El Sat, 08-08-2009 a las 18:00 +0200, Bernie Innocenti escribió:
> We could also add IPv4 port forwarding for the VMs, but I expect that
> 6to4 won't be as unreliable as the sixxs.net service has been.

I added an A record for bender.sugarlabs.org alongside the existing AAAA

Yesterday night I made some experimentation with 6to4 and it seems to
work beautifully.  I took this route down for the time being as I still
need to figure out a new strategy to assign addresses to the VMs within
the smaller /16 subnet provided by 6to4, which is too small for
MAC-address based IP autoconfig.

One becomes easily spoiled with all this IPv6 goodness, to the point
that the equivalent of an IPv4 class B net now seems way too
restrictive :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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