Re: [freenet-support] Related topic (Privacy): Britain wants to track all telecom usage

2009-11-12 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Sweden has it already and they use a dedicated super computer for that.
According to the official top-500 list from june 2009 ( ) it is placed on position 30
with an official overall maximum power of 102.8 TFlop/s.

According to some other sites the swedish government decided to watch
all internet traffic on at least 20 main nodes. This includes ALL
traffic, not only connection tracking but also content. Most other
countries (including germany) just enforce the providers to keep a
record of connections made. This can simply be avoided by using a proxy
through a secure tunnel. The swedish government don't rely on ISPs
providing the required data. They track it themselves, therefore you'll
have to establish a secure connection to some proxy in another country
before your traffic will not be visible in clear-text to the government.

So far so good.

We are on the best way to make ourselves into slaves (well, we are already).

Greetz and have a nice day,

AncoL wrote:
> It's shocking stuff. Monitor all emails and texts! Even in East Germany
> twenty years ago the Stasi did not routine look through all letters.
> Celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall this week and then have a look
> around and see how far we have really come.
> M!
>> I thought quite a few people on this list might be interested in this
>> story, regarding privacy on networks. Maybe it will lead to more
>> people using Freenet, or maybe it will lead to increased legal
>> pressure on Freenet users.
>> The second paragraph gives the long and short of it.
>> "The British government has decided to go ahead with its plans under
>> what it calls the Intercept Modernisation Programme to force every
>> telecommunication company and Internet service provider to keep a
>> record of all of its customers' personal communications, showing who
>> they have contacted, when and where, as well as the web sites they
>> have visited, according to the London Telegraph and various other
>> British papers."
>> -Brian
>> --
>> Feel free to contact me using PGP Encryption:
>> Key Id: 0x3AA70848
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [freenet-support] I dont know if the other went through

2009-09-16 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Evan Daniel wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Matthew Toseland
>  wrote:
>> On Monday 14 September 2009 16:46:38 adam rush wrote:
>>> hey,
>>> my name is adam and i believe in what you all are trying to
>>> accomplish but there is some major things i ran into when i tried using ur
>>> product. One thing i noticed was when i tried running it, it kept telling me
>>> i needed java which i updated to the max. why it kept telling me i needed to
>>> update it i have no idea. maybe you all can tell me why it still wouldnt
>>> work even after i updated. my second concern is that its a little
>>> complicated and throws alot at you when ur just a normal joe such as myself
>>> when you first start up. when i started running the program it started
>>> giving me all these messeges like im not running the right plug-ins right or
>>> something along those lines. i didnt know what it was talking about or how
>>> to fix um so me (bieng the average joe) would get frustrated and quit using
>>> the program (like i did).
>>> heres my idea,
>>> what if you guys didnt make it a web browser based program, like
>>> frostwire, and gave it its own browser. a seprate browser only associated to
>>> the program so it can be watched by the program. and the downloading client
>>> would be much more like frostwire so were not trying to figure it out all
>>> the time and we can enjoy your product better. so the program its self is
>>> like frostwire but the browser is seprate when we wanna start surfing the
>>> web. and the last thing is make all im gonna need to run the program be in
>>> the file when im downloading it for the first time. so i have a once a time
>>> setup then im done! quick and easy.
>>> tryin to help you out because i believe in what yall are doing,
>>> adam rush
>> The Java problem is well known, enormously serious, and has started to be 
>> fixed by various vendors. On Windows, the latest version should not have 
>> this problem; on Mac, OS/X 10.6 fixes the problem, 10.5 update 5 will fix it 
>> when it eventually is released, on Linux it varies from distro to distro (I 
>> think it was recently fixed for Ubuntu). We have disabled the plugins 
>> because of this problem. That breaks a lot of things, making it harder to 
>> "figure it out", but it should be fixed soon.
>> ___
>> Support mailing list
>> Unsubscribe at
>> Or
> Adam:  Can you tell us what OS and version you're running, what
> version of Java (including what vendor) you think you have installed,
> and what version of Java Freenet reports (copy paste the entire "JVM
> Info" box from your stats page)?
> About the browser comment: do you object to the browser interface to
> the node?  Or is it simply that you dislike having the web interface,
> and also separate programs like Frost?  Would you be happier with it
> if there was one main interface, and that interface was an improved /
> expanded version of the current web interface?  If so, do you have
> specific changes you would like to see to that web interface?  Thanks
> for the feedback!
> Toad: Apple has released updates to 10.5.  My 10.5 laptop has
> installed, through the normal software update process, 1.6.0_15 and
> 1.5.0_20.  (Freenet seems to default to using 1.5 instead of 1.6, but
> that's a different problem...)
> Evan Daniel
> ___
> Support mailing list
> Unsubscribe at
> Or

Hint: Java 1.5 is going EOL at October 30th!

So Freenet should at least after that date default to Java 6.
Additionally has the OpenJDK being tested already?

One of the problems Adam talks about is related to the way how the Sun
Java is installed by default on Windows I think. If you just click
through it will create a completely new Installation in a separate
Folder instead of "updating" the installed one. So if Freenet starts up
the first time before the "update" it will have the Folder of the old
version (and I bet that folder is just being used after a restart of
Freenet). So if there is a problem related to the Java version supposed
to be used it could make sense to present a dialog to the user
explaining the warning and giving him/her the opportunity to browse for
another Java installation.

Most Linux distros (at least debian-based ones) don't have such problems
because they use symlinks to always point to the latest version of all
installed Java 6, 1.5, 1.4, ... like this:

lrwxrwxrwx /usr/bin/java -> /

[freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1203

2009-01-23 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Thursday 22 January 2009 22:30, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>> Freenet 0.7 build 1203 is now available. Please upgrade.
>>> The main change in 1203 is that history cloaking is removed. It is very 
> messy
>>> code-wise and does not really solve the problem - for example, if a user
>>> posted the key for something they had inserted, and forgot to remove
>>> the ?secureid= added by history cloaking, a malicious website could then
>>> probe for that key with the secureid.
>>> The real solution to browser history stealing is simply to use a separate
>>> browser for Freenet than the one you use for the wider web. We now warn 
> users
>>> about this at the beginning of the first time wizard.
>> ^^ That is one more reason for the suggestion of a separate UI that I
>> made on 
> This is now largely accepted in the development team as a long-term goal. 
> saces is working on something like this based on wxWindows. However, a 
> dedicated browser/client (somewhere in between probably, e.g. there is no 
> point in converting all the config pages to tabbed dialogs) would likely be a 
> significant amount of work and require a significant amount of maintenance. 

^^ Well, and there I could help out.

> So it's not a priority for 0.8.0.
>> And I feel that I have to restate what I 
>> said there to prefer XUL for such a client as for the following reasons:
>> 1.) widely used already (stable language, although not community driven)
>> 2.) easy to learn (it's just some XML paired with ECMA-Script - even a
>> lazy JEE/web developer like me was able to master that)
> We do actually need some help with javascript, I don't know js...

^^ OK then, I'm ready to help on that for sure.

>> 3.) common look and feel intregrated (most of the users already use some
>> other XUL based apps like Firefox, Thunderbird, aso.)
>> 4.) easy to extend (regarding to plugins, extensions, themes, aso.)
> It will probably require some C++ (or java with mozswing) code, we would want 
> it to speak FCP for various reasons, and we'd want callbacks from incoming 
> FCP packets to some UI elements.

^^ That is why Mozilla created XPCOM. Its interfaces can be called
through privileged JavaScript which is the way all Mozilla apps work.
Today XPCOM components can be written in the following languages:
- - JavaScript
- - C++ (
- - Java (
- - Perl (
- - Python (
- - Ruby (

And that's why I really like it. Having the choice to use the most
simple for what you need.

>> 5.) runs on nearly every platform
>>> There are also some
>>> German translation updates by an anonymous contributor, and some work on 
> the
>>> README and the website.
>>> Apart from the above, Zero3 has started to commit his new windows 
> installer.
>>> saces has continued to work on his wxFCP project, which hopefully will 
> result
>>> in a custom browser for Freenet, which we may or may not use when it is
>>> finished, and robert has committed a spec file for generating RPMs for
>>> Freenet.
>> ^^ RPM? I would rather need DEB or S5R4 datastreams. JRPM over at
>> sourceforge is a straight forward library for creating/parsing RPMs
>> regardless of the platform it runs on. The software I'm developing on at
>> work makes extensive use of the JRPM library and it is used in many
>> production systems so it can be considered as stable. Also it supports
>> noarch packages. I was already about to start working on something
>> similar for Solaris PKG, as the very basics (CPIO streams) is the same
>> in both the RPM and S5R4 package system. Only the stuff around that
>> differs a lot but even on windows one can unpack a datastream PKG with
>> the standalone windows builds of GNU dd and cpio. So there's not much
>> magic. I don't like projects that deliver just one package format (and
>> RPM is really not my favorite one). When you are planning to release
>> freenet in package formats please do it for all or for none. But I would
>> suspect that creating a good MSI would be the hardest task anyway.
> What are S5R4? We cannot support every package format, and we will have to 
> keep the java installer arou

Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1203

2009-01-23 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Thursday 22 January 2009 22:30, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>> Freenet 0.7 build 1203 is now available. Please upgrade.
>>> The main change in 1203 is that history cloaking is removed. It is very 
> messy
>>> code-wise and does not really solve the problem - for example, if a user
>>> posted the key for something they had inserted, and forgot to remove
>>> the ?secureid= added by history cloaking, a malicious website could then
>>> probe for that key with the secureid.
>>> The real solution to browser history stealing is simply to use a separate
>>> browser for Freenet than the one you use for the wider web. We now warn 
> users
>>> about this at the beginning of the first time wizard.
>> ^^ That is one more reason for the suggestion of a separate UI that I
>> made on 
> This is now largely accepted in the development team as a long-term goal. 
> saces is working on something like this based on wxWindows. However, a 
> dedicated browser/client (somewhere in between probably, e.g. there is no 
> point in converting all the config pages to tabbed dialogs) would likely be a 
> significant amount of work and require a significant amount of maintenance. 

^^ Well, and there I could help out.

> So it's not a priority for 0.8.0.
>> And I feel that I have to restate what I 
>> said there to prefer XUL for such a client as for the following reasons:
>> 1.) widely used already (stable language, although not community driven)
>> 2.) easy to learn (it's just some XML paired with ECMA-Script - even a
>> lazy JEE/web developer like me was able to master that)
> We do actually need some help with javascript, I don't know js...

^^ OK then, I'm ready to help on that for sure.

>> 3.) common look and feel intregrated (most of the users already use some
>> other XUL based apps like Firefox, Thunderbird, aso.)
>> 4.) easy to extend (regarding to plugins, extensions, themes, aso.)
> It will probably require some C++ (or java with mozswing) code, we would want 
> it to speak FCP for various reasons, and we'd want callbacks from incoming 
> FCP packets to some UI elements.

^^ That is why Mozilla created XPCOM. Its interfaces can be called
through privileged JavaScript which is the way all Mozilla apps work.
Today XPCOM components can be written in the following languages:
- - JavaScript
- - C++ (
- - Java (
- - Perl (
- - Python (
- - Ruby (

And that's why I really like it. Having the choice to use the most
simple for what you need.

>> 5.) runs on nearly every platform
>>> There are also some
>>> German translation updates by an anonymous contributor, and some work on 
> the
>>> README and the website.
>>> Apart from the above, Zero3 has started to commit his new windows 
> installer.
>>> saces has continued to work on his wxFCP project, which hopefully will 
> result
>>> in a custom browser for Freenet, which we may or may not use when it is
>>> finished, and robert has committed a spec file for generating RPMs for
>>> Freenet.
>> ^^ RPM? I would rather need DEB or S5R4 datastreams. JRPM over at
>> sourceforge is a straight forward library for creating/parsing RPMs
>> regardless of the platform it runs on. The software I'm developing on at
>> work makes extensive use of the JRPM library and it is used in many
>> production systems so it can be considered as stable. Also it supports
>> noarch packages. I was already about to start working on something
>> similar for Solaris PKG, as the very basics (CPIO streams) is the same
>> in both the RPM and S5R4 package system. Only the stuff around that
>> differs a lot but even on windows one can unpack a datastream PKG with
>> the standalone windows builds of GNU dd and cpio. So there's not much
>> magic. I don't like projects that deliver just one package format (and
>> RPM is really not my favorite one). When you are planning to release
>> freenet in package formats please do it for all or for none. But I would
>> suspect that creating a good MSI would be the hardest task anyway.
> What are S5R4? We cannot support every package format, and we will have to 
> keep the java installer arou

[freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1203

2009-01-22 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Freenet 0.7 build 1203 is now available. Please upgrade.
> The main change in 1203 is that history cloaking is removed. It is very messy 
> code-wise and does not really solve the problem - for example, if a user 
> posted the key for something they had inserted, and forgot to remove 
> the ?secureid= added by history cloaking, a malicious website could then 
> probe for that key with the secureid.
> The real solution to browser history stealing is simply to use a separate 
> browser for Freenet than the one you use for the wider web. We now warn users 
> about this at the beginning of the first time wizard. 

^^ That is one more reason for the suggestion of a separate UI that I
made on And I feel that I have to restate what I
said there to prefer XUL for such a client as for the following reasons:
1.) widely used already (stable language, although not community driven)
2.) easy to learn (it's just some XML paired with ECMA-Script - even a
lazy JEE/web developer like me was able to master that)
3.) common look and feel intregrated (most of the users already use some
other XUL based apps like Firefox, Thunderbird, aso.)
4.) easy to extend (regarding to plugins, extensions, themes, aso.)
5.) runs on nearly every platform

> There are also some 
> German translation updates by an anonymous contributor, and some work on the 
> README and the website. 
> Apart from the above, Zero3 has started to commit his new windows installer. 
> saces has continued to work on his wxFCP project, which hopefully will result 
> in a custom browser for Freenet, which we may or may not use when it is 
> finished, and robert has committed a spec file for generating RPMs for 
> Freenet.

^^ RPM? I would rather need DEB or S5R4 datastreams. JRPM over at
sourceforge is a straight forward library for creating/parsing RPMs
regardless of the platform it runs on. The software I'm developing on at
work makes extensive use of the JRPM library and it is used in many
production systems so it can be considered as stable. Also it supports
noarch packages. I was already about to start working on something
similar for Solaris PKG, as the very basics (CPIO streams) is the same
in both the RPM and S5R4 package system. Only the stuff around that
differs a lot but even on windows one can unpack a datastream PKG with
the standalone windows builds of GNU dd and cpio. So there's not much
magic. I don't like projects that deliver just one package format (and
RPM is really not my favorite one). When you are planning to release
freenet in package formats please do it for all or for none. But I would
suspect that creating a good MSI would be the hardest task anyway.



> 1202 was related to history cloaking (making it configurable), and 1201 fixed 
> a bug causing the activelinks enabled setting not to be read on startup.
> If you find any bugs, please report them on the bug tracker:
> Thanks.
> ___
> Support mailing list
> Support at
> Unsubscribe at
> Or mailto:support-request at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1203

2009-01-22 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Freenet 0.7 build 1203 is now available. Please upgrade.
> The main change in 1203 is that history cloaking is removed. It is very messy 
> code-wise and does not really solve the problem - for example, if a user 
> posted the key for something they had inserted, and forgot to remove 
> the ?secureid= added by history cloaking, a malicious website could then 
> probe for that key with the secureid.
> The real solution to browser history stealing is simply to use a separate 
> browser for Freenet than the one you use for the wider web. We now warn users 
> about this at the beginning of the first time wizard. 

^^ That is one more reason for the suggestion of a separate UI that I
made on And I feel that I have to restate what I
said there to prefer XUL for such a client as for the following reasons:
1.) widely used already (stable language, although not community driven)
2.) easy to learn (it's just some XML paired with ECMA-Script - even a
lazy JEE/web developer like me was able to master that)
3.) common look and feel intregrated (most of the users already use some
other XUL based apps like Firefox, Thunderbird, aso.)
4.) easy to extend (regarding to plugins, extensions, themes, aso.)
5.) runs on nearly every platform

> There are also some 
> German translation updates by an anonymous contributor, and some work on the 
> README and the website. 
> Apart from the above, Zero3 has started to commit his new windows installer. 
> saces has continued to work on his wxFCP project, which hopefully will result 
> in a custom browser for Freenet, which we may or may not use when it is 
> finished, and robert has committed a spec file for generating RPMs for 
> Freenet.

^^ RPM? I would rather need DEB or S5R4 datastreams. JRPM over at
sourceforge is a straight forward library for creating/parsing RPMs
regardless of the platform it runs on. The software I'm developing on at
work makes extensive use of the JRPM library and it is used in many
production systems so it can be considered as stable. Also it supports
noarch packages. I was already about to start working on something
similar for Solaris PKG, as the very basics (CPIO streams) is the same
in both the RPM and S5R4 package system. Only the stuff around that
differs a lot but even on windows one can unpack a datastream PKG with
the standalone windows builds of GNU dd and cpio. So there's not much
magic. I don't like projects that deliver just one package format (and
RPM is really not my favorite one). When you are planning to release
freenet in package formats please do it for all or for none. But I would
suspect that creating a good MSI would be the hardest task anyway.



> 1202 was related to history cloaking (making it configurable), and 1201 fixed 
> a bug causing the activelinks enabled setting not to be read on startup.
> If you find any bugs, please report them on the bug tracker:
> Thanks.
> ___
> Support mailing list
> Unsubscribe at
> Or
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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[freenet-support] Temporary files error

2008-12-12 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Friday 12 December 2008 03:03, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> While downloading a set of files indexed by a freesite when it wants to
>> write the downloaded file to disks I always get the following error:
>> "Temporary files error: File already freed"
>> I tried to "restart" the specific files several time. The progress
>> always goes back some percent but not much (that are rather small files)
>> and when it wants to complete the download I get the above message again
>> and again and again.
> Does this happen only with the files from that specific freesite or for lots 
> of files from lots of freesites?
>> Is there anything I can do about that?
>> Regards,
>> AncoL
>> ___
>> Support mailing list
>> Support at
>> Unsubscribe at
>> Or mailto:support-request at

It seems that it happens only with files from one specific freesite, so
I think that there might be something wrong on the file link side.

Ah, I forgot to mention that before freenet is actually downloading the
file it fails for that files with the message "too many path components"
and I have to click on "follow redirect". After that the file download
seems to be OK till the completion phase.

Thanx in advance,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [freenet-support] Temporary files error

2008-12-12 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Friday 12 December 2008 03:03, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> While downloading a set of files indexed by a freesite when it wants to
>> write the downloaded file to disks I always get the following error:
>> "Temporary files error: File already freed"
>> I tried to "restart" the specific files several time. The progress
>> always goes back some percent but not much (that are rather small files)
>> and when it wants to complete the download I get the above message again
>> and again and again.
> Does this happen only with the files from that specific freesite or for lots 
> of files from lots of freesites?
>> Is there anything I can do about that?
>> Regards,
>> AncoL
>> ___
>> Support mailing list
>> Unsubscribe at
>> Or

It seems that it happens only with files from one specific freesite, so
I think that there might be something wrong on the file link side.

Ah, I forgot to mention that before freenet is actually downloading the
file it fails for that files with the message "too many path components"
and I have to click on "follow redirect". After that the file download
seems to be OK till the completion phase.

Thanx in advance,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at

[freenet-support] Temporary files error

2008-12-12 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

While downloading a set of files indexed by a freesite when it wants to
write the downloaded file to disks I always get the following error:

"Temporary files error: File already freed"

I tried to "restart" the specific files several time. The progress
always goes back some percent but not much (that are rather small files)
and when it wants to complete the download I get the above message again
and again and again.

Is there anything I can do about that?



Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


[freenet-support] Temporary files error

2008-12-11 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Hash: SHA1

While downloading a set of files indexed by a freesite when it wants to
write the downloaded file to disks I always get the following error:

"Temporary files error: File already freed"

I tried to "restart" the specific files several time. The progress
always goes back some percent but not much (that are rather small files)
and when it wants to complete the download I get the above message again
and again and again.

Is there anything I can do about that?



Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Support mailing list
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[freenet-support] Download issues

2008-12-11 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Victor Denisov wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> 1. Recently I started getting the following errors when downloads were
> getting to 100%:
> Temporary files error: File already freed
> Freenet allows to remove or restart the download. If I restart it, it
> immediately fails again with the same error. Restarting the client
> doesn't seem to help.
> 2. For a couple of weeks at least I'm getting weird downloads behavior
> when restarting the node. I have about 1 Gb of downloads queued, with
> store size set to 5 Gb (so the cache should be 2.5 Gb). My understanding
> was that after restarting the node, downloads would be pseudo-resumed by
> trying to pull the blocks from the cache before trying to get the from
> the network. However, most downloads on queue loose significant amount
> of progress (sometimes dropping from 80% to 3% for a 60 Mb file) after
> restarting the node (within more than an hour after restart).
> Running 1192 on Java 1.6.0_06 64-bit, Windows XP x64.
> Regards,
> Victor Denisov.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> LeHCLRnEzih7GYlhM1VwQuc=
> =Vhon
> ___
> Support mailing list
> Support at
> Unsubscribe at
> Or mailto:support-request at
I've seen exactly the same behavior too.



[freenet-support] Bug?

2008-12-10 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Mel Charters wrote:
>> Content-Type: multipart/signed;
>>   boundary="nextPart1983121.TrFsbus4oi";
>>   protocol="application/pgp-signature";
>>   micalg=pgp-sha1
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> On Tuesday 09 December 2008 10:43, Volodya wrote:
>>>  Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>>  > On Sunday 07 December 2008 14:57, Volodya wrote:
>>>  >> Mel Charters wrote:
>>>  >>> Probably a bug: please report: 6 peers forcibly disconnected due to not
>>>  >>> acknowledging packets.
>>>  >>> 6 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets
>>>  >>> even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code.
>>>  >>> Please report it to us at the bug tracker at
>>>  >>> or to the support mailing list
>>>  >>> support at Please include this message and what 
>>> version
>>>  >>> of the node you are running. The affected peers (you may not want to
>>>  >>> include this in your bug report if they are darknet peers) are:
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> Freenet 0.7 Build #1191 r24115M
>>>  >>> Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> May be from #1190. Build #1191 appeared within the last 10 hours.
>>  > >>> --
>>>  >>> Mel Charters
>>>  >> Have you restarted your node since Saturday at midnight?
>>>  >
>>>  > Unfortunately that's now Tuesday...
>>>  I just got the same thing. I repeat, the bug is still there (although not 
>>> as
>>>  dominant as before).
>> "Just" ? Did you or did you not restart your node after midnight GMT on
>> Tuesday?
> The bug is still there and I restarted at 12:15 GMT Tuesday morning. Details:
> Probably a bug: please report: 6 peers forcibly disconnected due to 
> not acknowledging packets.
> 6 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets 
> even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code. 
> Please report it to us at the bug tracker at 
> or to the support mailing list 
> support at Please include this message and what 
> version of the node you are running. The affected peers (you may not 
> want to include this in your bug report if they are darknet peers) 
> are:
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
> Freenet 0.7 Build #1191 r24115M
> Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
This one is still seen in build 1192, although it seems to appear less
often (had sometimes around 12 forcibly disconnected with build 1190).

Freenet 0.7 Build #1192 r24161M
Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771

Stacktrace for one of the latest:

at freenet.node.PeerNode.disconnected(
at freenet.node.PeerNode.onRemove(
at freenet.node.OpennetPeerNode.onRemove(
at freenet.node.PeerManager.removePeer(
at freenet.node.PeerManager.disconnect(
at freenet.node.OpennetManager.wantPeer(
at freenet.node.Node.addNewOpennetNode(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.finishOpennet(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.finish(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.realRun(



Re: [freenet-support] Download issues

2008-12-10 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Victor Denisov wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> 1. Recently I started getting the following errors when downloads were
> getting to 100%:
> Temporary files error: File already freed
> Freenet allows to remove or restart the download. If I restart it, it
> immediately fails again with the same error. Restarting the client
> doesn't seem to help.
> 2. For a couple of weeks at least I'm getting weird downloads behavior
> when restarting the node. I have about 1 Gb of downloads queued, with
> store size set to 5 Gb (so the cache should be 2.5 Gb). My understanding
> was that after restarting the node, downloads would be pseudo-resumed by
> trying to pull the blocks from the cache before trying to get the from
> the network. However, most downloads on queue loose significant amount
> of progress (sometimes dropping from 80% to 3% for a 60 Mb file) after
> restarting the node (within more than an hour after restart).
> Running 1192 on Java 1.6.0_06 64-bit, Windows XP x64.
> Regards,
> Victor Denisov.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> LeHCLRnEzih7GYlhM1VwQuc=
> =Vhon
> ___
> Support mailing list
> Unsubscribe at
I've seen exactly the same behavior too.


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Re: [freenet-support] Bug?

2008-12-10 Thread Ancoron Luciferis
Mel Charters wrote:
>> Content-Type: multipart/signed;
>>   boundary="nextPart1983121.TrFsbus4oi";
>>   protocol="application/pgp-signature";
>>   micalg=pgp-sha1
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> On Tuesday 09 December 2008 10:43, Volodya wrote:
>>>  Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>>  > On Sunday 07 December 2008 14:57, Volodya wrote:
>>>  >> Mel Charters wrote:
>>>  >>> Probably a bug: please report: 6 peers forcibly disconnected due to not
>>>  >>> acknowledging packets.
>>>  >>> 6 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets
>>>  >>> even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code.
>>>  >>> Please report it to us at the bug tracker at
>>>  >>> or to the support mailing list
>>>  >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include this message and what version
>>>  >>> of the node you are running. The affected peers (you may not want to
>>>  >>> include this in your bug report if they are darknet peers) are:
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>> *
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> Freenet 0.7 Build #1191 r24115M
>>>  >>> Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> May be from #1190. Build #1191 appeared within the last 10 hours.
>>  > >>> --
>>>  >>> Mel Charters
>>>  >> Have you restarted your node since Saturday at midnight?
>>>  >
>>>  > Unfortunately that's now Tuesday...
>>>  I just got the same thing. I repeat, the bug is still there (although not 
>>> as
>>>  dominant as before).
>> "Just" ? Did you or did you not restart your node after midnight GMT on
>> Tuesday?
> The bug is still there and I restarted at 12:15 GMT Tuesday morning. Details:
> Probably a bug: please report: 6 peers forcibly disconnected due to 
> not acknowledging packets.
> 6 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets 
> even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code. 
> Please report it to us at the bug tracker at 
> or to the support mailing list 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include this message and what 
> version of the node you are running. The affected peers (you may not 
> want to include this in your bug report if they are darknet peers) 
> are:
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  *
> Freenet 0.7 Build #1191 r24115M
> Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
This one is still seen in build 1192, although it seems to appear less
often (had sometimes around 12 forcibly disconnected with build 1190).

Freenet 0.7 Build #1192 r24161M
Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771

Stacktrace for one of the latest:

at freenet.node.PeerNode.disconnected(
at freenet.node.PeerNode.onRemove(
at freenet.node.OpennetPeerNode.onRemove(
at freenet.node.PeerManager.removePeer(
at freenet.node.PeerManager.disconnect(
at freenet.node.OpennetManager.wantPeer(
at freenet.node.Node.addNewOpennetNode(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.finishOpennet(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.finish(
at freenet.node.RequestSender.realRun(



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