vinyl1 schrieb:

{           1/ 13} Inserting 262144 bytes (try 1), HTL=25
[2004-03-08 22:15:17] {           1/ 13} Fatal error in insert
thread: EFCPError: connect failed: 10061

Looks like a error in the setup of your node or fuqid, as it can't even connect to the FCP port of your node. Make shure you have entered the right port and address within fuqid.

I am on dialup, and am running a transient node.  It used to work OK,
although slowly, for viewing content and using FUQID and Frost.

Don't expect any good performance from a transient node on dialup.

I can see why FUQID might not be able to retrieve old content, but I cannot
see why FUQID won't insert, unless it has hard-coded node IP addresses
compiled into it.  Release 1.2 is the latest FUQID I could find.

FUQID 1.3 is the latest and resolves some major bugs.

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