When was sun compass?

2019-11-26 Thread Steve Lelievre
Wikipedia lists an 1836 patent as the first sun compass. Given the
relationship of solar hour with azimuth, I would have expected some
portable sundials (not fitted with a magnetic compass) to have compass

Anyone know of examples that predate 1836?


Cell +1 778 837 5771

Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials

2019-11-26 Thread Michael Ossipoff
I'd just like to say a few more things about the portable folded-paper
flat-dials. What interests me about them is that I like the Regiomontanus,
as my favorite portable dial, and the most easily-built sundial of any
category. But it's of interest how easily-built can be a portable-dial that
doesn't lose accuracy near noon.   ...because that could matter for modern
urban applications, where public-transportation departures, appointments
and events might be near noon.
I spoke of a 1-fold dial with a Horizontal-Dial on one surface and a
vertical Polar-Dial on the other surface. I said that it wouldn't work in
the manner that I'd described. I'd expected it to work with the top-edge of
the vertical section as the gnomon, when use tipped-up as a Polar-Dial with
both surfaces as polar-dial surfaces.
But it would work fine using a nodus at the middle of the connecting-thread
(the thread that secures the right-angle fold). In that manner, it could
work as a Horizontal-Dial and a vertical Polar-Dial, or, tipped-up, it
could work as half of a Box Polar Dial.
A 2:1 paper rectangle is folded at the middle of its long-dimension, to
make two mutually-perpendicular square surfaces. A thread connects the
middle of their outer edges, and that thread has a nodus at its middle.
I call it the "corner-configuration" or "half-box configuration"
With one square horizontal, that square would have a Horizontal-Dial, and
the other would have a vertical Polar-Dial.
Or the dial could be tipped up to make both surfaces polar-dials.
To summarize the 3 folded-paper dial-configurations that I've described:
These 3 configurations each forms half of a right-square-prism, cut in half
by a plane through its axis (analogous to the half of a
right-circular-cylinder comprising a Cylindrical-Eauatorial Dial.
With the 1-fold configurations, the user's thumb, resisted by the
connecting-thread, can hold the 2 surfaces apart at a right-angle.
...which worked fine for all of my corrugated-cardboard Tablet-Dials.
Orientation about the vertical axis is by means of the declination-lines,
labeled by declination or (preferably) by the approximate date for each
1/12 of the year's ecliptic-longitude variation.
1. Corner-Configuration or Half-Box configuration:
As described immediately above.
With one plane horizontal, it mignt not be necessary to have a plumb-line
for leveling. With both planes polar, a plumb-line could orient the dial
about the NS & EW axes.
2. Box-Configuration:
A 2:1 rectangle is perpendicularly folded-up a quarter of its length from
each end.
A thread connects the middles of the top-edges of the up-folded ends. The
nodus is at the middle of that thread.
The 3 folds complicate things for a folded-paper dial.  ...in the matter of
holding the up-folded ends perpendicular to the base. That adds a whole
qualitatively different design problem to a folded-paper dial.
Potentially convenient use, by its resemblence to Cylindrical-Equatorial
and especially to a Box-Polar (...which is what it is when tipped up as a
Orientation with respect to EW & NS axes is as for the corner-configuration.

3. V Configuration:
A 2:1 or 1:1 paper square is folded at-middle into a right-angle V.
...hand-held, with the fold-crease in the plane of the meridian, with the
two dial-planes tipped equally from the plane of the meridian.
As with the Corner-Configuration, the right-angle is held by a thread
connecting the middles of the outer-edges of the two sections. The user's
thumb holds the two planes apart, resisted by the connecting-thread.
Each of these 3 configurations can be used in either of 2 orientations:
One plane, or at least some of the edges, is/are horizontal.
All of the planes are polar, parallel to the Earth's axis.

Those combinations of configuration and orientation make 6 possible
portable folded-paper flat-dials.
I'm not claiming that others aren't possible.

The 1-fold configurations would be much easier to build, given the problem
of keeping the box-configuration's two up-folded ends perpendicular to the
plane between them.
In the horizontal-orientation, the corner-configuration looks easier to use
than the V-configuration, because the corner-configuration has a horizontal
surface, giving it easier leveling even without a plumb-line.  (My
Tablet-Dials were all 5-minutes-accurate without a plumb-line or
Especially for the polar-orientation, the V-configuration has appeal.
...though, even there, the corner-configuration might be easier to orient
about the polar-axis, due to the ramp-like orientation of one of its planes.
Of course, for the dials in polar-orientation the line-construction is much
easier to explain. In fact, it practially doesn't need any explanation.

Worldwide project EarthLAT1200.org

2019-11-26 Thread kepleruhr
Dear Sundialists,


there has been some progress within the latest months. You are invited to
take part either passive in watching the rotating Earth via sundial webcams
or active by supporting live images of your sundial = become a partner
station. See:




and/or finally



Still in early development, but partner stations are approaching, their
number is growing. For getting a full support we need another 200 partner
stations. Yes, will take years, but me being very patient.


Please support this idea by:

* spreading above links

* becoming a subscriber

* advertise partner stations

* forward this info to other sundial mailing lists

* send feedback.




