RE: [freenet-support] Problem for over a week

2003-12-08 Thread Pete
Hi Gene, welcome to freenet, the error you are currently seeing 'should'
be a rare one, but with issues on the network it's a tad more common,
but looking at the information you posted it's not actually a network
related issue so lets look at the most important part of the post as I
see it
Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.

* 0 were totally unreachable.
* 0 restarted.
* 0 cleanly rejected.

Your node didn't even try to connect to the network, it could be one of
these reasons
1)your behind a firewall and not allowing freenet to communicate with
the network
2)You haven't got any seedrefs

Try downloading
into your freenet directory and restarting your node.

Get back to us if that doesn't work and we'll see what else we can


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gene ENonymous
Sent: 07 December 2003 19:00
Subject: [freenet-support] Problem for over a week

Dear Support,
I've been getting the following message for over a week since 
I upgraded 
some build
(currently at 5049). It was working fine prior to that.

I've been continuing to upgrade since this first started 
happening in hopes it was just a build joy. Can 
you explain what the following message means? And maybe how to 
get back 



Couldn't retrieve key: 
Hops To Live: 25

Error: Route Not Found

Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.

* 0 were totally unreachable.
* 0 restarted.
* 0 cleanly rejected.

The request couldn't even make it off of your node. Try again, 
perhaps with 
the GPL to help your node learn about others. The publicly 
available seed 
nodes have been very busy lately. If possible try to get a 
friend to give 
you a reference to their node instead.

Route Not Found messages mean that your node, or the rest of 
the network, 
didn't find the data or enough nodes to send the request to. 
You should 
retry, with the same Hops-To-Live; if it persists, there may 
be a problem 
(check that your internet connection is working). Try 
reseeding your node, 
and if that doesn't work, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [freenet-support] Freenet under Linux issues

2003-12-07 Thread Pete
It sounds as though your node is running just fine, it's actually the
network that's fscked atm, there is currently a 'lot' of work going on
aimed at solving the issues you are encountering (check the devl list
for more details)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Justin The Cynical
Sent: 05 December 2003 23:04
Subject: [freenet-support] Freenet under Linux issues

I've done some digging on the list and the web site and I can 
not find any reason for this to be happening.

Freenet build 5048 set for a perm node
Sun Java j2re1.4.1_06
Linux kernel 2.2.25

The machine is running a firewall script, but the freenet node 
port is higher than what the firewall worries about.  Besides, 
I was/am able to pull the GPL file.

What is going on is that it does not seem to be able to 
retreive any sites.  So far, the GPL is the only thing I've 
been able to look at besides my own gateway, and even that 
isn't pulling up the icons for YoYo, The Tower, etc.

I've left it running for a few days and it still isn't able to 
pull anything.  I mainly receive Route Not Found messages, but 
I do also get messages that it never made it past my node and 
to try to get the GPL (which it has), but I still can't get 
anywhere else.

The annoying part for me is that when I was first 
experimenting with it, I was running it on my XP machine 
forwarding the port via the NAT/PAT software and after a few 
days I was able to at least get to YoYo and see a few 
catagories as well as have the icons appear on the main 
bookmark page.  I started using the Linux box as the node for 
stability (the XP machine gets rebooted too much for use as a 
perm node), but it seems that the windows client works better. 
 Someone tell me it isn't so!

Also, when I try clicking on Spread Freenet, I get a blank 
page that says nothing more than 'Error'.  ??

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RE: [freenet-support] Suddenly unable to connect to network

2003-11-30 Thread Pete
Just to add some more info I pretty much built my own ref file from
public nodes running 5046 so my rt looks like this

scale factor: 0.7356321811676025 (This is used to keep lines  64


mean: 87.0

I also had the ones I downloaded from as well

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Troed SĂ„ngberg
Sent: 30 November 2003 21:04
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Suddenly unable to connect to network

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:43:04 -, Pete 

 Here are my stats for ARK's

 I doubt you're the only one having issues

 Number of node references 87
 Contacted node references 44
 Node references requesting ARKs 46

 This is not a good sign, my highest ARK is 153

I, on the other hand, do not have these problems. My 
transferrate in FUQID 
is low, but it was low since a few stable NGR-snapshots back as well. 
Frost actually seems to work better with classic routing as 
compared to 

I also reseeded when upgrading the snapshot [how many who do 
not read this 
list will not do that .. ]

Number of node references  50  
Contacted node references  33  
Node references requesting ARKs14

I have one ARK at 46, and at 17. The rest are at 4 and below. 
The absolute 
majority are at 1.

The node version histogram also shows a few old nodes still referenced:

Fred,0.5,1.47,5037 |=
Fred,0.5,1.47,5039 |==
Fred,0.5,1.47,5041 |=
Fred,0.5,1.47,5042 |
Fred,0.5,1.47,5043 |
Fred,0.5,1.48,5046 | 
Fred,0.6,1.47,6364 |=== Fred,0.6,1.47,6367 |===

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RE: [freenet-support] RE: Suddenly unable to connect to network

2003-11-30 Thread Pete
I think someone missed the point of the network split...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James Bason
Sent: 01 December 2003 01:19
Subject: [freenet-support] RE: Suddenly unable to connect to network

 I upgraded to version 5046 yesterday, and now I always get the error
 Couldn't connect to the network. Are you sure you have configured
 Freenet correctly? Also make sure that you are connected to the
 I have not changed anything in my configuration, and I am connected to
 the internet. Is the network down, or could this be a bug in 5046?

For those of you who have tried reseeding, updating, and everything else
and just want the darn thing to work, your best bet is to go to the
unstable branch. Take the following steps to do so:

1) Shut down Freenet completely
2) Go to
3) Download freenet-unstable-latest.jar
4) Download unstable.ref
5) Rename freenet-unstable-latest.jar to freenet.jar
6) Rename unstable.ref to seednodes.ref
7) Copy both of the renamed files into your Freenet folder, overwriting
the existing files
8) Run Freenet, give it a few hours to reintegrate

Caveat Warning for Windows users - You can't use the webinstaller to
update unstable (at least last I checked). If you use the webinstaller,
it will send you right back to the stable branch. To update, you'll have
to run through the steps I've outlined here once again, though you
probably will not need to get the .ref file again.

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[freenet-support] Issues with servlet/nodestatus/ocmContents.html

2003-11-11 Thread Pete
Here's what I'm running freenet on

Architecture and Operating System  
Architecture x86 
Available processors 1 
Operating System Windows XP 
OS Version 5.1 
Java Virtual Machine  
JVM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. 
JVM Name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
JVM Version 1.4.2_02-b03 
Has anyone got any ideas why the line graphs on
servlet/nodestatus/ocmContents.html don't load in mozilla/opera for me?
(well In IE as well but I shouldn't admit to that)



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RE: [freenet-support] Fuqid keeps stalling out?

2003-11-11 Thread Pete
Set fuqids retries to about 25, basically whats happening is a
dissemination of data, meaning freenet is spreading the data making it
harder to retreive, using the browser to retrieve a file won't help your
efforts much as fuqid is dedicated to retrieving files from freenet a
mainstream browser isn't ;)

With Frost you'd will probably find the same retrieval patterns as your
seeing with Fuqid.

Oh a question in return what freenet build are you running?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: 12 November 2003 00:05
Subject: [freenet-support] Fuqid keeps stalling out?

Whenever my downloads get to the 70-90% range, they slow down to a crawl
and just don't finish. I've tried reinstalling freenet and fuqid several
times. I used to be able to get complete downloads pretty regularly
before the last couple of weeks. Would it be better to use my browser
for retrieving or frost, instead of fuqid? Could this be due to using
the default seednodes.ref file? Any advice much appreciated.

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RE: [freenet-support] how to start on freenet?

2003-01-22 Thread Pete Soden
Freenet isn't a peer to peer (p2p) file sharing platform such as kazaa or
gnutella, as such you don't have a shared file folder as in kazaa. To share
files on freenet you'll need to insert the files onto the network which may
take some time, with this in mind and you still want to share your files the
best way will be to use frost which is a third party piece of software for
the freenet network. Frost can be found at
and will allow you to insert your files onto freenet, search for files other
people have inserted via frost and communicate with other frost users by the
bulletin board system within it.

Hope this helps


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Pazos
Sent: 22 January 2003 20:28
Subject: [freenet-support] how to start on freenet?

Hi there,

I m sorry to email you about this, but I dont understand how start freenet
putting an index page with my shared files and the keys and I dont know how
to found some files over your system. I think, I m probably not the only one
asking you this but could you please help me or give me an information to
find the way how to work with your product. I feel he's very nice and cool.
Hope have news from you soon
Thanks again
Best rgds

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

2003-01-12 Thread Pete Soden
Actually Jay, I didn't need anyhelp having a healthy node running already,
and I do understand the problems the faces the dev team, but com'on for a
newbie does

 If you continue getting Route Not Found (RNF) errors for a prolonged
period of time, you might need to get newer seed node references.

actually mean anything? I seriously doubt it. a nicer response would of been
try downloading some seednode refs from this should help with the route not found

And for anyone who would publish a seedref file but don't wont it on their
own personal site they pay for their are plenty of free hosting services
that you can lie to about you age address name etc ot get an account so
that's no excuse.

and didn't someone start mirroring once? What happened to


- Original Message -
From: Jay Oliveri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

On Saturday 11 January 2003 07:07 pm, Pete Soden wrote:
 Well gee what a load of help you are to someone who hasn't had the joy
 and benefit of actually using a fully set up node, this sort of attitude
 is why people  give up after they try the software then when it doesn't
 work and can't find any help.

 So why don't we try to be constructive? instead of sarcasm/sarcasm
 1) Mention of these sort of things on
 2) Add a link to a google search that is looking for the seednode.ref
 from the gateway/failure page?

I had the privelege of being in #freenet for most of Saturday, and a couple
of newbies were confused and frustrated because was
down, and they couldn't get seeds, latest freenet.jar, etc.

In trying to help some of these poor souls by asking questions and offering
possible options, I was repeatedly flamed on why is
down?  why isn't there a mirror?  why, why why...

In the end I don't think I was helpful to anyone; I offered to send someone
my jar files, seeds, and whatever they wanted but it wasn't good enough.
One person wanted a specific build (5xx or something), and when I could not
produce it (I don't keep the old buggy jars) I was met with more
complaining and bitching on why everything is screwed up, how freenet has
been in development for the last 70 years, etc.

Greg just gave you good solid advice, wrapped in a little sarcasm.  If
you've spent any time working on this project as I have (albeit client
tools) you may become sarcastic at times, since it so often feels like a
thankless task.  Building an application to ensure true freedom of
communication over the Internet takes more than just a weekend of coffee
and pizza.

Lucky for me, I code for personal satisfaction.  I sincerely wish you good
luck :)

Jay Oliveri  In the land of the blind,
GnuPG ID: 0x5AA5DD54  the one-eyed man is king.
FCPTools Maintainer

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support mailing list

Re: Suggestions (was: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help)

2003-01-12 Thread Pete
sending them to the mailing list is a tad pointless, I mailed mine into the
list to help the guy who started the Lamer help thread, but it got put to
one side for moderation, as it was larger than 40k, so that'll never see the
light of day again as the lists aren't really moderated, anything that ends
up there gets deleted.

but I like the rest of the idea, I think the best person to talk about
mirroring the site would be Ian, I may even have a go if it is deemed

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: Suggestions (was: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help)

 Pete Soden wrote:
  And for anyone who would publish a seedref file but don't wont it on
  own personal site they pay for their are plenty of free hosting services
  that you can lie to about you age address name etc ot get an account so
  that's no excuse.

 That is one possibility; I guess google would then be able to tag them and
 a search for seednodes.ref might help. Everybody should use the very same
 filename, and I'd say seednodes.ref is an appropriate one.

 Another possibility, upload monthly to the ML (weekly?) a seednodes.ref.
 Then it would stay in the mail archives, for everyone to go fetch it. I
 think. :)

  and didn't someone start mirroring once? What
happened to

 What are the requirements for that? I might just go and do that.
 I don't have a big pipe to the 'net, but if the choice is between (very)
 slow and down, I'd go for the slow one.


 --- TLD
 Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
   Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
   and the patterns to which we submit it. [Pinhead]

 support mailing list

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

2003-01-11 Thread Pete Soden
If new people could download the new seed.ref that would help, but with down newbies can't get them so they'll all be seeing that

- Original Message -
From: Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

2003-01-11 Thread Pete Soden
Well gee what a load of help you are to someone who hasn't had the joy and
benefit of actually using a fully set up node, this sort of attitude is why
people  give up after they try the software then when it doesn't work and
can't find any help.

So why don't we try to be constructive? instead of sarcasm/sarcasm
1) Mention of these sort of things on
2) Add a link to a google search that is looking for the seednode.ref from
the gateway/failure page?

I actually had thought you were a decent helpful guy Greg but obviously your
starting to share the dis-illusionment that has affected other freenet
authors recently. So if your not going to offer to be helpful (I actually
sent the guy my node.ref to help and posted a copy to the mailing list but
it was to big and is awaiting administration) don't bother saying anything.


Pete Soden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 If new people could download the new seed.ref that would help, but with down newbies can't get them so they'll all be seeing

Yeah, it's too bad that people never ever put their own seednodes.ref
files on their own web sites.  I mean, sure, it would be great if
one could go to some place like and find
a seednodes.ref file there for the taking.  Or maybe, in some
theoretical alternate earth, one could go to Google, search for
seednodes.ref, and find sites like
whence seednodes.ref files could be retrieved.


Granted, these could conceivably be out of date, but an old
seednodes.ref file is surely better than one which is known empirically
not to work, and it's surely leagues better than none at all.

Greg Wooledge  |   Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |- The Red Hot Chili Peppers |
- Original Message -
From: Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help

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