Please provide the .net.xml file and the exact parameters of the moveToXY
call that produce unexpected results.

Am Sa., 29. Mai 2021 um 12:13 Uhr schrieb AMIT RAI <>:

> I want to add vehicle to road using movetoXY.  Vehicle spawns at some
> point, from next timestamp, I am giving positions using movetoXY positions
> on the map setting keep route=1 option.
> By default, sumo searches for road nearest to 100 m, if route is found
> within 100 m radius of given XY point. The vehicle should get placed to the
> nearest route. I changed the source code-changed this distance to 3000m and
> built sumo l, so that if nearest route is at say 125 m then also it should
> find the nearest route without giving any error.
> I was conducting experiment, controlling vehicle using movetoXY and gave
> position outside the road but near to  it, what I observe is vehicle did
> not map it's route to that nearest road, but some other road far away. Can
> someone tell me how does this happen?
> Regards
> Amit
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