Re: logging services with shell interaction

2021-10-19 Thread Laurent Bercot

we have a fair number of services which allow (and occasionally require) user 
interaction via a (built-in) shell. All the shell interaction is supposed to be 
logged, in addition to all the messages that are issued spontaneously by the 
process. So we cannot directly use a logger attached to the stdout/stderr of 
the process.

 I don't understand the consequence relationship here.

 - If you control your services / builtin shells, the services could
have an option to log the IO of their shells to stderr, as well as
their own messages.
 - Even if you cannot make the services log the shell IO, you can add
a small data dumper in front of the service's shell, which transmits
full-duplex everything it gets but also writes it to its own stdout or
stderr; if that stdout/err is the same pipe as the stdout/err of your
service, then all the IO from the shell will be logged to the same place
(and log lines won't be mixed unless they're more than PIPE_BUF bytes
long, which shouldn't happen in practice). So with that solution you
could definitely make your services log to multilog.

procServ is a process supervisor adapted to such situations. It allows an 
external process (conserver in our case) to attach to the service's shell via a 
TCP or UNIX domain socket. procServ supports logging everything it sees (input 
and output) to a file or stdout.

 That works too.


/usr/bin/procServ -f -L- --logstamp --timefmt="$TIMEFMT" \
 -q -n %i --ignore=^D^C^] -P "unix:$RUNDIR/$IOC" -c "$BOOTDIR" "./$STCMD" \
 | /usr/bin/multilog "s$LOGSIZE" "n$LOGNUM" "$LOGDIR/$IOC"

So far this seems to do the job, but I have two questions:

1. Is there anything "bad" about this approach? Most supervision tools have 
this sort of thing as a built-in feature and I suspect there may be a reason for that 
other than mere convenience.

 It's not *bad*, it's just not as airtight as supervision suites make
it. The reasons why it's a built-in feature in 

 - it allows the logger process to be supervised as well
 - it maintains open the pipe to the logger, so service and logger can
be restarted independently at will, without risk of losing logs.

 As is, you can't send signals to multilog (useful if you want to force
a rotation) without knowing its pid. And if multilog dies, it broken
pipes procServ, and it (and your service) is probably forced to restart,
and you lose the data that it wanted to write.
 A supervision architecture with integrated logging protects from this.

2. Do any of the existing process supervision tools support what procServ gives 
us wrt interactive shell access from outside?

 Not that I know of, because that need is pretty specific to your
service architecture.
 However, unless there are more details you have omitted, I still
believe you could obtain the same functionality with a daemontools/etc.
infrastructure and a program recording the IO from/to the shell. Since
you don't seem opposed to using old djb programs, you could probably
even directly reuse "recordio" from ucspi-tcp for this. :)


Re: Service watchdog

2021-10-19 Thread Steve Litt
Petr Malat said on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 09:41:19 +0200

>Yes, in my usecase this would be used at the place where sd_notify()
>is used if the service runs under systemd. Then periodically executed
>watchdog could check the service makes progress and react if it
>The question is how to implement the watchdog then - it could be either
>a global service or another executable in service directory, which
>would be started periodically by runsv.

LOL, I'll tell you how I did it on my reminder system, and you can
decide whether or not to do it my way...

I have a reminder system written by me in Perl early this century, when
I still used Perl. It runs 5 times a day via cron, popping a window up
on the screen telling me of my appointments. Some consider it
intrusive, I like it that way (which is why I wrote it that way).

After a few years of using my reminder system, it became apparent that
sometimes it was failing silently, and I wouldn't notice the
absence of popup windows, causing me to miss appointments and the like.

So I wrote another program (by this time I'd switched to Python), run
as a runit service:

cd /d/at/python/reminder_check
exec chpst -u slitt:slitt /d/at/python/reminder_check/

The main routine of the Python program follows:

while True:

So every SLEEP_SECONDS seconds, it checks logfile LOGFILE, which is
written by the reminder program itself, to see if it's more than
TOO_OLD_HOURS old, and if it does, it throws up a big old green and
purple window proclaiming the alarm system is broken.

In my case, SLEEP_SECONDS is 3600. Yeah, it's polling instead of
interrupt driven, but I make no apology for polling once an hour.
Matter of fact, I'd make no apologies for 10 second polling, given that
if everything's OK all it's going to do is check a file date.

It seems to me the key question is how quickly do you need to be
informed of the failure of the watched daemon. If being informed a
minute later is OK, I'd say my method is fine. If being informed a
second later is OK, I'd rewrite the time check in C and then if it
flunks, system() the "on error" program. If you need subsecond warning,
my method is probably not what you want.

By the way, when I test for a daemon functioning, I typically don't use
svstatus or that other program that just returns a 1 or 0, because I
don't care if the program is running: I want to know that it's
*functioning*, so I test the functionality of the running program. So
for the network, I'd do a quick 1 iteration ping, for PostGreSQL I
might do a simple select statement, etc.

Best of luck.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful

Re: Service watchdog

2021-10-19 Thread Laurent Bercot

Yes, in my usecase this would be used at the place where sd_notify()
is used if the service runs under systemd. Then periodically executed
watchdog could check the service makes progress and react if it

The question is how to implement the watchdog then - it could be either
a global service or another executable in service directory, which
would be started periodically by runsv.

 If a single notification step is enough for you, i.e. the service
goes from a "preparing" state to a "ready" state and remains ready
until the process dies, then what you want is implemented in the s6
process supervisor:

 Then you can synchronously wait for service readiness
(s6-svwait $service) or, if you have a watchdog service, periodically
poll for readiness (s6-svstat -r $service).

 But that's only valid if your service can only change states once
(from "not ready" to "ready"). If you need anything more complex, s6
won't support it intrinsically.

 The reason why there isn't more advanced support for this in any
supervision suite (save systemd but even there it's pretty minimal)
is that service states other than "not ready yet" and "ready" are
very much service-dependent and it's impossible for a generic process
supervisor to support enough states for every possible existing service.
Daemons that need complex states usually come with their own
monitoring software that handles their specific states, with integrated
health checks etc.

 So my advice would be:
 - if what you need is just readiness notification, switch to s6.
It's very similar to runit and I think you'll find it has other
benefits as well. The drawback, obviously, is that it's not in busybox
and the required effort to switch may not be worth it.
 - if you need anything more complex, you can stick to runit, but you
will kinda need to write your own monitor for your daemon, because
that's what everyone does.

 Depending on the details of the monitoring you need, the monitoring
software can be implemented as another service (e.g. to receive
heartbeats from your daemon), or as a polling client (e.g. to do
periodic health checks). Both approaches are valid.

 Don't hack on runit, especially the control pipe thing. It will not
end well.
 (runit's control pipe feature is super dangerous, because it allows a
service to hijack the control flow of its supervisor, which endangers
the supervisor's safety. That's why s6 does not implement it; it
provides similar - albeit slightly less powerful - control features
via ways that never give the service any power over the supervisor.)


logging services with shell interaction

2021-10-19 Thread Ben Franksen

Hi Everyone

we have a fair number of services which allow (and occasionally require) 
user interaction via a (built-in) shell. All the shell interaction is 
supposed to be logged, in addition to all the messages that are issued 
spontaneously by the process. So we cannot directly use a logger 
attached to the stdout/stderr of the process.

procServ is a process supervisor adapted to such situations. It allows 
an external process (conserver in our case) to attach to the service's 
shell via a TCP or UNIX domain socket. procServ supports logging 
everything it sees (input and output) to a file or stdout.

In the past we had recurring problems with processes that spew out an 
extreme amount of messages, quickly filling up our local disks. Since 
logrotate runs via cron it is not possible to reliably guarantee that 
this doesn't happen. Thus, inspired by process supervision suites a la 
daemontools, we are now using a small shell wrapper script that pipes 
the output of the process into the multilog tool from the daemontools 

Here is the script, slightly simplified. Most of the parameters are 
passed via environment.


/usr/bin/procServ -f -L- --logstamp --timefmt="$TIMEFMT" \
 -q -n %i --ignore=^D^C^] -P "unix:$RUNDIR/$IOC" -c "$BOOTDIR" "./$STCMD" \
 | /usr/bin/multilog "s$LOGSIZE" "n$LOGNUM" "$LOGDIR/$IOC"

So far this seems to do the job, but I have two questions:

1. Is there anything "bad" about this approach? Most supervision tools 
have this sort of thing as a built-in feature and I suspect there may be 
a reason for that other than mere convenience.

2. Do any of the existing process supervision tools support what 
procServ gives us wrt interactive shell access from outside?

I would rather have questions that cannot be answered, than answers that
cannot be questioned.  -- Richard Feynman

Re: Service watchdog

2021-10-19 Thread Petr Malat
Yes, in my usecase this would be used at the place where sd_notify()
is used if the service runs under systemd. Then periodically executed
watchdog could check the service makes progress and react if it

The question is how to implement the watchdog then - it could be either
a global service or another executable in service directory, which
would be started periodically by runsv.

On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 07:24:38AM +, Ellenor Bjornsdottir wrote:
> Is this some genre of continuous readiness notification, or so?
> On 19 October 2021 07:20:41 UTC, Petr Malat  wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I'm using the busybox implementation of runit to manage services and I
> >miss some kind of a watchdog in runsv. I though about extending
> >supervise/control pipe by a status command which would allow to publish
> >a status, for example 's Running'. Runsv would then append a monotonic
> >timestamp when it was received and the passed string to its argv[0]
> >making it visible in the process listing. This could be used by "check"
> >to check the service is up and also by watchdog to see it made some
> >progress since the last run.
> >Any opinions on that?
> >BR,
> >  Petr
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Service watchdog

2021-10-19 Thread Ellenor Bjornsdottir
Is this some genre of continuous readiness notification, or so?

On 19 October 2021 07:20:41 UTC, Petr Malat  wrote:
>I'm using the busybox implementation of runit to manage services and I
>miss some kind of a watchdog in runsv. I though about extending
>supervise/control pipe by a status command which would allow to publish
>a status, for example 's Running'. Runsv would then append a monotonic
>timestamp when it was received and the passed string to its argv[0]
>making it visible in the process listing. This could be used by "check"
>to check the service is up and also by watchdog to see it made some
>progress since the last run.
>Any opinions on that?
>  Petr

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Service watchdog

2021-10-19 Thread Petr Malat
I'm using the busybox implementation of runit to manage services and I
miss some kind of a watchdog in runsv. I though about extending
supervise/control pipe by a status command which would allow to publish
a status, for example 's Running'. Runsv would then append a monotonic
timestamp when it was received and the passed string to its argv[0]
making it visible in the process listing. This could be used by "check"
to check the service is up and also by watchdog to see it made some
progress since the last run.
Any opinions on that?