FYI, i needed to update my jre to 1.4.1 anyhow, so i thought i would go 
the "yes to download and install a new jre" route, it worked fine this way.


Josh Steiner wrote:

> ok, i moved my existing node's folders and decided to try out the new 
> windows installer to see how its doing, it is having problems finding 
> my java installtion.  it popped up the "i did not find sun's java 
> runtime" message, i hit No so that it would search for it, it said 
> "congratulations! java interpreters have been found.  you may choose 
> from the list".  i hit ok.  it show's two runtimes:
> C:\j2sdk1.4.0\bin\java.exe
> C:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\bin\java.exe
> i clicked on the top one, then "update settings" and it pops up the "i 
> still can't find any java interpretors, did you really install the 
> JRE? installation will now stop"
> ... and it does stop...
> this is on windows 2000 with the installer i grabbed from:
> -Josh
> Ian Clarke wrote:
>> Ok, in a few days we will release 0.5pre2 - which may become Freenet 0.5.
>> We need people to hunt for bugs, not just the obscure kind that you 
>> can only spot by pouring through the logs, but also the kind that are 
>> so obvious that the core developers don't see them - such as 
>> usability issues, assuming that the user knows things they might not 
>> know, holes in the documentation etc etc.
>> If you think you have found such a bug, however superficial or obvious
>> it might be - send it to the development mailing list so that we can 
>> ensure it is fixed in the next release.
>> Bug reports on both Linux and Windows are needed - particularly Windows.
>> All the best,
>> Ian.
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