, it should get a ticket.  It should be a pretty
  addition and simple to implement, it seems.

Ahhh, that's indeed interesting, I hadn't been aware of this 
functionality before...

Per Eben's question: Does anyone happen to know whether this is already 
implemented or not?

   anytime: Here it might make sense to add more informal
 filters such
   as 5 grado, 2nd semester or something along these lines.
  This one is actually much harder to do in a general way.  We
 chose, on
  purpose, to treat time in the relative sense with respect to the
  Instead of seeing a story you wrote on November 28, 2007 you
 might find a
  story you wrote 3 months ago.  This approach was chosen, in a
 sense, to
  internationalize (or perhaps simply generalize) the Journal with
 respect to
  time, so that school systems with widely different schedules
 (some might
  have class daily for one of every 3 months, for instance) can
 all take
  advantage of it.
   Of course one could also argue that such information could be
   explicitly added via the tags but I think a more implicit
   could potentially make more sense.
  You can see how, in the former case, the tag model is still
 implicit, in a
  sense, when installing an activity.  In the latter case, I don't
 see any
  good way other than explicit tagging that doesn't have additional UI
  overhead/management to function.  I'm open to ideas here.

Mmmm, shouldn't it 

Re: [sugar] how does an activity connect to the journal?

2008-02-29 Thread Christoph Derndorfer


 Message: 8
 Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:57:25 -0500
 From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [sugar] how does an activity connect to the journal?
 Cc: Sugar Mailing List
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Paul Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tomeu wrote:
   Yeah, it's a very important concept and perhaps it's not clearly
   stated in the wiki documentation. Do you have any idea about how to
   improve this? Perhaps the HIG should make this clearer?

 it may be there already.  i need to spend some more quality time
 with the HIG document.

 Heh, me too, and I'm the one writing (or rather, who wrote) most of it.
  Unfortunately, it's been stagnant for quite some time and needs a major
 refresh.  I think it should still provide a pretty solid overview of all the
 major concepts, though some details may not be fully accurate at this point.
 Your thoughts on its current state and areas for improvement would be much
 appreciated.  Thanks!
As I'm currently working on the chapter about GUIs for our Activity 
( I've 
been spending quite a lot of the time on the [[HIG]] pages lately. In 
general I feel that they're very well written and I also always 
recommend them as must-read to anyone who's interested in Sugar or 
writing activities.

Apart from the missing sections towards the end I also have a couple of 
other comments and suggestions:

First of all I feel that the API References deserve more love. The 
reference entries themselves definitely need to be extended in order to 
be really useful to (new) developers. I've been trying to do that in the 
Activity Handbook by including short code-snippets for some of the 
things one can do with e.g. the toolbox/toolbar:

--- snip ---

As mentioned above the standard activity toolbar comes with both the 
Share with combo-box and the keep-button enabled. For situations 
where these elements aren't needed we can simply hide them by setting 
their visible property to False. Below you can find a code-snippet 
that does exactly that:

# Loads the activity toolbar
activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
# Hides the Share with: combo-box
activity_toolbar.share.props.visible = False
# Hides the keep button
activity_toolbar.keep.props.visible = False

--- snip ---

I'm not sure how much code belongs into the [[HIG]] itself (probably 
none!) but I definitely think that kind of information needs to be tied 
in by linking to relevant resources.

Secondly I believe that more information about collaboration should be 
included. Right now for example we have many activities that come with a 
share with: button but don't actually do anything. So how much of a 
requirement is collaboration actually? Is it okay to have single-player 
games and single-user activities or should everyone really try to allow 
for multiple people to work on an activity?

Another thing that might be useful is a list of do-s and don't-s. 
I'm sure that Eben and many other have come across activities that 
seemed to do something particularly well or not so well and these 
examples could be used as case-studies. Right now some elements such as 
the toolbars are very well explained but what at least I'm looking for 
is a closer explanation of how different elements should or shouldn't be 
tied together. All in all I believe we can all learn a lot from the 
mistakes that others have made.


 - Eben


Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Journal: two quick suggestions

2008-02-28 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey all,

while toying around with the Journal today I had two ideas about the 
anything and anytime filter functions:

anything: Apart from offering activities and file-types as 
filter-options I'm thinking that it might make sense to also offer an 
option for different subjects that kids will have at school. So things 
like Maths, English, whatever... My thought is that many activities 
will be started and resumed in a certain class-context and offering 
such a filter could help them to quickly find related matters.

anytime: Here it might make sense to add more informal filters such 
as 5 grado, 2nd semester or something along these lines.

Of course one could also argue that such information could be 
explicitly added via the tags but I think a more implicit mechanism 
could potentially make more sense.


Sugar mailing list

[sugar] free disc space in journal

2008-02-24 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

I just ran into ticket #6354 (Record activity -- how full is too full? 
at on my XO and now I was wondering 
whether there are any plans to integrate a way of letting the users know 
how much disc space is still available into the Journal. Using MB values 
probably doesn't make sense but some kind of colour-coding system could 
be used...

I'm thinking this is also an interesting issue wrt cjb's Disconnected 
backups project.

Greetings from Vienna,
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Does anyone know Game Baker?

2008-01-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hello all,

I recently stumbled across the Game Baker project 
( and apparently this is a visual 
game editor for children, and it's written in Python...

Does anyone here happen to have any experience with it?

I was thinking that this might come in handy either directly on the XO 
(of course it would need to be sugarized first) or at least as a tool 
for XO-centric game development.

(OLPC Austria)
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] status of MANIFEST file

2007-12-10 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
C. Scott Ananian schrieb:
 On Dec 8, 2007 7:18 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
 Daniel and me are again having another weekend-jam working on the
 activity handbook and we've just spent the past half hour looking at
 different .xo packages from the git-repository to see how the MANIFEST
 file inside the .xo package is being used.

 I'd like to see some documentation on how to integrate a non-Python
 activity into sugar.  It certainly has been done, but it seems
 shrouded in the black art of the pygtk binding.  Maybe a C Hello
 World example would be nice, which contains the minimum python glue
 to invoke a C function with the necessary GTK context?
Yeppa, we definitely want to integrate something like that in one of the 

However seeing how much work we have 'round here it might be some time 
before we actually get 'round to doing that.

Maybe someone already knows how to do that and can write a quick'n'dirty 

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] status of MANIFEST file

2007-12-08 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey all,

Daniel and me are again having another weekend-jam working on the 
activity handbook and we've just spent the past half hour looking at 
different .xo packages from the git-repository to see how the MANIFEST 
file inside the .xo package is being used.

Results really vary, some activities don't come with a MANIFEST at all, 
some only list a file or two inside the MANIFEST while others really do 
come with a complete index of all the files included in the package.

So what I'm basically asking is what the exact requirements for the 
MANIFEST file are as activities seem to work regardless of what it contains.

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hello all,

I finally had a chance to play with our B4s and build 648.

Given that a number of additional activities are now available compared 
to previous builds I do find the scrolling in the activities list to be 
a bit tiresome.

Especially when I think about these laptops being in use for several 
months, children having downloaded more activites, maybe additional 
activities will be deployed by local groups or ministries of education. 
That can easily result in upwards of 30 or 40 activities being installed 
on any given machine.

Shouldn't we try to come up with a better (or at least offer an 
alternative) approach to handling these lists of activities? (How about 
a start button for example?;-)

Maybe categories or something?

What do you think?

(OLPC Austria)
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

thanks a lot for the information!

I'm very much looking forward to what you guys have thought of... :-)



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:13:20 -0500
From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: lots of scrolling in activities-list
To: Christoph Derndorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

We have a completely new approach to this on the table, which will be
discussed and hopefully placed into the roadmap soon.  Once we've
polished the ideas and the mockups I'm sure they will be available for
everyone to provide feedback on.

It won't be a start menu, though; I promise.   ;-) 

- Eben

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] project idea: Interactive-Sugar-Online-Simulation (ISOS)

2007-11-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

I just stumbled across a very interesting comment by Eduardo Montez over 

off topic: I just got an idea for showing people what Sugar can do. 
Some should put up an interactive web site where anyone can sign on for 
free, and all the people who are using it at any time would be the 
community and show up on the gui, connected through the server instead 
of the meshnetwork. That way people could experience the collaborative 
aspect of Sugar, which is its greatest innovation.

I certainly think this is an outstanding idea, even though such an 
implementation is obviously anything but trivial.

Such a virtual Interactive-Sugar-Online-Simulation (ISOS) could 
potentially act like one of those web-operating-systems that have 
become somewhat popular lately. It would basically allow for children 
who use a regular Windows PC to use at least some of the innovations and 
unique features that Sugar provides. So the requirement for being able 
to benefit from these outstanding developments would shift from need to 
have an X0 to need to have some computer with a browser and internet 

What do you think?

Best regards,
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] E-Mail Activity

2007-10-23 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

while going through the activity grid 
( I realized that there's no talk 
of a sugarized e-mail client...

Can this indeed be true? Are the children only supposed to use webmail 
solutions, maybe provided by the school or something?

I for one certainly think that a light-weight e-mail client should be 
included with all X0s...

Christoph Derndorfer
Sugar mailing list