Re: NASS Conference Tour in Tucson

2002-04-24 Thread John Schilke

> Several of you have requested details about the NASS Conference Tour and
> Hotel. Fred Sawyer and I have worked hard so that this will be a great
> conference and tour and we've finally finished the Motorcoach Tour
> with a description of stops.
> If anyone would like to see a copy now, let me know and I'll send you an
> attachment.  Please indicate if you want the file in PDF or Microsoft

Hi, John!

Yes, please - PDF might work.




June Compendium

2002-04-24 Thread fwsawyer

The June issue of The Compendium is ready to go to 
press.  If you are thinking of joining NASS or have forgotten to renew your 
membership, now is the time to act.  The following is a list of the 
contents for June:
In The Beginning - A Gnomonic 
Preface    Thomas Fale (1593)Gray Dial Stone - A 
Poem    Hugh Miller (1802-1856)The Time Is Now In Juneau 
Alaska Michael OreloveQuiz Answer: Michnik's 
Street    Rolf WielandAn Easy Method To Find Proper 
Alignment  Bill GottesmanDigital Bonus: Sundial 
Align    Bill GottesmanSightings...By 
And For The Employees Fred SawyerSubtleties Of 
Shadows: The Penumbra At Noon   Virendra Nath 
SharmaA Side Note Fred SawyerQuiz: Construct The 
Dial   Fer J. 
deVriesRecreation Of Jefferson's Spherical 
Sundial Monticello/Tho.Jefferson 
Found.Back To Basics: Understanding The 
Claude HartmanHow To Cheat At 
Paul W. LappCompetition: Laying Out A Sundial With 
Laser-Theodolite   Rolf WielandA 
Sundial By Rule Of Thumb  
Larry Jones / Fred SawyerLetters, Notes, Email, Internet