Dear John.

I just had some time to read your glossary of sundial terms and I wrote down
some remarks as you asked for.
When I finished my job I saw an update on the sundial list so it is possible
that my remarks are no longer of use to you, but I still will send them as
an attached file
I didn't compare my short notes with this new version.

I congratulate you with this document. It is worth for all diallist in the
world who speak and read ( less or more ) English.

Best wishes, Fer.

Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

----- Original Message -----
From: John Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 8:27 PM
Subject: A Sundial Glossary

> Dear Dialling Colleagues,
> The British Sundial Society (BSS) has decided that a Glossary of dialling
> terms would be a good idea.  It would have two main purposes:
> - to provide a refererence source for newcomers to dialling, and
> - to try to set preferred definitions of the terms, symbols and
> which we all tend to use rather loosely.
> I  volunteered to edit such a document, and have now produced a version
> which is ready for review.  Although the document is aimed mainly at BSS
> members (who live world-wide, of course) and thus concentrates on British
> oriented aspects, it is hoped that it will be of use wherever diallists
> the English language.  It is also expected that the Glossary will be
> alongside the NASS FAQ project, when that is ready.
> As well as a "dictionary" section, the document contains a preferred set
> mathematical symbols, some contentious sign conventions, and a brief
> "chronology" of dialling.
> The Glossary has been written in a form which will be printed for BSS
> members.  It is also hoped that it will be put on the BSS web pages in the
> future, after BSS members have debated its contents and agreed on correct
> definitions.  In the meantime, it can be viewed on my rudimentary web site
> at:
> I'd welcome any feedback, and am quite willing to be over-ruled on choices
> of symbols etc, if there is a general consensus.
> PS - Netscape users will see some odd formatting - blame Bill Gates,
> it was converted from Word97 and is fine in MS Explorer!
> Over to you!
> John
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
> Dr J R Davis
> Flowton, UK
> 52.08N, 1.043E

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