Elias Allen dial

2002-08-07 Thread John Moir

Today I revisited the Guildhall clock Museum and 
can confirm that the Elias Allen dial has no facility to take a vertical post to 
cast a shadow  which could indicate the sun's azimuth. There are no fixing 
holes, and anyway the compass rose is centered within the base of the gnomon. 
The reason the rose shows reciprocal compass points (i.e out by 180 degrees ) 
remains a 
Geologists talk of magnetic reversal of the Poles though I suspect this was a 
bit before the time of Elias 
Allen! John 

RE Compass Dial

2002-08-06 Thread John Moir

Dear Frank 
and others    
I recently visited the refurbished Clock Museum at the Guildhall Library in 
London where Lo and behold is an Elias Allen horizontal with reversed compass 
markings. I did not spot any facilities for positioning a vertical rod as an 
azimuth marker for the sun but will visit again shortly and report my findings. 
The desciption card merely says there is a mistake in the compass 

Largest dial

2002-06-17 Thread John Moir

A future candidate for the largest dial could well 
be the Chesterfield dial, www.solarpyramid.co.uk, subject 
of recent discussion herein.
In spite of David Young's concerns as to the project's scientific 
credentials, which entirely echo my own, we must hope that all goes well- if 
they do seek help I can think of  many out there who'd oblige, but they'd 
have to beat me to the front of the queue!
John Moir    

Chesterfield dial

2002-06-14 Thread John Moir

I'm a newcomer to the group (and computers-Hope I 
press the right buttons!
A recent Radio 3 prog gave details of a proposed 40 
metre high, £350,000 "Solar driven Timepiece" to be erected near Chesterfield, 
U.K. A project spokesman said it would open at the "Summer Equinox", midsummer 
day, 2003. Weird!Even the Website www.solarpyramid.co.uk confuses 
the summer solstice with midsummer day, 24th June.
The project designers are Richard Swain and Adam Walkden. Does anyone know 
about the project? . It's possible that the above errors were slips of pen and 
tongue, otherwise there might be some very red faces.Perhaps more enquiries 
should be made -we don't want another Dome on our hands.
John Moir
24 Woodcote Road
London E11 2QA  Tel 
020 8989 2584