On Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:12:29 -0500
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

> Process Grand Supervisor
>  |
>  `Process Supervisor (many)
>    |
>    `Process (1, or 2 if there's a ./log)

The remark about logging is incorrect, at least for s6. If an s6
service is logged, the process tree will look like this:

 `- s6-supervise
 |   |
 |   `- service
 `- s6-supervise
     `- s6-log

i.e. the logger is a completely independent process supervised by its
own supervisor. An s6-supervise instance never monitors multiple

> [...]
> There are two kinds of services:
> * Oneshot services
> * Long-run services
> These phrases are crystal clear and have been used forever in this
> community. One could also make the point that there could be
> foreground services: I'll worry about that later.

What exactly do you mean by "foreground service" here?

By the way, I agree that trying to make supervision suites (and s6 in
particular) more accessible is a worthy goal.

Luis Ressel

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