[freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1152

2008-06-11 Thread Jano
Florent Daigni?re wrote:

> Freenet 0.7 build 1152 is now available; It has some new features but
> is mostly about bugfixes. It will be mandatory on the 15th.
> If you are still using a 1.4 JVM it is time to consider upgrading; it
> might be the last 1.4-compatible build we produce.
> On a side note, the manual updating scripts have been updated, please
> ensure your copy is up to date (you can get latest version from
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/update/) and working.
> I strongly advise you to delete the existing sha1test.jar and to replace
> it by https://emu.freenetproject.org/sha1test.jar

> md5:
> aa57770202a059452efeaf29118a464b  sha1test.jar

I have just downloaded sha1test.jar and I get this md5:


Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0.7 build 1152

2008-06-11 Thread Jano
Florent Daignière wrote:

 Freenet 0.7 build 1152 is now available; It has some new features but
 is mostly about bugfixes. It will be mandatory on the 15th.
 If you are still using a 1.4 JVM it is time to consider upgrading; it
 might be the last 1.4-compatible build we produce.
 On a side note, the manual updating scripts have been updated, please
 ensure your copy is up to date (you can get latest version from
 http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/update/) and working.
 I strongly advise you to delete the existing sha1test.jar and to replace
 it by https://emu.freenetproject.org/sha1test.jar

 aa57770202a059452efeaf29118a464b  sha1test.jar

I have just downloaded sha1test.jar and I get this md5:


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[freenet-support] Unbundling Frost

2008-03-02 Thread Jano
Matthew Toseland wrote:

> Ian has stated that Frost is a separate project, and we should not wait
> for a usable FMS. (Background: Frost has been severely DoS'ed recently due
> to being based on KSK queues, and FMS is the answer). Right now we are not
> actually being DoS'ed, but yesterday we were; the spammer occasionally
> takes a day off, but IMHO he's likely to stop spamming now until shortly
> before we ship 0.7.0, and then make Frost unusable again.
> 1) We could just not ship Frost, in order to meet Ian's totally arbitrary
> deadline (not that totally arbitrary deadlines aren't of some value!).

I'm for deadlines, even if arbitrary. Otherwise things tend to get
unnecessarily delayed.

> However IMHO we will have *dramatically* less user retention if we don't
> have a usable chat client - at least on the order of 50%. This is because
> Freenet is a community, and no community can function without chat.

Totally agree here. Announcing 0.7 without some kind of chat will be a big
wasted opportunity.

There's an extra reason that makes chat important for freenet: since there's
no searching (I don't consider spidering the entire freenet a good-enough
substitute), users need to ask for things they're looking for, or to
publicize their insertions.

> 2) Or we could ship Frost even though we know it will probably be DoS'ed
> again, and may be being actively DoS'ed at the point that we ship it. In
> which case IMHO we should advise users about this fact in our announcement
> for 0.7.0. Maybe some good publicity will come from it - it could hardly
> be any worse than us shipping an application which is utterly useless, and
> each user having to figure that out themselves! Telling users will put
> them off ... but not telling users will also put them off.

Shipping a fundamentally broken system that is actively being attacked is
(at least to me) very bad publicity, and freenet has already too much of

> 3) Or we could make a working chat system of some kind a release blocker,
> and act accordingly: review third party code and help in porting FMS to
> java if that is necessary. At the moment FMS is written in C (and
> therefore not bundle-able), and uses a combination of HTTP and NNTP
> interfaces (and therefore is not user friendly). IMHO the critical path
> would be to translate it to java, implement it as a plugin, implement a
> separate plugin with a web interface based on that of Worst, bundle those,
> and let the Frost devs port Frost to use the plugin. Some of this has
> already been started, but I haven't seen much progress recently on the FMS
> board (which oddly is the only board never to have been DoS'ed).

I'm for making the chat system a release blocker. If you can't anonymously
chat about freenet with freenet, it's like a compiler that cannot compile
itself. It doesn't help at all in selling it.

Furthermore, people with previous exposure to freenet coming back will miss
the feature, and how does this reflect on the project?

Re: [freenet-support] Unbundling Frost

2008-03-02 Thread Jano
Matthew Toseland wrote:

 Ian has stated that Frost is a separate project, and we should not wait
 for a usable FMS. (Background: Frost has been severely DoS'ed recently due
 to being based on KSK queues, and FMS is the answer). Right now we are not
 actually being DoS'ed, but yesterday we were; the spammer occasionally
 takes a day off, but IMHO he's likely to stop spamming now until shortly
 before we ship 0.7.0, and then make Frost unusable again.
 1) We could just not ship Frost, in order to meet Ian's totally arbitrary
 deadline (not that totally arbitrary deadlines aren't of some value!).

I'm for deadlines, even if arbitrary. Otherwise things tend to get
unnecessarily delayed.

 However IMHO we will have *dramatically* less user retention if we don't
 have a usable chat client - at least on the order of 50%. This is because
 Freenet is a community, and no community can function without chat.

Totally agree here. Announcing 0.7 without some kind of chat will be a big
wasted opportunity.

There's an extra reason that makes chat important for freenet: since there's
no searching (I don't consider spidering the entire freenet a good-enough
substitute), users need to ask for things they're looking for, or to
publicize their insertions.

 2) Or we could ship Frost even though we know it will probably be DoS'ed
 again, and may be being actively DoS'ed at the point that we ship it. In
 which case IMHO we should advise users about this fact in our announcement
 for 0.7.0. Maybe some good publicity will come from it - it could hardly
 be any worse than us shipping an application which is utterly useless, and
 each user having to figure that out themselves! Telling users will put
 them off ... but not telling users will also put them off.

Shipping a fundamentally broken system that is actively being attacked is
(at least to me) very bad publicity, and freenet has already too much of

 3) Or we could make a working chat system of some kind a release blocker,
 and act accordingly: review third party code and help in porting FMS to
 java if that is necessary. At the moment FMS is written in C (and
 therefore not bundle-able), and uses a combination of HTTP and NNTP
 interfaces (and therefore is not user friendly). IMHO the critical path
 would be to translate it to java, implement it as a plugin, implement a
 separate plugin with a web interface based on that of Worst, bundle those,
 and let the Frost devs port Frost to use the plugin. Some of this has
 already been started, but I haven't seen much progress recently on the FMS
 board (which oddly is the only board never to have been DoS'ed).

I'm for making the chat system a release blocker. If you can't anonymously
chat about freenet with freenet, it's like a compiler that cannot compile
itself. It doesn't help at all in selling it.

Furthermore, people with previous exposure to freenet coming back will miss
the feature, and how does this reflect on the project?

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[freenet-support] Re: Node not starting

2006-08-01 Thread Jano
Matthew Toseland wrote:

> Two copies of freenet running perhaps?

Nopes. What I did to fix it was to install to a clean directory and copy
settings and datastore over. I guess some of the support scripts could be
too old, I see that now update.sh updates itself.

Another symptom is that I always got the "freenet-ext too old" warning
(version reported was 0) even when using the latest one. This is also now
working properly.

> On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 02:05:30AM +0200, Jano wrote:
>> Ok, after many weeks of no problems, after some update (I don't know what
>> one, I have a cron job doing this), everytime I launch the node it dies
>> almost instantly, and the wrapper.log contains this:
>> STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | --> Wrapper Started as Daemon
>> STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Launching a JVM...
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.0)
>> http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered
>> an error running main: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager
>> has already been started with a WrapperListener.
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager has already been started
>> with a WrapperListener.
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager.access$230
>> (WrapperManager.java:384)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager$4.run(WrapperManager.java:1905)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager.start(WrapperManager.java:1902)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> freenet.node.NodeStarter.main(NodeStarter.java:220)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> freenet.node.Node.main(Node.java:912)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
>> java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
>> STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:55 | <-- Wrapper Stopped
>> Any ideas?
>> ___
>> Support mailing list
>> Support at freenetproject.org
>> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.support
>> Unsubscribe at
>> http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support Or
mailto:support-request at freenetproject.org?subject=unsubscribe

[freenet-support] Re: Node not starting

2006-07-31 Thread Jano
Matthew Toseland wrote:

 Two copies of freenet running perhaps?

Nopes. What I did to fix it was to install to a clean directory and copy
settings and datastore over. I guess some of the support scripts could be
too old, I see that now update.sh updates itself.

Another symptom is that I always got the freenet-ext too old warning
(version reported was 0) even when using the latest one. This is also now
working properly.

 On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 02:05:30AM +0200, Jano wrote:
 Ok, after many weeks of no problems, after some update (I don't know what
 one, I have a cron job doing this), everytime I launch the node it dies
 almost instantly, and the wrapper.log contains this:
 STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | -- Wrapper Started as Daemon
 STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Launching a JVM...
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.0)
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered
 an error running main: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager
 has already been started with a WrapperListener.
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager has already been started
 with a WrapperListener.
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at

 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at

 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at

 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at

 INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
 STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:55 | -- Wrapper Stopped
 Any ideas?
 Support mailing list
 Unsubscribe at
 http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support Or


Support mailing list
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[freenet-support] Node not starting

2006-07-27 Thread Jano
Ok, after many weeks of no problems, after some update (I don't know what
one, I have a cron job doing this), everytime I launch the node it dies
almost instantly, and the wrapper.log contains this:

STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | --> Wrapper Started as Daemon
STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.0)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an
error running main: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager has
already been started with a WrapperListener.
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | java.lang.IllegalStateException:
WrapperManager has already been started with a WrapperListener.
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:55 | <-- Wrapper Stopped

Any ideas?

[freenet-support] Node not starting

2006-07-26 Thread Jano
Ok, after many weeks of no problems, after some update (I don't know what
one, I have a cron job doing this), everytime I launch the node it dies
almost instantly, and the wrapper.log contains this:

STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | -- Wrapper Started as Daemon
STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.0)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an
error running main: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WrapperManager has
already been started with a WrapperListener.
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 | java.lang.IllegalStateException:
WrapperManager has already been started with a WrapperListener.
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
INFO   | jvm 1| 2006/07/27 02:04:53 |   at
STATUS | wrapper  | 2006/07/27 02:04:55 | -- Wrapper Stopped

Any ideas?

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[freenet-support] Re: FIX: Freenet thrashing the disk

2004-08-05 Thread Jano
woah, that's weird.  afaicr, default==192 
I thought it was 128...

Since 5088 my Windows XP has been thrashing the disk like nothing I'd ever
before. Memory load was high (440 Mb virtual on a 192 MB physical machine)
not  extremely unusual. According to Task Manager Java and Freenet weren't
taking large amountas of memory.
I put it down to being associated with general network issues.
But with 5089 it was still a problem. My computer was virtually unusable
and I
don't think my node was performign well.
I wasn't getting any error messages about out of memory (although
Windows would advise that my Virtual memory was too low and increase it).
node was working, but like the whole computer was very slow, and the disk
going all the time.
In the file flaunch.ini (located in \program files\freenet ) I changed the
to become:
Rebooted and restarted Freenet and now my node is working the best I've
seen and the disk thrashing has stopped.
I don't know if 192 is a good choice.
I don't know why default became bad - too many node references?
Crassoing some
threshold? I did increase by datastore size a week earlier...or was it the
BigInteger(?) optimisations introduced in 5088?
I'm posting this in case anyone else finds it useful, and also so that if
someone has a chance to think about what default means in flaunch.ini it
wasn't a good choice for me.

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[freenet-support] Re: Stable build 5087

2004-07-28 Thread Jano
Klaus Brüssel wrote:
Am Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004 23:26 schrieb Toad:
Stable build 5087 is now available. The snapshots have been updated.
Please upgrade. You can do this on Windows by using the update option on

Well...upgraded with update.sh on my linux box anf then:
Same here, just after upgrade, and I can't connect to the main interface 
 (but there are a bunch of java processes running).

pause for commercials
Solved it changing the -Xmx128m to -Xmx256m.
I suppose this can be a general problem, I'm running stable without any 
tweaks since a month or so.

In the good side, two minutes running and I can see all the activelinks, 
where the previous build failed after many hours :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/freenet  ./start-freenet.sh
Detected freenet-ext.jar
Detected freenet.jar
Sun java detected.
Starting Freenet now: Command line: java -Xmx128m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=128m 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/freenet  INFO: Native CPUID library jcpuid loaded from 
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library 'libjbigi-linux-athlon.so' loaded 
from resource
Caught java.lang.OutOfMemoryError running or seeding node
Caught, in Main:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/freenet  cat freenet.log
28.07.2004 01:29:23 (freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable, main, ERROR): Caught 
java.io.IOException: Value out of range: 450.0 deserializing a 
NodeEstimator for DataObjectRoutingMemory:tcp/, 
sessions=1, presentations=3, ID=DSA(6bdd 26bd 0a5f f693 8fe4  9809 0c53 24f9 
af1f cc36), 
java.io.IOException: Value out of range: 450.0
at freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable.init(NGRoutingTable.java:187)
at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:858)
28.07.2004 01:31:12 (freenet.node.Main, main, ERROR): Caught 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError running or seeding node
linux kernel 2.6.7
sun jvm Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)

1) builds 5085 and 5086 often crashed with signal 11, can this corrupt the 
routing table files (those *_a *_b) ?
2) is something wrong with the seednodes.ref ?
3) startup times are much too long lately - only conducted by the big 
datastore ? How much memory (RAM) is recommended if used with 20+ GB 
datastore ?

P.S. I deleted those *_a and *_b files and replaced seednodes.ref with a 
version that is much smaller (2 nodes) and my node starts up !

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[freenet-support] Re: new stable(part 2)

2004-07-27 Thread Jano
Newsbyte wrote:
And that is really crappy: my statusbar is around 1-2% and stays there, 
no activelinks show up at all, etc.
I'm too noticing lower activity. Bandwidth consumption is for sure 
lower, and the activelink were too irretrievable (until, casually, my 
last try. Maybe the critical period is ending). I can't retrieve neither 
FBNI nor YoYo! (are they being inserted in summer? FIND carries a 
warning in the front page but the others I don't know).

Anyway, I'm seeing a bunch of these in the logfile:
26-jul-2004 9:30:05 (freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable, main, ERROR): 
Caught java.io.IOException: Value out of range: 450.0 deserializing 
a NodeEstimator for DataObjectRoutingMemory:tcp/x.9.x.3x:3, 
sessions=1, presentations=3, ID=DSA(011f c535 4102 cab4 210f  f65d b10d 
3441 1374 50df), 
java.io.IOException: Value out of range: 450.0

I'm fairly well connected:
Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)   124 (122/2/512)
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[freenet-support] Re: Help required - nothing happening

2004-07-05 Thread Jano
Phil wrote:
Sorry, hold on! I finally found the full set up instructions under the Frost 
guide.  Unfortunately the newbie windows guide gave me (and no doubt many 
who 'no speak geek') the impression all I had to do was download freenet.exe, 
Firefox with a few settings changes  the reference file and blast away. Of 
course that's not it. Unfortunately.

I'm running behind a proxy on a LAN, as it turns out by running ipconfig, with 
a dynamic IP (it shows a 'lease expiry' date as described).  I've set up an 
account on dynDNS.org and a client and configured the freenet node address 

Having got that far (taken most/all of the afternoon), I now find I have to 
reconfigure TCP/IP for a static IP (but on Windows 2000 the control panel 
doesn't seem to have anything resembling what is described in the Frost newbie 

Also, I have no idea how I would get our ISP (or is it the LAN server?) to 
allow port forwarding (perhaps it already does, I don't know) from 51794 (the 
default on freenet.exe)to my PC.  They would certainly want to know why I 
wanted to do such a thing.

Any suggestions, or am I stuffed?
I'm sure you'll get much more informed answers, but even without port 
forwarding I've heard that you can get decent performance (I suppose by 
means of your outbound connections).

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[freenet-support] Re: Secure NIMs?

2004-07-02 Thread Jano
Someone wrote:
Jano schrieb:
Freemail is an idea I like a lot but at least my windows experience 
has been... lacking. The alpha 20 has been there for ages... is it 
still under development? Is someone using it on stable?

I tried to use it on stable, but it doesn't work that good. Almost all of
the times it tries to insert a message an gets a RNF it doesn't remember
the slot it used to insert. So after some hours the same message got 
in multiple slots. To make it worse, the message somehow got through and 
confirmed by the receiver, but freemail didn't get it right and was still
trying to insert the message. After an manual count I saw that the one
message I did send was inserted into about 80 receiver slots and there was
no way to tell freemail to stop inserting it again and again into new 

Additionally the freemail process stalled totally after some hours using
all available CPU which means I had to run it on a very low priority or
it would starve my freenet node to death.
All this is with the latest windows version of freemail, don't know if
the linux version runs better.
My conclusion about it: nice idea but far from beeing usable at the moment.
I had forgot about the 100% CPU issue, but it happened to me too. In my 
case the message wasn't being inserted multiple times, but was being 
tried to be inserted into an used slot, and the collisions triggered 
some exception which prevented freemail from any further normal operation.

Nonetheless, I managed to exchange several messages between two test 
identities. I hope the project will eventually continue.

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[freenet-support] Re: Secure NIMs?

2004-07-01 Thread Jano
Toad wrote:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 02:41:17PM +0200, Jano wrote:
You mean, like Freemail?
Freemail is an idea I like a lot but at least my windows experience has 
been... lacking. The alpha 20 has been there for ages... is it still 
under development? Is someone using it on stable?

It doesn't seem to be. I sent him an email (not a freemail) to ask about
a feature, and never got a reply. However at least we have the tarball;
it is under the GPL so it can be maintained even if he disappears. Of
course we need to store a copy of the site...
Thanks for the rest of your comments. I was more interested in an 
automated, a-la NIM solution, but I should have known that if NIMs 
aren't like that is for a reason.

Well... FreeMail is quite usefully automated. And should be reasonably
reliable as long as Freenet is working... of course freenet isn't
working well enough for FreeMail to work well...
I've seen it work almost fine for some time over unstable, but at some 
point something gets corrupted in the database and no progress can be 
made; messages don't get dispatched nor received... at least that's not 
freenet's fault. It was on a WinXP.

Yesterday I tried to run it in linux and didn't managed to insert my 
identity on stable. Too many time stuck, and the node was running 
great... maybe I'll try some other day.

But seriously, the concept of freemail is great... I'd say a must have 
application for a working freenet 1.0

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[freenet-support] Secure NIMs?

2004-06-30 Thread Jano
Few days ago I noticed that everyone can read the NIMs for a particular 
freesite. This may be obvious but I hadn't used NIMs before and hadn't 
stopped to think about it.

So, my question is: is there a procedure to send an anonymous message 
which could be read only by the freesite owner?

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[freenet-support] Re: Secure NIMs?

2004-06-30 Thread Jano
You mean, like Freemail?
Freemail is an idea I like a lot but at least my windows experience has 
been... lacking. The alpha 20 has been there for ages... is it still 
under development? Is someone using it on stable?

Thanks for the rest of your comments. I was more interested in an 
automated, a-la NIM solution, but I should have known that if NIMs 
aren't like that is for a reason.

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