Essex: A simple command line interface for managing s6 services, using the s6 toolset

2019-01-27 Thread Andy Kluger

s6 is great, but its existing interface can feel a bit unwieldy for
me, and I need to re-read the docs frequently. So I've made a command
line frontend with helper functions for it, called essex:

on GitHub:

video demo:

on PyPI:

I hope someone else will also find it useful.

Here's an example runfile and loggerfile generated by the tool:

==> /home/andy/svcs/memdb/run <==
#!/bin/execlineb -P
fdmove -c 2 1   # Send stderr to stdout
foreground { redirfd -w 1 run.md5 md5sum run }  # Generate hashfile,
to detect changes since launch
s6-setuidgid redis  # Run as this user
cd /var/lib/redis   # Enter working directory
redis-server# Do the thing

==> /home/andy/svcs/memdb/log/run <==
#!/bin/execlineb -P
foreground { redirfd -w 1 run.md5 md5sum run }  # Generate hashfile,
to detect changes since launch
s6-log  # Receive process output
  T # Start each line with
an ISO 8601 timestamp
  s4194304  # Archive log when it
gets this big (bytes)
  S41943040 # Purge oldest
archived logs when the archive gets this big (bytes)
  /home/andy/svcs-logs/memdb# Store logs here

It lends itself to aliases like:

`alias sussex="sudo essex -d /var/svcs"`

Thanks of course to skarnet for the excellent software that does all
the work, in a sane way, as well as the frequent immediate support and

Essex does not (at least, not yet) offer any conveniences for
interdependence of processes, but for my cases thus far the usual
retry behavior is sufficient. I welcome advice on growing or otherwise
improving the project, if there's interest.

Please let me know if you try it! Feel free to submit issues, or reach
me on Telegram: , as I'm awful at noticing
emails from real humans.

Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Guillermo

El dom., 27 ene. 2019 a las 15:56, Sean MacLennan escribió:
> So it seems that s6-log does not like buffered output.

It probably isn't that it doesn't like it, but that it doesn't even
get to see the output. As Jonathan also pointed out, when you run
doorknob using a supervision suite, stdout is redirected to a pipe,
which is not an 'interactive device' (unlike an interactive shell's
controlling terminal) so it is fully buffered. And at least GNU libc's
implementation of the  interface buffers indeed. A smaller
program that does your vprintf() + putchar('\n') sequence exhibits
this behaviour, and adding an fflush(stdout) call solves it. But...

> I modified
> doorknob to vsnprintf into a buffer and then tried various output
> methods.
> 1. puts(msg) Failed as expected (basically the same as vprintf).
> 2. write(1, msg, strlen(msg)) Worked! So non-buffered ok.
> 3. fputs(msg, stderr) Then add `fdmove -c 2 1' to the run file works!
>So fdmove seems to fix things up. Which is probably why most people
>don't see this problem.
> Obviously, for 2 and 3 I did a strcat(msg, "\n").
> So I think I will go with 2, but to stderr to follow Jonathan de Boyne
> Pollard's comment "Unix conventions: Logs go to standard error".

If you want minimal changes and follow the convention of logging to
stderr, you could have done vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap) + fputc('\n',
stderr), which also works. stderr is never fully buffered.


Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Roger Pate
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 1:56 PM Sean MacLennan  wrote:
> So it seems that s6-log does not like buffered output. I modified
> doorknob to vsnprintf into a buffer and then tried various output
> methods.

s6-log (or another program) has no idea about your buffered output.
Output cannot be read until it has been written, and data still in a
buffer has not been written.  Change your program to flush after
messages.  It is common for stdio to buffer stdout differently
depending on whether it is a terminal and to not make that distinction
for stderr.  In your terminal, compare "doorknob -fs" (stdout as
terminal) to "doorknob -fs | cat" (stdout as pipe) to see the

PS. You have "dump" twice where I think you mean "dumb", in your
Github description and in your README.

Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Sean MacLennan
So it seems that s6-log does not like buffered output. I modified
doorknob to vsnprintf into a buffer and then tried various output

1. puts(msg) Failed as expected (basically the same as vprintf).

2. write(1, msg, strlen(msg)) Worked! So non-buffered ok.

3. fputs(msg, stderr) Then add `fdmove -c 2 1' to the run file works!
   So fdmove seems to fix things up. Which is probably why most people
   don't see this problem.

Obviously, for 2 and 3 I did a strcat(msg, "\n").

So I think I will go with 2, but to stderr to follow Jonathan de Boyne
Pollard's comment "Unix conventions: Logs go to standard error".

Thanks everybody for the input. I probably would not have suspected the
buffered output was a problem.


Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Colin Booth
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 11:47:51AM -0500, Sean MacLennan wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jan 2019 05:20:00 +
> Colin Booth  wrote:
> > Everything looks fine from over here. Does running doorknob with -fs
> > from the terminal do what you expect? 
> Yup, I get a log message to the console when I send an email.
> > Also, what does 
> > `s6-svstat PATH_TO_DOORKNOB_SVCDIR' and 
> > `s6-svstat PATH_TO_DOORKNOB_SVCDIR/log' 
> > tell you? 
> /service/doorknob# /command/s6-svstat .
> up (pid 948) 47861 seconds
> /service/doorknob# /command/s6-svstat log
> up (pid 847) 75815 seconds
> Log has been up longer because I restarted doorknob with an s6-svc
> down/up. Not sure if this is kosher with logging. Is there a
> recommended way to start/stop services that have logging?
That should be fine. The only requirement that I know of is that you
re-register the service directory if you add or remove a log/ dir since
the presence or absence of a log/ directory is only checked when
s6-svscan first checks the directory. Reregistration in this case means:
delete the symlink, run s6-svscanctl -an, confirm that the removed
service has exited, create the symlink, and re-run s6-svscanctl -an.

Downing a logger may or may not cause problems, depending on how many
messages your service sends. Not because you'll lose stuff, but because
the service will block eventually as it tries to write to a pipe that
isn't being drained.
> > Also, does the target dir for s6-log have the files
> > "current" (apparently not), "lock", and "state"? Those final two
> > files are created by s6-log automatically and should at least
> > indicate that it's starting up fine.
> /service/doorknob# ls log
> current  eventlock  run  state  supervise
> So it does have all the files/directories but current is empty even
> though there should be some log entries.
Cool, that means everything can write correctly.
> I do use s6-log in one other service and it works. In the
> service/s6-svscan-log I have:
> #!/command/execlineb -P
> cat ./fifo
> And the same log/run as doorknob.
> Cheers,
As Laurent mentioned, it sounds like your service isn't terminating its
lines correctly. The other option is that you're writing your messages
to stderr instead of stdout (in which case you'd end up on the
catch-all logger unless you did `fdmove -c 2 1' in your doorknob script 
before starting doorknob itself. That said, it's unlikely, since vprintf
seems to wite to stdout unless you tell it otherwise.

Colin Booth

Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Laurent Bercot

Yup, I get a log message to the console when I send an email.

Try stracing doorknob: "strace -v -s 256 /usr/sbin/doorknob -fs"
in your run script.
Check that the messages it's sending to its stdout are properly
terminated with a newline or null character.
(Messages sent to the console will appear even if they're not
terminated with a newline; but s6-log will keep them in the buffer
until it gets a terminator.)

Even if it's not the problem, strace may give you a hint of what
is happening. If it doesn't, pastebin it somewhere and give us the


Re: s6 problems logging

2019-01-27 Thread Sean MacLennan
On Sun, 27 Jan 2019 05:20:00 +
Colin Booth  wrote:

> Everything looks fine from over here. Does running doorknob with -fs
> from the terminal do what you expect? 

Yup, I get a log message to the console when I send an email.

> Also, what does 
> `s6-svstat PATH_TO_DOORKNOB_SVCDIR' and 
> `s6-svstat PATH_TO_DOORKNOB_SVCDIR/log' 
> tell you? 

/service/doorknob# /command/s6-svstat .
up (pid 948) 47861 seconds
/service/doorknob# /command/s6-svstat log
up (pid 847) 75815 seconds

Log has been up longer because I restarted doorknob with an s6-svc
down/up. Not sure if this is kosher with logging. Is there a
recommended way to start/stop services that have logging?

> Also, does the target dir for s6-log have the files
> "current" (apparently not), "lock", and "state"? Those final two
> files are created by s6-log automatically and should at least
> indicate that it's starting up fine.

/service/doorknob# ls log
current  event  lock  run  state  supervise

So it does have all the files/directories but current is empty even
though there should be some log entries.

I do use s6-log in one other service and it works. In the
service/s6-svscan-log I have:

#!/command/execlineb -P
cat ./fifo

And the same log/run as doorknob.



2019-01-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard


   The plural of "address" is "addresses".  "-ii" is not how any word
   pluralizes in English.


   The way to monitor such a directory nowadays is with
   |kevent(EVFILT_VNODE)| or |inotify_*()|.


   Long-known multi-user spool security precautions: /Always/ check the
   |d_type|; /always/ |fstatat()|/|fstat()| the spool file and check
   for |S_ISREG()|.


   Long-known multi-user spool security precautions: Spool areas should
   be beneath a non-world-accessible parent directory, and the program
   that dumps into the spool should be set-group-ID to a group (or a
   /non-owner/ user) that has search access on the parent in order to
   reach the spool directory beneath.  Not doing this is an error that
   was initially made in Postfix years ago, avoiding all set-ID
   programs without realizing that set-ID is a necessarymechanism for
   secure multi-user spooling when it is in this form. (See Bruce
   Guenter's bcron  for an example of an
   alternative way that multi-user spooling can be structured using a
   submission server and UCSPI-UNIX.)

   The spool-processing dæmon itself does not need to run under the
   aegis of this group, if it is simply started up already in its spool
   directory using |chdir|
    (or cd
    or equivalent) in
   the |run| script.  (This also means that it does not need to
   hardcode the location of its spool directory.  Its spool directory
   is its working directory, where it works.)


   Other security precautions: Dæmons such as this should /always/
   from the superuser in their |run| scripts to an account dedicated to
   the dæmon.  (Compare the |run| script in Bruce Guenter's nullmailer


   Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (2019). "Limiting services: Running
   under the aegises of unprivileged user accounts
   /nosh Guide/. Softwares.



   Other spool-processing dæmon security measures: The dedicated user
   account has no need to own /anything/, neither the spooled files nor
   the spool directory itself.  It needs only read+write+execute
   permission on the spool directory, and read permission on the spool
   files.  Having ownership permission as well permits compromised
   dæmons to change ACLs and permissions.


   Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (2019). "Log service security:
   Dedicated log user accounts
   Guide/. Softwares.


   Debian family operating system conventions:  That has not been the
   way to write a van Smoorenburg |rc| script for Debian family
   operating systems since 2014.


   Petter Reinholdtsen (2014-02-09). init-d-script
   /File formats manual/. Debian.


   C language standards: |stdout| is fully buffered if it is not an
   interactive device, which a pipe is indeed not. |stderr| is of
   course /not/ fully buffered.


   Unix conventions: Logs go to standard error.