Here are a request from Rete and my reply. Does anyone know more about
Hugo Michnik? (Apologies for cross posting.)

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From:                   "Einstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     "rete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:23:28 +0100
Subject:                [rete] Hugo Michnik

> Dears,
> Does anyone have any information about Hugo Michnik, a Polish astronomer that
> invent the bifilar sundial in 1932 and publish a paper in the magazine
> "Astronomische Nachrichten?
> I'd be very pleasant to hear. Thanks.
> Joe Haverford

From:                   "Wolfgang R. Dick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Sat, 18 Nov 2006 15:32:11 +0100
Subject:                Re: [rete] Hugo Michnik

Hugo Michnik was a German high school teacher in Beuthen, Upper Silesia
(now Bytom, Poland - see
for a short information in English about the town, or follow the link
to the extended German Wikipedia page). He is mentioned in the following
web pages about sundials: :
Invented in 1922 by a German mathematician, Hugo Michnik, the two-wire sundial
is rather special. : The
horizontal bifilar sundial with two crossing wires as a shade device was
invented in 1923, by Hugo Michnik of Germany. : The inventor of the bifilar
sundial (two-thread clock) is professor Hugo Michnik, a high school mathematics
teacher in Beuthen, Upper Silesia, who issued a document regarding the 
einer Bifilar - Sonnenuhr' (Theory of a Bifilar Sundial) in 1922.
ID=210594062 : The system was first devised by Hugo Michnik, a teacher in the
Royal Gymnasium at Beuthen, Upper Silesia (now Bytom, Poland) in the first
decades of the century, publishing a full account of it in the Aztronomishe
Nachschriften 216 (1922) and 217 (1923).

The two papers in Astronomische Nachrichten of 1922 and 1923 are available
online at ADS (

Michnik published also:

Aufgaben aus der mathematischen Erd- und Himmelskunde ; I. Ueber die Laenge der
Tagbogen der Gestirne. II. Bestimmung der Kurve, die der hoechste Punkt der
Ekliptik ueber dem Horizonte eines gegebenen Beobachtungsortes beschreibt.
Beuthen: M. Immerwahr, 1905, 14 pp.

Beitraege zur Theorie der Sonnenuhren.
1. Untersuchung der temporaeren Stundenlinien antiker Sonnenuhren.
Leipzig : Teubner, 1914, 12 pp.
(Beilage zu dem Jahresberichte des Kgl. Gymnasiums zu Beuthen O./S. ; 1913/14)

The World Biographical Information System does not have an entry for him,
and I could not find a Dissertation (Ph.D. thesis, which usually contained
a biography). So it will hardly be possible to find more biographical
information, in case that no obituary was published.

Kind regards,
Wolfgang Dick

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