Excerpts from Gary Martin's message of Tue Aug 31 20:07:12 +0200 2010:

> My first gut reaction (not having seen it yet) is that the Keep button is a 
> real problem generally (and causes confusion and misunderstanding in Sugar). 
> Habitually training kids to click that icon each time before exiting will, 
> for all other activities, generate many confusing duplicate Journal entries 
> over time and make matters even worse.


> For the Etoys case, as a workaround for not knowing your clean/dirty state, I 
> think having the regular Stop UI button that when clicked _always_ displayed 
> some sort of "Do you want to Keep the changes to this project in the 
> Journal?" Keep/Don't Keep dialogue.

Having the Stop button ask which version (the one in the Journal or the
one currently loaded) to destroy is a bad idea, but unsolvable without
version support.
Please avoid the Keep terminology in this context; it's only going to
confuse users even more.



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