Re: plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-24 Thread Fran�ois BLATEYRON

Hi John and other dialists

Perhaps a precise solution would be to calculate the intersection of the
hour line with the enclosing frame of your sundial. It must be done by a
computer but its easy to give a very good precision.

The result would be given as a length and a direction (north, east, south,
west side of the sundial), the origin could be one of the two opposite

The only problem then is to precisely draw your frame, with parallel sides
and a good perpendicularity.

With one intersection point you can draw the line by joining it to the
gnomon foot.

I plan to include such kind of data in my Shadows program in a futur

François Blateyron
Home page:
Cadrans solaires / Sundials:

-Message d'origine-
De : John Carmichael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
À :
Date : lundi 24 mai 1999 03:21
Objet : plotting timelines for giant sundials

Hello dialists:

I have been giving more thought to the practical aspects of designing and
constructing a very large sundial, particularly the problem of accurately
laying out the time lines.

THE PROBLEM: The plotting techniques which use tabulated angles or
computation produce timeline plotting angles in degrees which the dialist
must mark onto the dial plate using a protractor.  These angles will be as
precise as the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  However,
even though one takes great care to obtain precise timeline angles, this
amount of precision is useless if one's protractor isn't equally precise.
The graphical plotting method also requires an accurate protractor, of

SOLUTION A: By definition, large protractors are more precise than small
ones.  So physically laying out the hour lines for a giant sundial would
require a giant protractor. Even Robert Terwilliger's laser trigon wouldn't
help because it's degree markings are too small.  Computer drawn lines
help either, because you can't easily enlarge a small paper drawing by a
hundred fold.  I'm thinking that during the construction phase of a very
large sundial, I could make a temporary giant protractor located just
outside the hourline radius. This would be a fairly simple thing to do
plane geometry.

SOLUTION B: If the unit square method is used (Waugh, pg. 40-43), then no
protractor is needed.  One only needs a good long measuring tape for laying
out the lines. ( The limits of precision would again depend on the number
decimal places used.)

SOLUTION C: What if I built the gnomon first and use its shadow to tell me
the position of the time lines  With this method, no calculations,
plotting, protractors or tape measures are needed.  Using a shadow
sharpener, the exact position of each timeline could be marked onto the
face. Of course, using this method would require the proper EOT, DST, and
longitude corrections.  This method would also work well on an irregular
surface. (I think) Marking the time lines would be easier and faster on
those days when EOT=0, right?

Do any of you have any thoughts on this problem and which would be the best


John Carmichael

Re: plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-24 Thread John Davis


I currently have a similar problem of helping to delineate a large dial,
this time a vertical decliner with a 17 foot gnomon which is to be carved
directly into the wall of a tower.  Needless to say, the wall is not
absolutely flat.

My current solution has been to build a laser trigon which will be mounted
directly on the real gnomon.  The protractor of the trigon is 300 mm in
diameter.  It has a ring of holes at 1.25 degree intervals, which
corresponds to 5 minute intervals on the dial face.  The laser assembly
locates with a pin into this ring.  The pin passes though a sliding vernier,
which has 5 holes set at 0.25 degree intervals, thus allowing the individual
minutes to be displayed on the dial.  The precision required was achieved by
drilling the holes in the protractor using an accurate rotary table clamped
to the pillar drill.

The alignment of the gnomon to be truely polar pointing is more difficult
than drawing the hourlines - as the wall isn't guaranteed flat, there is no
point of reference and its presence prevent you looking up the gnomon at the
pole.  My solution here is to mount a laser looking down (and parallel to)
the gnomon.  The laser beam hits a mirror stategically placed just below the
gnomon.  The mirror (first surface, optically flat) is aligned to be
parallel to the equator by means of a theodolite.  This theodolite is
co-mounted with the laser and looks at the sun though a suitable filter.
Its co-ordinates are set to values of the sun's instantaneous Declination
and Local Hour Angle, obtained from a portable computer.  When the gnomon is
properly aligned, the laser beam reflects off the mirror and retraces its
path to the laser, which is fitted with a surrounding screen to show the
laser spot when it is slightly in misalignment.

That's the theory - the proof will come next month!  Any other suggestions

John Davis

Re: plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-24 Thread Tom Semadeni

Hi John,

Here is a try:

John Carmichael wrote:

 THE PROBLEM: The plotting techniques which use tabulated angles or
 computation produce timeline plotting angles in degrees which the dialist
 must mark onto the dial plate using a protractor.  These angles will be as
 precise as the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  However,
 even though one takes great care to obtain precise timeline angles, this
 amount of precision is useless if one's protractor isn't equally precise.
 The graphical plotting method also requires an accurate protractor, of course.


I assume that you are at the Layout Stage here and want to precisely locate 
hour and other marks on the actual surface of the Dial.

For Celeste at:

the radius of the dial circle is 20/pi meters, about 6.366 m (just under 21

When laying out the marks I found it easiest to measure the length along the arc
of the circle from the reference at north to the various marks, using a flexible
cloth surveyor's tape.

The center of each brass 15 minute marker is positioned to within .5 mm of where
it should be.  There was some slop in the positioning when we placed the
terrazzo matrix into the welded brass framework which holds the Roman numerals
and the quarter-hour marks.

I calculated the angles between each of the hour and quarter-hour marks and
North.  The length of the arc along the circumference of the dial for each angle
is given by:

arc length = (radius) x (angle in radians), the units being the ones to measure


arc length=(radius)x(angle in degrees)x(pi/180)

In the case of Celeste:

The dial circle has a circumference, C, of 40 meters.
(Another subject, but the reason for this is that both Celeste and Terra are at
one millionth scale of Earth, and use the classical definition of the metre,
namely, 1/10,000,000 of the distance between a pole and the equator.)

Celeste's circumference of dial circle, C = 40 meters
Radius, R, of dial circle = C / 2pi
Celeste's Radius, R  = 40 / 2pi meters  = 20/pi meters
L, length of Celeste's arc = (20/pi) x (pi/180) = 1/9 meters/degree ~ .1

This is 111.1 mm or  about 4.37 inches of arc length per degree of subtending
You can easily mark to the nearest millimeter, so you can easily mark to the
nearest hundredth of a degree.  In fact you can probably get down to a half a
minute of angle in precision of marking.

You can probably guess why I used a pipe for a 20 foot gnomon.
(Yes,  it is much easier for the eye to interpolate to the centre of two fuzzy
shadow edges to make a reading then to debate where the actual shadow is on one
side.  The symmetry avoids all of the penumbral  and diffraction 
error due to non-linearity of the dial scale is negligible. Besides I needed 

Commentary on A, B and C:



 I'm thinking that during the construction phase of a very
 large sundial, I could make a temporary giant protractor located just
 outside the hourline radius. This would be a fairly simple thing to do using
 plane geometry.

It would be easier to turn your angles using a theodolite at the centre of the
dial than to make a giant protractor. I used one to check the time marks before
the terrazzo was poured and the hairline was on the brass in every case.  Just
remember to set the theodolite lower than usual, because you'll have to tilt the
'scope down to mark your angles.  And you'll need a helper to hold the pencil
point on the marks.

 SOLUTION B: If the unit square method is used (Waugh, pg. 40-43), then no
 protractor is needed.  One only needs a good long measuring tape for laying
 out the lines. ( The limits of precision would again depend on the number of
 decimal places used.)

I don't have Waugh's book.  I assume he converts to rectangular coordinates to 
the layout.  Great solution if you have to transcribe curved or non-radial 
but a lot of work at the layout stage.  Your computer program can usually give
you your x-y coordinates as a matter of course - just punch in points on the
curves and note the coordinates off of the cursor coordinates.  Sometimes it is
easier to grid it as finely as you need and then interpolate to give you plot

 SOLUTION C: What if I built the gnomon first and use its shadow to tell me
 the position of the time lines


Guess who put up a temporary gnomon for a few sunny days before placing
terrazzo!  It worked superbly.  I wouldn't build a big one without doing some
field checking!  Saves lot of potential embarrassment too.

Big dials usually have a lot of volunteer (field supervisors) because they are
usually very visible in a public place and these folk can usually be conscripted
to hold cardboard and pinholes to sharpen the moving shadow and to call mark
when the second hand sweeps through 12 on the electromechanical time 
worn on the wrist.  They can share the 

Re: plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-24 Thread Tony Moss


SOLUTION C: What if I built the gnomon first and use its shadow to tell me
the position of the time lines  With this method, no calculations,
plotting, protractors or tape measures are needed.  Using a shadow
sharpener, the exact position of each timeline could be marked onto the dial
face. Of course, using this method would require the proper EOT, DST, and
longitude corrections.  This method would also work well on an irregular
surface. (I think) Marking the time lines would be easier and faster on
those days when EOT=0, right?

I recently completed laying out a 6 metre high x 20 metre diameter horizontal 
dial which, to add to the problem, had a drainage 'cast' of 60:1 from the root 
of the style.The geometry of the latter is intriguing and I can send you a 
jpeg of my analysis.  Other problems which arose however dictated a very large 
precision pivotting laser trigon, the machining of which took me two careful 
weeks.  (jpeg available of the device in use)  A chain is as strong as its 
weakest link however and the promised 'machined edge' of the cast iron gnomon 
turned out, on delivery to the site, to be left knobbly 'as cast' so all that 
careful machining of the trigon was to little avail. 

Even had it marked out the *theoretical* position of the shadow with the 
greatest precision the result would have been disappointing due to the 
umbra/penumbra.  This is best illustrated by the twin Noon Lines from opposite 
edges of a 12 wide style which would have been set parallel in theory.  Near 
midsummer at 55° north the shadow is 12 wide at the root of the style but only 
10.5 wide at the numerals.(although individuals disagreed on what constituted 
the precise 'edge' )  The noon lines therefore taper towards the edge of the 
dial. Although I haven't checked this by direct observation I suggest that the 
taper will vary with the season because the much shorter shadow in summer will 
have a broader 'tip' that the 'off-the-dial' winter version.  Perhaps the 
solstices are the best time for laying out such dials to obtain an average 
position??  Fortunately I was able to 'zero' the p.m.trigon on an observed 
local noon which solved some of the problems but the a.m. side had to !
 be re-set.

I would suggest that the ONLY way to set out a large dial with 100% reliability 
is by direct solar observation of at least alternate hourlines with perhaps a 
little interpolation in between.  Or perhaps a ginormous pair of Dialling 
Scales :-)

The second biggest problem for me was that such work has to be done by 
contractors working to budgets and deadlines.  To them a sundial is just a 
public ornament to be completed as quickly as possible so that they can send in 
their account.  

And the biggest problem You've guessed it - NO SUN!  1998 must have had 
less sunshine in the northern UK summer than for many years.  The locals grew 
used to the wild-eyed 'fool-on-the-hill' shouting imprecations at the sky as 
that bank of cloud obscured the only glimpse of sun that day after a frantic 
car journey to the site.

And we do this for pleasure..???

Tony Moss

plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-23 Thread John Carmichael

Hello dialists:

I have been giving more thought to the practical aspects of designing and
constructing a very large sundial, particularly the problem of accurately
laying out the time lines.

THE PROBLEM: The plotting techniques which use tabulated angles or
computation produce timeline plotting angles in degrees which the dialist
must mark onto the dial plate using a protractor.  These angles will be as
precise as the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  However,
even though one takes great care to obtain precise timeline angles, this
amount of precision is useless if one's protractor isn't equally precise.
The graphical plotting method also requires an accurate protractor, of course. 

SOLUTION A: By definition, large protractors are more precise than small
ones.  So physically laying out the hour lines for a giant sundial would
require a giant protractor. Even Robert Terwilliger's laser trigon wouldn't
help because it's degree markings are too small.  Computer drawn lines don't
help either, because you can't easily enlarge a small paper drawing by a
hundred fold.  I'm thinking that during the construction phase of a very
large sundial, I could make a temporary giant protractor located just
outside the hourline radius. This would be a fairly simple thing to do using
plane geometry.

SOLUTION B: If the unit square method is used (Waugh, pg. 40-43), then no
protractor is needed.  One only needs a good long measuring tape for laying
out the lines. ( The limits of precision would again depend on the number of
decimal places used.)

SOLUTION C: What if I built the gnomon first and use its shadow to tell me
the position of the time lines  With this method, no calculations,
plotting, protractors or tape measures are needed.  Using a shadow
sharpener, the exact position of each timeline could be marked onto the dial
face. Of course, using this method would require the proper EOT, DST, and
longitude corrections.  This method would also work well on an irregular
surface. (I think) Marking the time lines would be easier and faster on
those days when EOT=0, right?

Do any of you have any thoughts on this problem and which would be the best


John Carmichael 

Re: plotting timelines for giant sundials

1999-05-23 Thread John Pickard


There is another solution, one well-known to machinists.

Recalculate ALL your lines, positions etc. as x-y coordinates and 
then set out the dial in whatever size you want from some convenient 
origin. The only question is the resolution of points used to draw 
curved lines. If too sparse, the curves look like straight segments 
joined together. If too close, there is a lot of work!

Thus you can plot it using units of mm, feet, or metres. This allows 
you to have a look at it beforehand.

Another advantage is that you can also use just about any computer 
software to plot it for you.


Dr John Pickard
Senior Lecturer, Environmental Planning
Graduate School of the Environment
Macquarie University, NSW 2109 Australia
Phone + 61 2 9850 7981 (work)
  + 61 2 9482 8647 (home)
Fax   + 61 2 9850 7972 (work)