Hi all, the watch shows also sunrise and sunset.
Does it mean one have to set latitude and longitude while he moves ?
For the cost of the watch I think it's improbably to suggest don't leave home.
Probably these kind of wrist watches

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 are a status symbol to show other things, not what means the indications.

ciao Fabio

----- Original Message -----
From: Willy Leenders <willy.leend...@telenet.be>
To: J. Tallman <jtall...@artisanindustrials.com>
Cc: Sundial Mailing List <sundial@uni-koeln.de>
Sent: 17/01/2017 13:45:18
Subject: Re: An interesting piece of timekeeping

I do not understand all the indications on this watch.
The illustrated watch indicates that it is September 17th.Then the sun is in 
Virgo. However, the indication of the zodiac sign on the watch is Libra.
Where should I read the equation of time.
Why, moreover, the watch does not indicate directly the solar time?

Simplex veri sigillum. (Simplicity is the hallmark of true)

Willy Leenders
Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)

Visit my website about the sundials in the province of Limburg (Flanders) with 
a section 'worth knowing about sundials' (mostly in Dutch): 

Op 17-jan-2017, om 03:42 heeft J. Tallman het volgende geschreven:

It is not a sundial, but interesting nonetheless:


It is quite a feast for the eyes, and the mind...and if you have a spare 
million lying around, it could be yours!


Jim Tallman
Artisan Industrials


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