Re: [Sugar-devel] [Testing] Fwd: Testing summary - 30 May 2009: Wellington NZ

2009-05-31 Thread Tomeu Vizoso
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 21:16, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 On 30.05.2009, at 00:21, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

 On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 03:30, Tabitha Roder wrote:

 There are 3 bridge applications consuming 1/3 of the cpu each:

 Bert, is this someone you would be interested in looking at?

 I think your confusing me with someone else ... I have no stake in the
 bridge activity.

Sorry, I confused FreeCell with Bridge =)


Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] HTML Canvas performance in the Browse activity

2009-05-31 Thread Tomeu Vizoso
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 18:48, Mihai Sucan wrote:
 Hello everyone!

 I am Mihai Sucan, and I am working over the summer to develop and
 integrate a paint tool [1] into Moodle. [2] I am also involved in doing
 performance testing on the XO laptop.

Thanks a lot for your nice work untangling this mess. I'm forwarding
this email to sugar-devel because I guess you want the Sugar
developers be aware of this.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:

- which version(s) of Sugar targets your project?

- already have an idea about how are going to be deployed any
modifications that result from this?



 HTML 5 [3] has a new Canvas element [4] which provides an API for bitmap
 drawing operations on a bidimensional surface. Rendering is generally
 quite fast on desktop Web browsers, and it requires no plugins like Flash
 or Java.

 = The problem =

 On the XO OS 8.2.x, and probably on older versions, HTML Canvas
 performance is most often very slow because the default Browse activity is
 configured to scale pages. Typically, pages are rendered using 96 DPI in
 Web browsers, but on the XO the browser renders the pages using 134 DPI.
 This ensures the text and images are still readable - otherwise they'd be
 far too small because the XO display [5] has a high DPI resolution.
 Nonetheless, scaling images up is quite slow - the high-quality bilinear
 filter is used. This impacts the overall performance of the browser and
 moreso the performance of the Canvas element.

 The Browse activity uses the xulrunner package [6], which contains the
 Gecko layout engine [7] version 1.9.0 (the same as in Firefox 3.0).

 Users can change the DPI used for rendering a page by going to
 about:config, where they can modify the layout.css.dpi value. Yet, Hulahop
 includes some piece of puzzling code [8] which always resets the
 layout.css.dpi configuration value to 134.

 The xulrunner package includes a patch [9] which alters the page scaling
 logic [10] in Gecko. This patch makes a simple, yet important change to
 how the DPI config value is used for scaling the page being rendered. A
 normal Gecko build only scales pages using an integer scaling factor, but
 on the XO the scaling factor can also be a floating-point number. This
 means that a normal Gecko build uses a scale factor of 1 for DPI  192,
 and a scale factor of 2 for 192 = DPI = 288, and so on.

 = Patches =

 Gecko 1.9.1 includes a patch [11] which adds a new config option
 layout.css.devPixelsPerPx. This allows OLPC to configure the browser such
 that physical units render properly scaled using the correct DPI value,
 but not the CSS pixel values. CSS pixels could be equal to device pixels -
 they would all render small, but much faster.

 Another Gecko patch worth being noted is the CSS image-rendering property
 support [12]. This would allow Web developers to tell Gecko to use
 nearest-neighbour instead of bilinear interpolation for the scaling of

 = Solutions =

 The XO browser has two problems actually: 1) performance issue caused by
 scaling everything up; 2) the difference in the scaling logic from a
 normal Gecko build.

 Problem 1: Having everything render using 96 DPI is not acceptable - pages
 would be unreadable. I would suggest that Gecko on the XO scales images
 using a faster algorithm instead of the bilinear one. It would also be
 interesting to experiment with the new layout.css.devPixelsPerPx
 configuration set to 1. Maybe hardware acceleration in newer XOs?

 Problem 2: Keeping the current 134 DPI value would always require Gecko to
 be patched, thus making it different from other Gecko builds. Maybe the
 browser could use 200 DPI? Perhaps pages would render too big.

 A different line of thought would be: why complain about problem 2? I
 mean, Web developers are not supposed to be tinkering with DPI in their
 Web pages - it's the problem of the browser.

 As a Web developer I do not mind about problem 2 if problem 1 is fixed.
 Problem 2 is important only when trying to work around problem 1.

 = Work around =

 It's simple: you need to scale down the Canvas element such that Gecko
 cancels the scaling. However, you need to find out the DPI used for
 rendering the page. You can do this only by using CSS 3 Media Queries [13].

 Gecko has support for floating-point pixel values, so there's nothing to
 worry about values being floating-point numbers. The work around I came up
 with is described at:

 This work-around is not ideal simply because it would be best if the
 Browse activity would be faster by default. What do you guys think? Is
 there something that can be done? The performance improvement is far from
 being marginal when the work-around is used.

 Sorry for this lengthy email. ;)

 (I have posted this on the wiki as well for further reference to others
 who need help with Canvas on the XO)



[Sugar-devel] Sugar on suse and virtualised appliances to cheat network connectivity

2009-05-31 Thread David Van Assche
So, this Sunday marks a special day for us openSUSE folks, as we've now
managed to get pretty much every activity behaving, including the underlying
journaling and collaboration. We've got more than 50 activities packaged and
included in the live cd/usb/dvd/virtual appliance. By using the incredible
flexibility and power that oBS gives us, with just 2 people working on this
project, we've managed move forwards fast and efficiently. So we are proud
to announce that you can download the latest releases here:

As you can see, the main directory contains .vmdk virtual appliances which
have been tested to run on both Vitualbox (Sun's free virtual container
system) as well as vmware and its host of virtualisation software.
Advantages to running an appliance include bypassing wireless/wired network
card drivers as the host can really be running pretty much anything from OSX
to Windows. This will also be a way to get Sugar running on any Mac
regardless, and pretty much and hardware. Its also a good way to run sugar
on ed/ubuntu and debian based systems. Though a tad slower than on a native
system (running without virtualisation), the advantages clearly outweigh the
disadvantages. In the iso subdirectory you can find pure sugar or the full
openSUSE-edu suite, containing a good 2.4 gigs of educational material
including an icon to launch sugar directly from the desktop, a live LTSP
system, iTalc, and a host of other interesting software. For more
information on virtualisation, vmware, virtualbox and how to get sugar
working within these environments have a look here:

Currently the only application not running is Read, which requires some
updated GDK stuff from gnome 2.26, which is currently not entirely working
with Sugar on openSUSE, but within the next weeks we should be able to
resolve this. We are searching for more activities to include, as well as,
seeing what we can do artistically at the different stages such as booting
up, session manager, etc. Currently we automatically get the system to join
the sugarlabs ejabberd server for collaboration, and after testing quite a
few applications we can confidently say this works quite well. So its nice
to see openSUSE being one of the more advanced Sugar environments now...
seeing as a couple of weeks ago we had a very broken environment

kind Regards,
David Van Assche
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar on suse and virtualised appliances to cheat network connectivity

2009-05-31 Thread David Farning
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:41 PM, David Van Assche wrote:
 So, this Sunday marks a special day for us openSUSE folks, as we've now
 managed to get pretty much every activity behaving, including the underlying
 journaling and collaboration. We've got more than 50 activities packaged and
 included in the live cd/usb/dvd/virtual appliance. By using the incredible
 flexibility and power that oBS gives us, with just 2 people working on this
 project, we've managed move forwards fast and efficiently. So we are proud
 to announce that you can download the latest releases here:

 As you can see, the main directory contains .vmdk virtual appliances which
 have been tested to run on both Vitualbox (Sun's free virtual container
 system) as well as vmware and its host of virtualisation software.

Very Cool! Although Sugar on Sugar on Suse in VirtualBox on my netbook
got a little slow But, it still seemed snappier than XP on the
same machine once I set up an anti-virus package.

 Advantages to running an appliance include bypassing wireless/wired network
 card drivers as the host can really be running pretty much anything from OSX
 to Windows.

Yep, let the parent OS worry about the hardware, let the VM worry
about the container, and let Sugar worry about helping kids learn.

 This will also be a way to get Sugar running on any Mac
 regardless, and pretty much and hardware. Its also a good way to run sugar
 on ed/ubuntu and debian based systems. Though a tad slower than on a native
 system (running without virtualisation), the advantages clearly outweigh the
 disadvantages. In the iso subdirectory you can find pure sugar or the full
 openSUSE-edu suite, containing a good 2.4 gigs of educational material
 including an icon to launch sugar directly from the desktop, a live LTSP
 system, iTalc, and a host of other interesting software. For more
 information on virtualisation, vmware, virtualbox and how to get sugar
 working within these environments have a look here:

Can you or one of the Sugar on Suse team update the rest of the
download links on


 Currently the only application not running is Read, which requires some
 updated GDK stuff from gnome 2.26, which is currently not entirely working
 with Sugar on openSUSE, but within the next weeks we should be able to
 resolve this. We are searching for more activities to include, as well as,
 seeing what we can do artistically at the different stages such as booting
 up, session manager, etc. Currently we automatically get the system to join
 the sugarlabs ejabberd server for collaboration, and after testing quite a
 few applications we can confidently say this works quite well. So its nice
 to see openSUSE being one of the more advanced Sugar environments now...
 seeing as a couple of weeks ago we had a very broken environment

 kind Regards,
 David Van Assche

 IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [RELEASE] Labyrinth-7

2009-05-31 Thread Gary C Martin
Hi folks,

Latest version of Labyrinth, fresh out of the oven.

== Source ==

== Bundle ==

== Wiki page ==

== News ==

* Now supports Keep to PDF (Keep to PDF can be found under the  
Keep button), so you can now upload PDFs of your maps for non-Sugar  
users to view, or transfer them for easy printing.

* Includes all the latest available language files, that covers at  
least Spanish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Kinyarwanda, Tamil, and  
I'm sure many more (it's hard to see the full list).

Happy mind-mapping (tested on both XO-1 with 0.82, and sugar-jhbuild  


Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] HTML Canvas performance in the Browse activity

2009-05-31 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Mihai Sucan wrote:
 - which version(s) of Sugar targets your project?

 I am not intimate with the development cycle and work-flow of the OLPC XO.
 I learned sufficiently to see it's Fedora Core-based, and that Sugar is
 becoming distro agnostic.

 Thus, my answer is simply limited to my current usage of the XO. I want
 PaintWeb to work well on the OLPC XO-1 laptop, with the latest stable OS
 release (that's 8.2.1).

That's a F-9 + Sugar 0.82. Tomeu is currently working on Sugar 0.84,
which is being build  polished into Sugar-on-a-Stick (F-11+Sugar

Sugar-on-a-Stick can boot (slowly) from a USB stick on an XO. It'd be
interesting to see what performance it gets. My guess is that
xulrunner isn't patched in SoaS, but Hulahop probably is the mostly
the same as on XO OS 8.2.1.

 - already have an idea about how are going to be deployed any
 modifications that result from this?

 The modifications resulting from this work are already deployed into
 PaintWeb. You can try the last working SVN trunk snapshot at:

And PaintWeb will be deployed as part of Moodle in the the XS. I've
asked Mihai to make sure that PW can work with XO OS 8.2.1 as it is.
If future Sugar or XO OS improve the behaviour of gecko in this area,
fantastic. But for now, it has a workaround that works great.

Hopefully these notes will help (a) get a better fix for the scaling
issue and (b) implement workarounds in webapps that want to run with
8.2.1 :-)


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Collaborative game using Etoys

2009-05-31 Thread Bert Freudenberg

On 31.05.2009, at 19:40, Martin Bleichner wrote:


I am trying to implement a (kind of) social science experiment, and  
would like to do that in squeak/etoys.
For that I would like to connect four computers. On each computer  
you see a shared screen. Each user can manipulate one aspect on that  
More specifically: There is one ball in the center of the screen.  
Each of the users can move the ball in only one direction (up, down,  
left or right).

They control the ball together.

I was pointed to this mailinglist for help.

Is something like this possible?
What would I need for it?
I would really appreciate some help. Put it simple, I use etoys for  
a reason :) Thanks.

If you only intend to run this under Sugar (which was not clear when  
you asked on the squeak-dev list) then the Telepathy D-Bus Tubes  
using the Squeak DBus bindings should be the simplest way to implement  

- Bert -

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Status Report Remaining Items

2009-05-31 Thread Sebastian Dziallas
Hi folks,

I thought it might be a good idea to summarize where we're now regarding 
the upcoming SoaS for LinuxTag in June.

So what are the remaining issues for this release?

* All activities need to be updated and working (#607). Those which 
don't work by June 10 will be taken out from release.

- Currently, there seem to be sound issues with TamTam
- Develop is reported to return a keep error when closing

Here is the list of included activities in the wiki:

This is important: Some activities also need to be updated by their 
Fedora Package Maintainer. A reminder has been sent out earlier:

* The boot screens needs to be updated (#709). Christian, Eben, Gary and 
Sean had already some great discussion on this. Progress is being 
tracked here:

* We need to get a keyboard panel in the control panel (#720). Martin 
has committed code for that, which now needs to be picked for Sugar.

* The mouse pointer seems to be disappearing on some VIA hardware 
(#730). This has been reported (RHBZ #491083) and also been fixed 
upstream. A new RPM will be included once being pushed.

* If we're lucky, we can even brand the boot helper, but that's probably 
not a blocker (#741).

All tickets for LinuxTag (even though some of them might need to be 
moved around) can be seen here:

And for all bugs filed against SoaS:

Most of the listed issues have already been assigned, so it looks like 
we're in rather good shape. If you've any feature or package you want to 
get in for this release, please request it immediately.

Let's make this an awesome release!

Thanks for all the work  testing,
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] modifications to and

2009-05-31 Thread Hamilton Chua

I have been testing SoaS and implemented a couple of modificaitons to and that basically ..

- enable an SoaS to register with an XS
- read the registration info in order to allow backup/restore with the
XS the SoaS is registered with

I would like to kindly ask how I can get the modifications reviewed by
the group and into the release build. Should I open a ticket with the
files attached ?


Hamilton Chua

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Unbootable machine

2009-05-31 Thread Bernie Innocenti
Hello Peter  Jeremy,

I've found an ordinary desktop PC (with Phoenix Award BIOS 6.00PG) that
won't boot off a USB stick created by livecd-tools-024 with syslinux
(tested both versions 3.75 and 3.81).

The boot process drops to the boot: prompt with an error message:

  could not find kernel image: linux

The same USB stick boots fine on any other computer I could find.
Does it seem like a syslinux bug?  And if turns out to be a known BIOS
bug, is there a good workaround?

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs   -
Sugar-devel mailing list