This project may of some interest to members of the Sundial mailing list:

Restoration and dissemination of ancient sundials

Project goal:

Sundials are the graphic evidence of complex astronomical events,
constantly occurring on the celestial sphere, at huge distances. To set
them, frequently, there was the convergence of various doctrines, from
mathematics to physics, geography, cartography, from geometry to art:
this multidisciplinary convergence is the evidence of a fervent cultural
climate arisen in Europe between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.
In this rich intellectual scenery, several sundials of great artistic
and scientific value were built in Italy, in particolar in Campania, but
they are not adequately appreciated due to the progressive loss of the
related millenary culture of timekeeping by the Sun, erased by the
advent of modern watches. Ruined by negligence but also by the inability
to carry out adequate restorations, Neapolitan sundials are a precious
cultural heritage to urgently be saved, providing actions for both
conservation and restoration, but also for the dissemination of their
ancient knowledge, that is likely to be disperse definitively, as well
as rapidly, in the coming decades.

So far, two publications (one of them with full text) have been added to this
project so far.

Kind regards,

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