
today we had another design meeting for the upcoming 0.88 release. We 
made progress in the following areas:

* Start new vs Resume

Christian has been doing a great job with phrasing out a test case for 
the 'Start new" vs "Resume" case [1]. There was a long discussion about 
if we set the goals right and if the test would bring us the data we 
need. Finally we agreed to do this test with probably adding a third 
task regarding the Journal.

Gerald suggested to do the test with a set of focus groups with, say, 6 
students at a time. The facilitator could collect their responses and 
add some observational data as well. Gerald made the point, that this 
would mimic how the kids actually use the XOs/Sugar, which is in a 
social way.

Christian, Gerald and Simon will work on facilitating a first round of 
tests next week. Tests are planned in the Pilot in Berlin and in the 
Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School in Croton on Hudson, New York. The 
development team will work on a build for such a test.
[1] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-January/022155.html

* Font configuration

Yevlempy (our new Sugar coding adjutant) attended the meeting to discuss 
the design for the control panel section from within the learner can 
modify the Font size. The page will present the user with a slider to 
adjust the size and a preview of the changes he makes. Eben will do 
mockups of the proposed design.

The possibility to adjust the Font type was discarded. I want to state 
Daniel words here: "If you put an XO in amharic mode, it uses amharic 
characters even though they dont exist in the systemwide default for for 
this reason, i discard the argument that font selection is necessary for 
language reasons." And Daniel clarified further: "As for giving the user 
a choice of font face and displaying the size, i simply think its not 
necessary and that sugar should focus on simplicity. My feature proposal 
is based on experience in the field, and i've never seen these things as 

* Enhanced Color Selector

A new design has been brought on the table. The arrows could be dropped 
(current design [1]) from the design and only next/previous 
fill/stroke XOs colors on all 4 sides of the large one could be shown. 
This would make it possible to adjust the color in four directions. The 
form can be seen as a plus, not to be confused with a cross. Walter has 
been proposed to make the code changes needed for this design proposal.

* Tags in Journal and Multiple selections in the Journal

Those were basically seen as impossible to happen for 0.88. We hope to 
see those in the next release.

* Dragging Feedback

Eben suggested that the designs generally call for the "object" to be 
the icon. Which can be seen in [1]. "The XO, the activity, the clipping, 
the device, etc....those should be the icon dragged, as though it were a 
physical object. When appropriate, the cursor is meant to change to a 
plus for valid drop targets, and an N/A symbol for invalid ones." he 
added further. Coding hero Aleksey agreed on this design and will 
implement it. He hopes to find a review hero for his changes, too.
[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Designs/Frame#15


Full Logs: 

Thanks everyone for a great second meeting,
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