Can anyone shed any light on this?

Apologies for my previous 'mad dog' identity; I sent from the wrong email address.

Ian Davies

On 12 Jan 2011, at 12:00pm, wrote:

For some reason my node has lost the ability to recognise just about
any file type other than images, and constantly drops other types of
downloaded file into a list headed "Failed downloads: unknown type"
and then the filetype, such as 'application/x-rar-compressed' or
I don't know exactly when the problem started; I don't *think* it
coincided with an update, but can't be sure. I'm currently running
version 0.7.5#1323 on OS X.
The problem wouldn't be so bad if I could just say, ok nevermind, and
force the browser to download it anyway, but instead I end up having
to jump through what sometimes feels like recursive hoops as I try
various combinations of "Fetch"ing the file, or "restarting the
download" (maybe disabling the content filter?) or "Downloading" the
file, or "forcing the browser to open as a text file" and so on and so
forth... it's complete circular nightmare. Sometimes opening as a text
file works, sometimes it doesn't... no idea why.
How can I "tell" my node about these file types?
Any idea why it lost this ability in the first place?

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